SH59 Re-opened this morning

We are again having direct access to the north, and work is continuing—so keep to the lowered speed limit. The latest from Waka Kotahi follows.

Good morning,

State Highway 59 between Pukerua Bay and Paekākāriki is now OPEN.

There are still active work sites along this corridor, so please take care and keep to the restricted speed limit for the safety of road users and crews.

We thank you for your patience.

Ngā mihi,

Anita De Klerk, Wellington Transport Alliance

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Climate Change Workshop

Are you keen to get involved in a discussion about climate change, focused on issues and solutions in Pukerua Bay? Want to find out what others are doing, and how you can be part of a community response that starts from our strengths and the positive things we are already doing?

Whether as an individual or as a member of a group, you are warmly welcomed to a community workshop to be held on Sunday 16 October, from 2–4 pm, in the Pukerua Bay School and Community Hall. (Please note the change in date.)

The purpose of this workshop is to:

  • Raise awareness about environmental activities in Pukerua Bay (Kaitiakitanga)
  • Raise awareness about climate change impacts
  • Identify a set of residents who want to take the conversation further.

This will be a ‘stocktake’ meeting where we develop an understanding of the local impacts of climate change, ascertain what issues are on top for people and map our connections with each other.  We will also consider the UN Sustainable Development Goals and think about what they mean for our village.

We really look forward to seeing you! Light refreshments will be provided.

When What
2.00 pm Karakia timatanga
2.10 pm Workshop overview
2.15 pm Whakawhanaungatanga – intro, why are you here
2.30 pm Brief overview from Council
2.40 pm Sustainable Development Goals exercise – Led by Barbara Nebel
Grab a cup of tea and reflect
3.10 pm Lightning reportback from each group
3.20 pm Synthesise reportback and discussion
3.45 pm Next steps
3.55 pm
4.00 pm–4.30 pm
Karakia and close
Pack up


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Local Government 2022 election candidates

It’s that time where we all vote for who represents us on our local government bodies (Porirua City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council), and who serves as mayor of Porirua city. The election runs from 16 September to 8 October; more about voting is available at the Electoral Commission’s Vote NZ site.

Pukerua Bay “Meet the Candidates” public meeting

Date: 7 pm, Wednesday 14 September (ical)
Venue: Pukerua Bay School and Community Hall (map)

Come and find out what your candidates are about, and grill them with your pointed questions. We’re asking candidates for information relevant to Pukerua Bay, and putting together responses as they come to hand on our election page, “2022 Local Government Election”. More information on the Porirua City Council candidates is available on the Porirua City Council “Candidates for Election” page.

Local Government 2022 election candidates Read More »

SH 59 Re-opening update

The benchwork

SH 59 will not be re-open on Monday 12 September. There is more work to be undertaken. Waka Kotahi has provided the below up-date

Crews are working 24 hours daily to get State Highway 59 between Pukerua Bay and Paekākāriki reopened next week.

As of this morning, Friday, 9 September, 19,000 cubic metres, approximately 2500 truckloads of earth has been removed from the site as part of slip remediation, and slope benching works. Another 6,000 cubic metres, almost 800 truckloads, is to be removed this weekend.

Weather permitting, earthworks will be completed early next week.

The final part of the operation will be clearing the work site, installing edge barriers and reinstating the road before reopening safely to the public, which will take an additional 2-3 days.

On Monday, 12 September Waka Kotahi will provide an update on the expected timeframe for reopening the road.

Here are the FACEBOOK and TWITTER links for sharing.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ngā mihi, Anita De Klerk (she/her)/ Customer Communications and Engagement Advisor

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Pest-free Pukerua Bay meeting

A community-led initiative to make Pukerua Bay pest-free, of mustelids and rats.

Rat traps and tunnels courtesy of Department of Conservation, to keen Pukerua Bay trappers for a $20 donation, which will help buy more traps.

Kelvin Hastie will be there to share his experiences making Crofton Downs Wellington’s first pest-free suburb and we will demonstrate how to use your trap and get you started. We will also have a speaker from the Kapiti Biodiversity Project.

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Predator Free Pukerua Bay March and April update

This post is published on behalf of the Predator Free Pukerua Bay project. If you are interested in participating, email for more information.

Autumn is definitely with us now – longer, cooler nights means that rats and mice are looking for warmer lodgings. It’s a great time to check your roof cavities and out-buildings for signs of rats and mice and place traps accordingly. We had great success at our house just by moving our trap into the garden shed (previously, it was just outside by the shed door): we caught a mouse and a rat that very night! We have also heard of others putting a little bit of bait at the tunnel entrance as a lure, which has been successful.

March and April’s 2017’s reported catches

March and April’s catch numbers continue to increase.

Total reported catches since 12 November 2016: 262 rats; 375 mice; 10 mustelids (all in the Scientific Reserve); and 32 hedgehogs.

Welcome on board to our newest trappers! At the end of April, we have 102 properties involved in Predator-free Pukerua Bay (about 14 percent of all Pukerua Bay properties). All of the original 90 traps/tunnels provided by the Department of Conservation have now been sponsored – what a great effort from the community!

Pukerua Bay’s Next Top Ratter and Top Mouser: March and April


April’s Top Ratter is Matt Wilson (9 rats). Honourable mentions to Jane Abdee and Nikky & Chris Winchester. Our top ratter for March was Julie Kilpatrick (26 rats).

Lots of mousing over the last two months: April’s Top Mouser is Matt Wilson. March’s champion mouser was Peter Roach.

Keep up the great work everyone! Hopefully, you and your neighbours are noticing more bird and wildlife in your areas!

Your baited, set trap is an important strategic part of our community network whether or not you catch anything. Good trap coverage ensures that we catch what is around and provides some insurance against re-invasion. If you have not yet caught anything, don’t worry or feel like you are not making a difference: just keep the bait fresh, check the trap regularly, and report any catches.

A few very important thank yous!

We made an application for funding support to Porirua City Council. It has very generously agreed to fund a further 75 rat traps and tunnels for sponsorship in and around the village. Thank you very much Porirua City Council! These extra traps/tunnels mean that we can continue our efforts to get sufficient coverage for effective predator control. These traps and tunnels are available for sponsorship NOW and we are keen to get these out ASAP. Get your friends and neighbours to contact us on if they are interested.

We are also very lucky to have a talented builder of tunnels on the team. Kerry’s work is well supported by his employer, Placemakers Paraparaumu. So a big shout out to both for their effort and support of our community trapping initiative!

Finally, thanks to all of you who stopped by at the school gala – it was great to catch up!

Lizard monitoring in the scientific reserve

Volunteers monitored lizards in the Pukerua Bay Scientific Reserve for 51 days during summer, led by herpetologist Don Newman. No Whitaker’s skinks were found. About a quarter of the lizards found were raukawa geckos (also known as common geckos), three quarters were skinks. Most of the skinks found were identified as northern grass skinks (also known as common skinks). The two other skink species found were glossy brown skinks and copper skinks. Generally fewer lizards were found this summer than last, however that is probably due to the cooler, wetter summer that we have experienced. But we are concerned that the number of glossy brown skinks appears to be declining over time. Despite this concern, the number of lizards found here was good enough for DOC to also use the site for training volunteers in lizard handling and identification. Lizard monitoring has now finished for the year. Predator trapping (a DOC/Friends of Mana Island volunteer project) will continue all year around the reserve, along with the Regional Council doing some weed control. Thanks to Gillian for this update!

Five-minute bird counts and the NZ Garden Bird Survey

All of our trapping activity is designed to support safer backyard habitats. Understanding our success is about knowing our bird and wildlife. We have a few people in Pukerua Bay who are trained in doing five minute bird counts. We will doing these in a few locations throughout the Bay and can use this data to monitor impact.

LandCare New Zealand also do the NZ Garden Bird Survey in late June/early July. This is a great opportunity for all of us to spend some time with a cup of tea watching the birds in the garden. No training is necessary! We will post a reminder and link closer to the date.

What are we spending the sponsorship money on?

Pukerua Bay is surrounded by farmland, including a pine block. We have decided to use some of the funds raised through community sponsorship to support expansion of a trapping programme into these areas. We are looking to install DOC 200 traps, which are effective for rats and mustelids. We are currently talking to land-owners to get this underway!

Predator Free Pukerua Bay trap coverage as of 1 April 2017.


Helli has been busy developing maps of predator control activities in Pukerua Bay. These maps will help us decide what activities to prioritise and where (including the village perimeter and the Scientific Reserve). We expect to keep developing our map. At the moment, it only shows what we know. Let us know if there is activity you know about that we can add!

To protect your privacy, we have placed a trap location marker near participating properties rather than exactly on it. Check out what’s going on near you.

How to report your catches

For our newest trappers: please do report your catches. This helps us to monitor our overall success in catching predators.  When you catch something, please tell us by:

Finally, and as always, a big thank you to you all for being a part of Predator-free Pukerua Bay. It is awesome to have great community support and involvement for this initiative: we couldn’t do it without you!

The Predator-free PKB Team

Predator Free Pukerua Bay March and April update Read More »