SH 59 Work on Slipface

Waka Kotahi has advised that further work is to be undertaken on the slipface just noth of the Northern Lookout.

You will have noticed work restarting on the slip face north of Pukerua Bay.

Phase 2 of the coast road slip control project is about to get underway.

Two stop/goes during the daytime this week on the coast road are a taste of things to come.

The work won’t have much impact on traffic at first – just the shoulder closed with the current 50km/h speed restriction continuing on.

The Phase 2 hillside stabilisation and safety project follows the earlier work to stabilise the hillside where a large slip in late August closed the road for several weeks.

This second phase of  work will strengthen the earlier slip control work and will include drilling drains to improve drainage, installing mesh and soil anchors in some areas, and spraying a concrete surface (shotcrete) over others.

  • December stop/go

From 6 December, stop/go traffic control will be in use fulltime day and night until the Christmas/New Year break, then will resume on Monday 9 January through to Friday 27 January.

Only one lane will be open and traffic lights will control the flow of vehicles.

Road users should expect delays.

However, we will be directing through-traffic to use the alternative route of  SH1 Transmission Gully and leave this area of SH59 to the locals as much as possible.

There will be a break from the works over Christmas and New Year when both lanes will be open.

Pedestrians and cyclists can continue using the path beside the seawall throughout the project, though they should be aware there may be times when our traffic controllers ask them to wait.

While the contractors are busy with this hillside stabilisation work, we will take the opportunity to reseal sections of State Highway 59 between Plimmerton roundabout and Pukerua Bay.

The resealing will take approximately 4 days and is planned for early December.

We will send you more information when the resealing dates are confirmed. Regular updates will be sent on progress with the Phase 2 hillside stabilisation project.

FYI – please see the media release below on the Pukerua Bay slip site for you to share. Please contact us with any queries.

Ngā mihi,

Kerry du-Pont, Anita De Klerk & Lynsey Morgan / Customer Communications and Engagement Team
Wellington Transport Alliance

E; / M 027 227 9841 / w

E  / M 027 202 1670 / w

21 November 2022 9:20 am | Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

The work site

More work is planned to stabilise a slip face on State Highway 59, Pukerua Bay, on the Kāpiti Coast.

The section of highway was closed for around four weeks in late August and early September for slip clearing and stabilisation work.

Mark Owen, Regional Manager Wellington/Top of the South, says phase two of repair works at the site begins this week.

“It will strengthen the earlier slip control work and includes drilling drains, installing mesh and soil anchors in some areas, and spraying a concrete surface (shotcrete) over others.”

“We know regular users of the road and local residents have noticed the effect the weather has had on the earlier repairs. It was always our intention to do more work at this site. Keeping this vital transport link maintained and resilient is a priority”, Mr Owen says.

Contractors will get the work underway this week from Monday, 21 November. There will be stop/go traffic control in place for two days while concrete barriers are placed on the road shoulder to protect the work site. This should not have a major effect on traffic flows as vehicles will be able to move freely while work is done behind the barriers

The main works will begin on 6 December under fulltime stop/go traffic management. Mark Owen says this will affect road users more.

“Only one lane will be open, and traffic lights will control vehicle access. It means there will be delays on this part of State Highway 59. We recommend drivers detour via State Highway 1, Transmission Gully, while this project is underway.”

Works schedule:

  • 21 November to 6 December
    • Stop/go traffic control for 2 days to install shoulder closure
    • Then 50km/h speed limit with road shoulder closed
    • Slip stabilisation works
  • 6 December – 20 December
    • One laned open and stop/go traffic control will be in use full time, day and night
    • Slip stabilisation works
  • 9 January – 27 January
    • One laned open and stop/go traffic control will be in use full time, day and night
    • Slip stabilisation Works

SH 59 Work on Slipface Read More »

SH59 Pukerua Bay Rail Overbridge Resurfacing

Waka Kotahi has advised that the railway overbridge will be resurface Thursday 27th between 7:00 pm and 5:30 am (Friday Morning.

Good afternoon,

We would like to advise you of night-time resurfacing on State Highway 59 at the Pukerua Bay railway overbridge programmed for Thursday night, 27 October between 7pm and 5.30am.

Traffic will be managed with stop/go traffic control during the works.

SH59 Pukerua Bay Rail Overbridge Resurfacing Read More »

2022 AGM reports now available

Annual reports for this year’s Annual General Meeting are available online. These include the Chair’s report from the committee, the financial statements, the Village Plan, and reports on activities by various groups operating under the umbrella of the Residents’ Association.

2022 AGM reports (PDF)


Wednesday, 19 October @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Pukerua Bay Community and School Hall, Rawhiti Road

  • Welcome and Apologies
  • Guest Speaker: Tony Sutorius, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Plimmerton Volunteer Fire Brigade
  • Adoption of the Minutes from 2021 Annual General Meeting
  • Adoption of Annual report of the Chair and committee, including reports on:
    • Village Plan
    • He Ara Pukerua
    • Community Garden and Food Forest
    • Surfers’ Seat
    • Kōrero
    • Waste Free Pukerua Bay
  • Adoption of Financial report
  • General business
    • Adoption of the Village Plan
    • Climate Change
    • Incorporated Societies Act 2022-Changes to membership.
  • Election of Executive Committee members

2022 AGM reports now available Read More »

Climate change workshop ideas for action

Forty-five people attended today’s climate change workshop in Pukerua Bay, a good turnout for a sunny Sunday afternoon and which included three of the local ward city councillors and the mayor.

Also present were members of Porirua City Council’s sustainability and climate change team, who gave attendees a rundown on the risks climate change and extreme weather events present to Pukeru Bay.

The workshop used the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as the framework for discussion, and groups identified the ones relevant to our community, and came up with examples of things we are either doing, could do more of, or could start. People took a broad view, with a resilient community focus and climate change as a major force impacting the community. Some of the ideas were for more information, such as workshops on solar household power, or taking a ‘circular economy’ view of household or business purchases, while others involved sharing of resources. Planned housing developments and infrastructure were also identified as things that need a strong climate change response built in.

The ideas collected are being collated and will be shared with the participants and the rest of the community.

Porirua City Council will soon start consulting the community on its climate change action plan, and today’s workshop puts the Pukerua Bay community in a good position to get into more detailed discussions with the council on our needs, and how we can contribute to the community response.

Climate change workshop ideas for action Read More »

Climate Change Workshop

Are you keen to get involved in a discussion about climate change, focused on issues and solutions in Pukerua Bay? Want to find out what others are doing, and how you can be part of a community response that starts from our strengths and the positive things we are already doing?

Whether as an individual or as a member of a group, you are warmly welcomed to a community workshop to be held on Sunday 16 October in the Pukerua Bay School and Community Hall. This will be a ‘stock-take’ meeting where we develop an understanding of the local impacts of climate change, ascertain what issues are on top for people and map our connections with each other. We will also consider the UN Sustainable Development Goals and think about what they mean for our village.

We really look forward to seeing you there!

Venue: Pukerua Bay School & Community Hall (map)
Date: 2pm – 4pm, Sunday 16 October 2022 (ical)

The purpose of this workshop is to:

  • Raise awareness about environmental activities in Pukerua Bay (Kaitiakitanga)
  • Raise awareness about climate change impacts
  • Identify a set of residents who want to take the conversation further

Light refreshments will be provided.

Time table:

2.00 pmKarakia timatanga 
2.10 pmWorkshop overview 
2.15 pmWhakawhanaungatanga: introduction, why are you here
2.30 pm Brief overview from Council
2.40 pmSustainable Development Goals exercise – Led by Barbara Nebel
Grab a cup of tea and reflect
3.10 pmLightning report back from each group
3.20 pmSynthesise, report back and discussion
3.45 pmNext steps
3.55 pm
Karakia and close
Pack up

Climate Change Workshop Read More »

Online shop

Our little online shop for fund-raising T-shirts and tote bags for He Ara Pukerua has recently been besieged by a bot attack. My apologies to the folks whose email addresses were monitoring online orders, who now have to delete thousands of spammy emails. I have temporarily disabled the online shop until I work out what happened and how to better mitigate future attacks.

Online shop Read More »

Greedy & Co. in the Porirua Choctober Fest

Porirua and Whitaker’s Chocolate are throwing a Choctober Fest: cafés throughout Porirua for the whole month of October will be using Whitaker’s chocolate to create their own unique beverages and baked goods! The Pukerua Bay café are participating, Greedy & Co. at 98 Rawhiti Road (Tue-Fri 8am-1pm, Sat 9am-1pm). Their entries will be:

Raspberry gateau hot chocolate: A velvety, creamy hot chocolate with a raspberry twist, topped with whipped cream.

White Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie: a rich, decadent chocolate brownie topped with a creamy white chocolate cheesecake and berry swirl.

For more information, see the Porirua Choctober Fest site, or follow it on Facebook

Greedy & Co. in the Porirua Choctober Fest Read More »

District Plan submissions on housing developments

Last weekend we submitted our comments and the changes we want to the proposed variation to the Porirua District Plan for land around Pukerua Bay.

The variation would allow new housing developments on the eastern side of the village, off Muri Road and the Mt Welcome farm (the former deer farm off SH59). Read information on Porirua City Council website.

We suggested a number of changes and additions to strengthen environmental protection, explicitly acknowledge the impact of climate change, the need to identify funding for infrastructure before work starts, and changes to the urban design to improve accessibility and neighbourhood connections. The documents are:


On 21 March 2023, Moira Lawler and Iain MacLean presented an oral submission to the hearing panel considering the proposed draft District Plan. These are the notes we provided to the panel in support of the submission.

District Plan submissions on housing developments Read More »