2015 Residents’ Association AGM Minutes

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 3 November 2015



Committee members: Kate Dreaver, Jonathan Harker, Iain MacLean, Pauline Morse, June Penhey, Dagmar Pesendorfer, Geert van de Vorstenbosch.
Porirua City Council (PCC): Bronwyn Kropp.
Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC): Jenny Brash.
Community: Jenny Dawson, Rachel Prebble, Gay Hay, Pamela Gerrish-Nunn, Jacqui McIntosh, Nick Markwell, Nick Vincent, Fiona Sutton, Bernard Knapp, Margaret Blair, Brian Sullivan, Lee Begg, Ted Coats, Gillian Candler, Dale Shirtliff, Yvonne Fletcher, Paul FitzGerald, Phil Wiles, Angela Fisher.


Anita Baker (PCC), Barbara Donaldson (GWRC), Euon Murrell (PCC), Tim Sheppard (PCC). …

2015 Residents’ Association AGM Minutes Read More »

Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association — 2016 Annual Report of the Chair

This year the committee continued its focus on our Village Planning projects, in particular the Muri Reserve community garden/food forest, safety along people travelling along Muri Road and the Green and Gold trails, as well as responding to issues arising from the opening of Te Araroa walkway, and supporting the Pukerua Bay Store. …

Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association — 2016 Annual Report of the Chair Read More »

Online survey: Pukerua Bay community café

A group of residents are discussing the possibility of turning St Mark’s Church into a community cafe. Our vision is for:

“A family-friendly cafe, the profits from which will fund a community hub offering arts and culture activities, skill sharing, exhibitions, workshops and events.”

Please complete our online community survey (closes on 18.11.2016) or email us at pkbcommunitycafe@gmail.com


The survey is open to non-residents, so please encourage your friends around the Wellington region to complete it. We will be at the Residents’ Association AGM on Tuesday evening and will be happy to chat to you afterwards.

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Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting

The Residents’ Association is holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 1 November. It will include discussion on:

  • A joint New Zealand Transport Agency and Porirua City Council crash reduction study onState Highway 1 and possible safety measures they could install. They have some suggestions and want our feedback on them.
  • A proposal for a cafe in Pukerua Bay – possibly at St Mark’s Church, or maybe somewhere else.
  • Community-led initiative to make Pukerua Bay pest-free by having traps across the village.
  • Review of our Village Plan.

We will also elect the committee for next year, and volunteers are welcome. We would like another two or three people on the committee. Contact Iain MacLean if you’re interested.

All Pukerua Bay residents are members of the Residents’ Association. Come and have your say, and raise any issues of concern.

(event link on Facebook)

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Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting

The Residents’ Association is holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 1 November. It will include discussion on:

  • A joint New Zealand Transport Agency and Porirua City Council crash reduction study onState Highway 1 and possible safety measures they could install. They have some suggestions and want our feedback on them.
  • A proposal for a cafe in Pukerua Bay – possibly at St Mark’s Church, or maybe somewhere else.
  • Community-led initiative to make Pukerua Bay pest-free by having traps across the village.
  • Review of our Village Plan.

We will also elect the committee for next year, and volunteers are welcome. We would like another two or three people on the committee. Contact Iain MacLean if you’re interested.

All Pukerua Bay residents are members of the Residents’ Association. Come and have your say, and raise any issues of concern.

(event link on Facebook)

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Te Araroa Track working bee

A working bee is to take place on the morning of Tuesday 18 October 2016. This working bee will be focused on weed control, in particular a follow up to work already started on Cape Ivy control on the boundary to Melody Farm. Members of the regular Tuesday working bee for Ngā Uruora will be helping out.

Where and when: Assembly point will be at the end of Muri Road near the track entrance gate (map), at 9:30 am, Tuesday 18 October 2016.

What to bring: Bring drinking water, gloves, muscles, knowledge, smiles and all important morning tea. If you have loppers, a pruning saw or a grubber this would help. Don’t worry if you don’t have tools, Ngā Uruora have a few that could be provided.

Weather: If the weather looks like not cooperating the intention is to send out a cancellation email the night before.

More information is also available on the Ngā Uruora website, and if you are interested in volunteering for the Pukerua Bay end, sign up to their newsletter.

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Te Araroa Track working bee

Tuesday 18 October 2016, 9.30 am

te_araroa_track_appealA working bee is to take place on the morning of Tuesday 18 October 2016. This working bee will be focused on weed control, in particular a follow up to work already started on Cape Ivy control on the boundary to Melody Farm. Members of the regular Tuesday working bee for Ngā Uruora will be helping out.

Where and when: Assembly point will be at the end of Muri Road near the track entrance gate (map), at 9:30 am, Tuesday 18 October 2016.

What to bring: Bring drinking water, gloves, muscles, knowledge, smiles and all important morning tea. If you have loppers, a pruning saw or a grubber this would help. Don’t worry if you don’t have tools, Ngā Uruora have a few that could be provided.

Weather: If the weather looks like not cooperating the intention is to send out a cancellation email the night before.

More information is also available on the Ngā Uruora website, and if you are interested in volunteering for the Pukerua Bay end, sign up to their newsletter.

Te Araroa Track working bee Read More »

Pukerua Bay shop liquor licence

The Pukerua Bay Residents Association is running a survey on the future of our local store. Its liquor licence application is being opposed by the Police and the Liquor Licensing Inspector, and there is a risk the store could close if it cannot sell alcohol. If you are a resident, and have a view on the value of the store to the community, please fill in the survey.

Pukerua Bay shop liquor licence Read More »

Paekakariki Escarpment track opens

On Saturday, 9 April 2016, the Paekakariki Escarpment track opened to the public, enabling walkers to walk the entire length of the track between Pukerua Bay and Paekakariki. The 10 km track climbs high above the railway line and is part of the Te Araroa New Zealand walking trail.

For one-way hikes, the nearby railway stations at Pukerua Bay and Paekakariki allow the option to take the train back to close to the starting point. The track is unsuitable for people with vertigo and children younger than 8 due to being narrow, with steep drop-offs to the side.

Paekakariki Escarpment track opens Read More »