Former resident has published a novel, Wairaka Point

Former Pukerua Bay resident Trevor Watkin has published a new novel. Wairaka Point: An African–New Zealand Journal is based on actual events across several countries, including New Zealand settings that will be familiar to locals. More information at

“Just finished a great read” — Sam Hunt

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He Ara Pukerua signpost opening

The He Ara Heritage Group of the Pukerua Bay Residents Association would like to invite you to the opening of 4 heritage bollards on the Ara Harakeke Way. The event will be on Saturday 19 May 2018 and start at 10.00am by the entrance to Whenua Tapu.

That might sound a bit official but it’s really a great chance to see and hear stories about our local history. The bollards have been placed alongside the walkway to mark significant events or places at those sites.

It’s a 2.5 km walk down to the Z Truck Stop and Mayor Mike Tana is officiating at all four of them. He will be ably assisted at each one by our selected historians who will give a potted history of the significance of each site.

A representative from the Hongoeka Marae will bless each one and Mayor Mike will unveil them with a flourish. As a bonus, Mike Jebson from the QE2 National Trust and a resident botanist will speak as we pass the Taupō Swamp sign which was recently rediscovered. The last time it was seen out in the open was when the Queen was here!

At the Truck Stop we will have available some ‘local’ refreshments. They will be non-alcoholic and child friendly. Actually they will be real fruit ice blocks made on the Kāpiti Coast by a couple of ladies just starting their business called Paekākāriki Pops.

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He Ara Pukerua signpost opening

The He Ara Heritage Group of the Pukerua Bay Residents Association would like to invite you to the opening of 4 heritage bollards on the Ara Harakeke Way. The event will be on Saturday 19 May 2018 and start at 10.00am by the entrance to Whenua Tapu.

That might sound a bit official but it’s really a great chance to see and hear stories about our local history. The bollards have been placed alongside the walkway to mark significant events or places at those sites.

It’s a 2.5 km walk down to the Z Truck Stop and Mayor Mike Tana is officiating at all four of them. He will be ably assisted at each one by our selected historians who will give a potted history of the significance of each site.

A representative from the Hongoeka Marae will bless each one and Mayor Mike will unveil them with a flourish. As a bonus, Mike Jebson from the QE2 National Trust and a resident botanist will speak as we pass the Taupō Swamp sign which was recently rediscovered. The last time it was seen out in the open was when the Queen was here!

At the Truck Stop we will have available some ‘local’ refreshments. They will be non-alcoholic and child friendly. Actually they will be real fruit ice blocks made on the Kāpiti Coast by a couple of ladies just starting their business called Paekākāriki Pops.

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Working bee at the Hall

Wondrous news, the interior of the Community and School Hall is finally getting a long overdue paint! But first, we need to get rid of all the staples. Please could we have help? There will be a working bee at the hall on Sunday 6 May from 2-4pm. If you can come, please bring your own staple-removal tools, and bring your taste and good judgement, because there will be a chance to help choose the colours. Thanks in advance, from the Hall Committee and Board of Trustees.

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Working bee at the Hall

Wondrous news, the interior of the Community and School Hall is finally getting a long overdue paint! But first, we need to get rid of all the staples. Please could we have help? There will be a working bee at the hall on Sunday 6 May from 2-4pm. If you can come, please bring your own staple-removal tools, and bring your taste and good judgement, because there will be a chance to help choose the colours. Thanks in advance, from the Hall Committee and Board of Trustees.

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Have your say before the end of the April

Pukerua Bay residents! We encourage you to make submissions to your local councils about their long term plans, and have your say about things that matter to you. Please have a look at the following two sites, both due before the end of this month:

Porirua City Council: Make submissions on the new proposed Long Term Plan before 23 April at The long term plan emphasis is on much needed infrastructure investment in the ageing water supply and waste/storm water systems funded with a 5.25 % rates increase per year over 4 years. Other changes include paid parking in the CBD, strategic property purchases and revitalising Eastern Porirua, subsidised recycling for schools and preschools, improved access to Titahi Bay, a second fenced dog park, and increasing fees and charges to reduce the increase in rates. Click here for the whole document (PDF).

Greater Wellington Regional Council: Submit your opinions online at before 29 April and have your say. Porirua City Council have argued they are paying too high a transport rate due to shortcomings in economic modelling, so revising these models should improve costs for flood protection and transportation. We think Porirua residents should submit in support of this change (by choosing Option 1 in the Revenue and Financing Policy proposal) to help counteract likely votes against it from Hutt and Wairarapa councils. Three other issues are 1. long term plans for the Wairarapa and Capital Connection rail services, 2. improving the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office, and 3. support for the Water Wairarapa Project.

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Friends of Mana Island 2018 AGM

Wednesday, 21 March 2018
7.30 pm, Mana Cruise Club
Ngāti Toa Domain, Paremata (map)

You are warmly invited to attend the Friends of Mana AGM featuring a talk by seabird expert Graeme Taylor from the Department of Conservation about our planned translocation of white-faced storm petrels. There are plenty of challenges moving chicks from the Chathams to Mana Island.

You will also hear updates about FOMI’s work during the past year. And the evening marks the beginning of FOMI’s 20th anniversary this year – “Celebrating Our Volunteers”. Find out first-hand what’s happening, including a special preview of a 3-minute video produced for the anniversary.

As part of the election of officers, FOMI will be seeking to elect a new president.

Supper afterwards. It’s going to be a very interesting evening!

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Friends of Mana Island 2018 AGM

You are warmly invited to attend the Friends of Mana AGM featuring a talk by seabird expert Graeme Taylor from the Department of Conservation about our planned translocation of white-faced storm petrels. There are plenty of challenges moving chicks from the Chathams to Mana Island.

You will also hear updates about FOMI’s work during the past year. And the evening marks the beginning of FOMI’s 20th anniversary this year – “Celebrating Our Volunteers”. Find out first-hand what’s happening, including a special preview of a 3-minute video produced for the anniversary.

As part of the election of officers, FOMI will be seeking to elect a new president.

Supper afterwards. It’s going to be a very interesting evening!

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