Growth Strategy and draft District Plan workshop

Join our community workshops to discuss our city’s Growth Strategy and draft District Plan. By sharing your knowledge and views on our city’s future, we can ensure that we are making the right decision for our city together.

Porirua is growing and changing and we want to work with the community to help shape this change. To do this the Porirua City Council is reviewing its District Plan as well as developing a Growth Strategy. The Growth Strategy will provide the high level direction around ‘why’ and ‘where’ we will grow and change, whereas the District Plan review will create rules around ‘how’ we change and ‘what’ this will look like, while also directing how we protect our environment.

The workshops will be highly interactive and visual, and will help us develop the formal Growth Strategy document which will be released in November 2018. It will also provide an opportunity to understand the major changes to the draft District Plan from our current operative District Plan, and provide us with feedback.

For more information, see the council’s community workshops page.

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Make your Mark Community Workshops

This month, Porirua City Council are running “Make your Mark” community workshops which are open to the public, to engage with and get feedback from residents about the Growth Strategy and draft District Plan.

In case you haven’t been to one, there’s one tonight (6pm Thursday 8 November) and another next week (6pm Tuesday 13 November). They are good opportunities to find out what’s planned for the region, voice concerns and provide feedback.

6pm, Thursday 8 November 2018 (ical)
Maraeroa Marae Health Clinic, 128 Corinna Street, Waitangirua (map)

6pm, Tuesday 13 November 2018 (ical)
The Salvation Army, 89 Warspite Avenue, Cannons Creek (map)

The workshops run for about 1½ to 2 hours and light refreshments will be available. They are interactive and visual, and will help council develop the formal Growth Strategy document which will be released in November 2018. It will also provide an opportunity to understand the major changes in the new draft District Plan from the current operative plan, and provide feedback.

Check out the Council’s Make your Mark community workshops page for more details.

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November 2018 Residents’ Association meeting

NOTE: this meeting will be on Wednesday 14 Nov, not Tuesday 13 Nov.

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 14 2018, 7:30pm

St Mark’s Church Hall, Rawhiti Road


Apologies – Mel Galletley, David Olsen, Dale Williams, Jenny Brash

Appoint office holders

Approval of previous minutes

Matters arising from previous minutes

Financial report


Follow up to AGM discussions

PCC District Plan consultation – submissions due by 30 November

— Coastal hazards discussion

Community/School hall ― update on meeting plans

Beach clean up (Ben Knight discussion at AGM)

Calendar sales

Other business

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Summit Club Adventures Beach Cleanup

Beach Cleanup at Pukerua Bay: come and help clean up our amazing stretch of coastline!

10 am – 2 pm, Saturday  24 November 2018 (ical)
Pukerua Bay Beach car park (map)

This event is organised by Kathmandu and Sustainable Coastlines, and they would like you to sign up as a volunteer here if you wish to participate.

What to bring:

  • Sturdy, closed-toe shoes that you don’t mind getting a bit muddy. This is critical for health & safety: those not wearing closed-toe shoes will not be able to participate.
  • Warm and waterproof clothes. At least one warm top layer and a rain jacket.
  • Sun hat and sunscreen.
  • Reusable water bottle (filled up and ready to go)
  • Your old or unused mobile phone to recycle. As a charity partner of the RE:MOBILE phone recycling scheme, donating your old mobile helps us raise critical funds for freshwater restoration.
  • A camera (optional). We would love to see your event photos! If you use Instagram, use the tags #loveyourwater, @kathmandugear and @sustainablecoastlines to let the world know.

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Summit Club Adventures Beach Cleanup

Beach Cleanup at Pukerua Bay: come and help clean up our amazing stretch of coastline!

This event is organised by Kathmandu and Sustainable Coastlines, and they would like you to sign up as a volunteer here if you wish to participate.

What to bring:

  • Sturdy, closed-toe shoes that you don’t mind getting a bit muddy. This is critical for health & safety: those not wearing closed-toe shoes will not be able to participate.
  • Warm and waterproof clothes. At least one warm top layer and a rain jacket.
  • Sun hat and sunscreen.
  • Reusable water bottle (filled up and ready to go)
  • Your old or unused mobile phone to recycle. As a charity partner of the RE:MOBILE phone recycling scheme, donating your old mobile helps us raise critical funds for freshwater restoration.
  • A camera (optional). We would love to see your event photos! If you use Instagram, use the tags #loveyourwater, @kathmandugear and @sustainablecoastlines to let the world know.

Summit Club Adventures Beach Cleanup Read More »

Taking orders for our 2019 Pukerua Bay calendar

This year’s calendar is about the people of Pukerua Bay, some living and some who’ve passed on. All have contributed to the fabric of this lovely village that we share, and the photos and words reflect that. The calendar is A4 sized and would make a perfect Christmas gift for past residents, family, friends and neighbours, or even framing for posterity.

Print runs will be done in batches as orders accumulate, so please allow some time; we will make sure they arrive before Christmas. We are delivering them ourselves to Pukerua Bay and wider Kāpiti Coast addresses for free, and outside of that area please include $5 for postage for up to three copies anywhere in NZ.

Order now for Christmas!

[products limit=”1″ columns=”1″ orderby=”id” order=”DESC”]

Taking orders for our 2019 Pukerua Bay calendar Read More »

2017 Residents’ Association AGM minutes

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morse, Kate Dreaver, Beccy Davis.
Councillors: Dale Williams (PCC), Bill Inge (PCC).
Community: Robyn Moore, Pauline Morum, Mack Morum, David Olsen, Jenny Olsen, Joy de Geus, Janice Rodenburg, Paul Clegg, Lee Begg, Janka Thomas, Robert Oscroft, Gay Hay, Ashley lair, Margaret Blair, Fiona Sutton, Guy Marriage, Damian Harriss.
Apologies: Jenny Brash (GWRC). …

2017 Residents’ Association AGM minutes Read More »

Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association — 2018 Annual Report of the Chair

This has been a very productive year for the Residents Association. The He Ara Pukerua heritage group has installed information boards at heritage sites, the community garden and food forest has plants in the ground, and we have supported a number of community activities. Unfortunately, the year’s achievements were marred by a dispute with the school Board of Trustees over the management of the hall. …

Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association — 2018 Annual Report of the Chair Read More »

Appreciation from Motorists

We’ve received some lovely positive feedback from truck drivers and other motorists who were stranded in Pukerua Bay last week due to the accident and spill clean-up, thanking locals for their time, care and refreshments. We’d like to pass on their appreciation, and add ours as well, to all those residents of Pukerua Bay who helped out on the day!

“You guys rock, thanks for the food drink and your generous donations of time and chat talking to my fellow drivers. What you have done as a community far outweighs all expectations.”
— Mark Salisbury

“From all the truckies that were stranded yesterday, a huge thanks to the residents that came out to provide water and food. Community resilience at its best.”
— Axel Alexander

From us here in Pukerua Bay, you’re welcome!  🙂

We’ve also had an offer from Mainfreight to contribute something for the upcoming AGM in appreciation. Thanks again to all involved; pop along, and we’ll see you there!

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