July 2020 Residents’ Association meeting
Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association
Agenda for Tuesday, 14 July 2020
7:30pm Meeting Pukerua Bay RSA, Wairaka Road
Refer to the draft June meeting minutes.
- Welcome & introductions
- Apologies
- Approval of minutes of 9 June 2020
- Councils Updates
- PCC update: Cr Nathan Waddle
- GWRC update: Cr Jenny Brash
- Responses to PCC Proposals updates
- Plimmerton Farm Development
Action: Paul/Iain to write a submission on behalf of the RA as well as working with the other groups on a joint submission.
- Plimmerton Farm Development
- Matters arising from previous minutes
- Financial report
- Correspondence
- Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates)
Action: Jon to add the information about memorials to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
Action: Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee at the next meeting.
Action: Pauline/Iain/Kate to organise a silent art auction.
Action: Iain to circulate link to (Village Plan) survey for Committee to check.
Action: Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.
Action: Paul to write a proposal about changing the RA structure and the Constitution.
Action: Iain to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.
Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event.
Action: Kate to feed back to Beccy Davis re suggestions about offering training in Zoom etc.
Action: Nikky to send email message from Marie Miguel to Iain, Kate and Paul. - Projects Update
- Muri Platform Building
Action: Iain to confirm with KiwiRail that we would like to include the additional space in the lease. - Food Forest/Community Garden
Action: Paul/Jon to talk to Bill Inge about getting QR code plaques printed.
Action: Iain to send list of plants to Jon. - He Ara Pukerua
Action: Jon to create a page on the RA website. - Community Centre, MenzShed Proposal
Action: Kate to feed back to Beccy Davis.
Action: Kate to include some questions about the community centre proposal in the Village Planning Survey.
- Muri Platform Building
- General Business
July 2020 Residents’ Association meeting Read More »