July 2020 Residents’ Association meeting

Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association
Agenda for Tuesday, 14 July 2020
7:30pm Meeting Pukerua Bay RSA, Wairaka Road

Refer to the draft June meeting minutes.

  1. Welcome & introductions
  2. Apologies
  3. Approval of minutes of 9 June 2020
  4. Councils Updates
    1. PCC update: Cr Nathan Waddle
    2. GWRC update: Cr Jenny Brash
  5. Responses to PCC Proposals updates
    1. Plimmerton Farm Development
      Action: Paul/Iain to write a submission on behalf of the RA as well as working with the other groups on a joint submission.
  6. Matters arising from previous minutes
  7. Financial report
  8. Correspondence
  9. Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates)
    Action: Jon to add the information about memorials to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
    Action: Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee at the next meeting.
    Action: Pauline/Iain/Kate to organise a silent art auction.
    Action: Iain to circulate link to (Village Plan) survey for Committee to check.
    Action: Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.
    Action: Paul to write a proposal about changing the RA structure and the Constitution.
    Action: Iain to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.
    Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event.
    Action: Kate to feed back to Beccy Davis re suggestions about offering training in Zoom etc.
    Action: Nikky to send email message from Marie Miguel to Iain, Kate and Paul.
  10. Projects Update
    1. Muri Platform Building
      Action: Iain to confirm with KiwiRail that we would like to include the additional space in the lease.
    2. Food Forest/Community Garden
      Action: Paul/Jon to talk to Bill Inge about getting QR code plaques printed.
      Action: Iain to send list of plants to Jon.
    3. He Ara Pukerua
      Action: Jon to create a page on the RA website.
    4. Community Centre, MenzShed Proposal
      Action: Kate to feed back to Beccy Davis.
      Action: Kate to include some questions about the community centre proposal in the Village Planning Survey.
  11. General Business

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Taupo Swamp volunteer planting and weeding day

Friends of Taupo Swamp & Catchment need your help – even an hour will make a difference! They are ready to go to get another 1800 wetland plants into the ground this season, having raised the money and ordered the plants from local nurseries. Stage two of the Taupo Swamp Wetland Restoration starts this Saturday, June 6.

When: 9am, Saturday, 6 June 2020 (ics, Facebook)
Where: Taupo Swamp, via Ulric Street, Plimmerton (map)

Work this weekend will be continuing to weed last year’s planting (some trees are now over 2 metres tall) and preparing the ground for the upcoming planting season. Gloves, gear and a morning snack can be provided thanks to Roger at Plimmerton Deli. Want to get in touch? Contact the organisers at tauposwamp@gmail.com or +64 21 263 9844 (?).

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Taupo Swamp volunteer planting and weeding day

Friends of Taupo Swamp & Catchment need your help – even an hour will make a difference! They are ready to go to get another 1800 wetland plants into the ground this season, having raised the money and ordered the plants from local nurseries. Stage two of the Taupo Swamp Wetland Restoration starts this Saturday, June 6. Work this weekend will be continuing to weed last year’s planting (some trees are now over 2 metres tall) and preparing the ground for the upcoming planting season. Gloves, gear and a morning snack can be provided thanks to Roger at Plimmerton Deli. Want to get in touch? Contact the organisers at tauposwamp@gmail.com or +64 21 263 9844 (?).

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New water fountain and bottle filling station

The Residents’ Association have engaged Porirua City Council to install a new water fountain and water bottle filler by the playground and skate park, just up from the railway station east car park. Installation will begin on Thursday 18 June and involve driving a water supply pipe under the concrete path from a new water connection on Sea Vista Drive. This means the footpath link to the station will be closed for two days. There will be a temporary sign put up a week before works start, to let commuters know of the slightly longer walk to the station.

The model of water fountain and bottle filler to be installed is similar to the one pictured in Plimmerton. It will be registered on the RefillNZ national database, which lets visitors know where fountains and bottle refill stations are all around New Zealand; a good thing for escarpment track walkers.

The RA thanks Porirua City Council and its Village Planning and Waste Minimization teams for their support and for funding the installation.

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Plimmerton Farm development submissions

As you will know plans have been in the wind for some time for the redevelopment of Plimmerton Farm to housing. This needs a change to the designation of the land from rural to residential. Porirua City Council has successfully had the approvals process moved to a fast tracked approach, and is now consulting on the proposed change and the development in whole. Information on the process being followed, and documents outlining the proposal, can be viewed on the council website: Proposed Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm.

This development will be ongoing for about 30 years, with the first parts of the development taking place close to Mo Street and the James Street roundabout. Taupō Swamp will be affected by developments as they progress.

Proposed precinct plan (Fig. 13), from Attachment 14: Urban Design Report.

The Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association (the RA) will be lodging a submission on the proposal. It would help us in writing the submission to have an understanding of any concerns or support that residents have on the proposal. While you may intend to lodge a submission to the Council on your own behalf, please feel free to share your thoughts with the RA.

Submissions close 5pm, Thursday 2 July 2020.

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Road surface repairs

Capital Journeys will be sending out the paving team to three separate road repair jobs this Sunday night, after 8pm:

  • Two short patches in northern Pukerua Bay, near Onepu Road, Toenga Road and Te Pari Pari Road,
  • One longer patch (45 metres) north of Wairaka Road.

Nearby residents should be receiving notifications in their letterboxes today.

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SH1 shops footpath repair and widening finally underway

Contractors Mills & Albert have confirmed with PCC that they will be starting the widening and resurfacing of the shared SH1 footpath from the Pukerua Bay shops north to the overbridge next Tuesday, 19th of May. This was originally scheduled for 23rd of March, but was put on hold due to the COVID-19 lock-down.

The red line indicates the extent of the works, from the shops north to the overbridge. The blue line indicates the footpath diversion while the work takes place.

This $45,000 Porirua City Council village planning project has been in the pipe for at least ten years to improve the safety of pedestrian and cyclists along SH1. It is now going ahead with matched funding from NZTA to bring the total project funding to $90,000. This funding will allow bringing the pathway up to the required NZTA standard for shared pathways, in particular that it be a minimum of two metres wide.

The existing footpath path will be widened up to 400 mm in some places with wooden edging and retaining walls where necessary. In the three locations where the path is failing and slipping down the adjacent slope, a full width path reinstatement with be undertaken. At the end of the widening works, the widened areas will be full-width resurfaced.

The minimum NZTA standard width for a shared pathway is two metres.

Footpath diversion will be in place

Mills & Albert estimate the works will take 20 working days. During this time unfortunately a footpath diversion will be in place, similar to when the retaining wall was constructed last year, but for only 4 weeks. In addition, the shortcut to the shops across the school field will be cordoned off and unavailable while this work is being done.

You will also be able to go between the overbridge and the shops via Te Motu Road and the SH1 pedestrian refuge at the shops.

These signs from the retaining wall works will be reused.

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Waikākāriki Wetland Weed Whackers Working Bee

Now we’re in Level 2, if you’d like to help Ngā Ururoa Kāpiti Project with their first working bee clearing weeds in the Waikākāriki Wetland, please let Andy McKay know by text or email. Do not just show up on the day, please read the details below around Level 2 restrictions. Sunday 17 May 2020 at 9am – 11 am South end of Escarpment access track (not the Escarpment Track itself), Paekākāriki Walk along the Southern end of the access track to the Paekākāriki Escarpment Track to the meeting spot (not the actual Escarpment Track!) The exact area is shown in the map:
Meeting place, on the Escarpment Access Track, Paekākāriki (map)
During Alert Level 2 things will have to work differently. There is a limit of 10 people, so do not just show up, please RSVP to Andy McKay by text or email first. Other things to be aware of:
  • Minimise the spread through personal hand hygiene, gloves and other personal protection equipment
  • No sharing of equipment or tools
  • Physical distancing of 1m will be maintained
  • No sharing of food, drinks or cutlery
  • It is important anyone feeling unwell stays home
  • Shorter time frame 9am-11am to fit to 2 hour limit on gatherings
If you can only make it for a short time that’s totally fine, drop by at any time, just text before hand!

Waikākāriki Wetland Weed Whackers Working Bee Read More »