Residents Association 2020 Annual General Meeting

All residents of Pukerua Bay are by right members of the PBRA and are welcome to attend.

Guest speakers:

  • Glenda Robb, Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Projects, with the results of the recent penguin survey,
  • Gillian Candler, on the beach litter survey, and
  • Bill McCauley, Friends of Taupo Swamp and Catchment. Bill will talk on the value of the swamp, threats to it and the work FOTSC is undertaking at the swamp.

The Executive Committee are proposing some amendments to the PBRA constitution which are to be voted on at the meeting. There will also be the election of members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. If you wish to receive the Agenda and related papers please email

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September 2020 Residents Association meeting

Refer to minutes from the previous RA meeting: August 2020 minutes


Welcome & introductions, apologies
Approval of minutes of 11 August 2020
Penguin Survey – Glenda Robb (Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Projects)
Councils Updates:
– PCC update: Cr Nathan Waddle
– GWRC update: Cr Jenny Brash
WREMO – Whetū Bennett
Matters arising from previous minutes
Financial report
Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates)
Projects Update:
– Muri Platform Building/He Ara Pukerua
– Food Forest/Community Garden
– Community Centre
Annual General Meeting 2020:
– Date
– Proposed amendments to Rules
– Programme
General Business

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He Ara Pukerua Historic Display & Community Garden Family Fun Day

Despite the gloomy grey weather, the Pukerua Bay Family Fun Day went ahead as planned for the opening of the new Rail Comes to Pukerua and Rail Timeline display panels in the former Muri Station building, and the community garden fun day. The He Ara Pukerua rail history displays were blessed by Ngāti Toa kaumatua Kahu Ropata, supported by Moana Parata and others. Porirua City Mayor Anita Baker and Ward Councillors Nathan Waddle and Josh Trlin revealed the panels. A section of the tramway rail used during the construction of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway 1884–1886 was presented to the mayor. Kahu also blessed the community garden. Following the blessing and speeches there was a sausage sizzle, cakes and tea brewed from thermettes, and a stalls selling T shirts and home-made face masks. A smaller turn-out than planned, but still attended by enthusiastic locals braving the wind and drizzle.

He Ara Pukerua is grateful for the help from Greater Wellington Regional Council and KiwiRail to secure the lease on the former Muri Station shelter. The northbound Muri Station shelter has been relocated onto the garden and is in the process of being refurbished.

Images courtesy of Cr. Josh Trlin, Porirua City Council (via Facebook); Andy Erceg and Ashley Blair, He Ara Pukerua (via Facebook).

He Ara Pukerua Historic Display & Community Garden Family Fun Day Read More »

Pukerua Bay Library to be earthquake strengthened

Over the next six weeks the cutest little library in New Zealand (if not the world) is going to be earthquake strengthened. As much as possible the crew will be working around our opening hours, so Nuala will still be there ready to issue and return your books as always on Tuesdays & Thursdays 2pm – 5pm, and Saturdays 10am – 1pm.

For more information: Pukerua Bay Library

Pukerua Bay Library to be earthquake strengthened Read More »

Matariki Celebration 2020: Te Ara Matariki

Pukerua Bay’s Matariki Celebration is back for 2020!  Nau mai, hoki mai. This year PKB Hub presents:
“Te Ara Matariki – a hikoi to remember those who have passed and the impact of each footprint as we reflect on new beginnings and rebirth for the New Year, te tau hо̄u Māori Matariki, e ara e…”
Te Ara Matariki will be open between 4-8pm, approx 20-30 minutes duration.
Please make your own way safely to the Secret Valley Kōawa Ngaro entrance at the north end of Takutai Road. Bring a lantern, head-lamp or torch, wrap up warm and wear sturdy footwear. Children must be supervised at all times.
Gold coin koha entry, rain or shine.
Proudly brought to you by Pukerua Bay Hub with support from Porirua City Council’s Creative Communities Scheme.

More event details here (Facebook)

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Coffee in Pukerua Bay!

Pukerua Bay now has a café of sorts – the new coffee caravan from Greedy & Co. on the grounds of the former St. Mark’s chapel on 98 Rawhiti Road, opposite the school (map).

Open 8am – 1pm, Tuesday–Saturday. Fresh roasted coffee, hot drinks and home-made baking including pies, scones, muffins, and gluten-free banana loaf.

After the successful opening day on the 4th of July, Renée and Sarah said on Facebook:

“WOW what an amazing day! We cannot believe all the support we received from all of you wonderful people! Thank you for all your patience while we found our way around our new space, it meant the world to us! See you all on Tuesday for round two”?

“Thank you” photo message, from the Greedy & Co. Facebook page

Contact by phone +64 27 473 3391 (SMS) or email,

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New drinking fountain installed and ready to use!

The school kids proposed it, the skateboarders wanted it, the escarpment track walkers will be glad of it, and dogs will also benefit from it. The new long-awaited drinking fountain and refilling station by the skate park and playground is installed and ready to use! Check it out next time you’re out for a walk.

Work on driving the pipe down the pathway from Sea Vista Drive and building the concrete pad and small retaining wall was completed this week.

New drinking fountain installed and ready to use! Read More »

Have your say on Plimmerton Farm development

Submissions close 5pm, Thursday 2 July

Porirua City Council (PCC) is changing its District Plan to use a fast-track process for the Plimmerton Farm development, and is asking for the public to give their views on it.

This is our only chance to influence the outcome of this development by persuading the Minister for the Environment (who makes the final decision on the plan change) to protect the unique values of the Taupō Swamp and wetlands in the area. We will have to live with the decisions made now in perpetuity.

The Residents Association is working with the Friends of Taupō Swamp and Catchment (FOTSC) to help protect this environment.

You can help, too.

Everything you need to know is now up on the FOTSC website

Have a look at the “Have some more questions…?” document on the website. This is the culmination of input from many sources, and you can use it to help make a submission with the environment a priority, not a casualty, of planned development. There’s a lot there because there’s a lot to say.

You are free to use the words on it, but make them personal and write about the things you value the most.

FOTSC has prepared an example of the submissions you can make. This will help simplify the process.

All the development information from PCC is on their website, along with links to the online submission page.

Remember: submissions are due 5pm Thursday, 2 July

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He Ara Pukerua T-shirts and tote bags for sale

T-shirts and tote bags are back on sale again. We are taking orders now for personal delivery. You can pick your desired size and colour as described in the product descriptions (although we have run out of the pink T-shirts). Please allow a short delay for printing.

Funds go to support He Ara Pukerua, the Pukerua Bay heritage project.

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