Get involved in influencing future development
Porirua City Council is proposing to rezone land next to Pukerua Bay to allow for new housing development. The land is the area at 34 Muri Road and the Mount Welcome farm (off State Highway 59).
This land is included in the Council’s Northern Growth Area, but much of it cannot be built on at the moment because it is not zoned as residential land in the District Plan. The Council is going to rezone the land to allow housing on it and has to make a variation to the District Plan to allow this. They have developed a structure plan (a type of map) that shows where different elements of the development could be placed, such as housing, commercial/town centre, roads and tracks, amenity and recreation areas, etc.
We have the opportunity to give feedback on this structure plan and make suggestions for what we would like to see in the development.
The event is a hands-on, interactive workshop designed to get people involved in influencing possible developments in this area.
The structure plan will become part of the variation to the District Plan, along with a set of rules controlling development in the area.
This variation has to be publicly notified by August 2022. The public will then be able to make submissions on it.
The latest edition of the Kōrero newsletter has more background on urban development in Pukerua Bay.
Background information from PCC
Read details of the proposed District Plan variation on the Council’s website.
The draft structure plan for the proposed housing development
Information boards on the proposed structure plan