Kōrero: News and stories from Pukerua Bay

Kōrero is Pukerua Bay’s new community newsletter. It’s a place for keeping our community connected and informed. A place for celebrating what we have and working together to make it better. Through the generous support of our advertisers and sponsors, issues will periodically land in your letterbox throughout the year.

Current issue

Vol 5, Issue 1, February 2025 (PDF)

National Library of New Zealand: 45369835 / ALMA 21361949640002836
WorldCat: OCLC 1249555898

Kōrero is brought to you by a small group of locals in the hope that, over time, everyone in our community will find something in it that is useful, interesting … even exciting! For that to happen, we need your involvement. If you have items to contribute or would like to advertise, please email us via newsletter@pukeruabay.org.nz or use the Contact Us form on this website.

Next Issue: out in April 2025
The copy deadline for the next issue is March 2025.

Editorial, February 2025

Kia ora

Adventure is the theme for this issue. As our stories illustrate, adventure means different things to different people. But, as expressed in our whakataukī, it’s always about persevering in search of a goal and not letting obstacles get in your way.

We begin with a moving story from Judith Frost-Evans recalling a youthful experience and how it exemplifies the way kindness can ripple between people, something we see so often here in Pukerua Bay (p. 3).

If you wondered about the cover image, that’s Ewan McClean and friends signing up for the Big Bang, an adventure in madness (pp.4–5). Does it appeal to you? Nothing to stop you signing up this November!

Isaac du Toit and friends have found adventure in our backyard. In the adventure described in this issue, they undertook a nighttime journey on foot from Te Whanganui-a-Tara to Pukerua Bay (p. 6).

Two of our contributors describe adventures overseas. Conor Twyford recalls a tricky situation on a mountain somewhere in Italy (pp, 8–9), and Marge Hurst shares the relationship she and her whānau have developed with Niue over the course of 40 years (p. 12).

Overseas travel is great, but there’s nothing like being at home. Nathan Gray is back from the United States and happy to soak up the many pleasures that are intrinsic to life in Pukerua Bay (pp. 14–15).

Our focus for the next issue will be on careers, how to develop them, and what it’s like right now in this tumultuous time. We’d like our young people to know that there are all sorts of interesting options out there for them, be it working for another person or working for themselves.

A note about dogs

We’ve been asked to include the occasional reminder of some of the guidelines that help us all get along with each other. An area that can create some tension is around our canine friends. A reminder, dog lovers, about the restrictions that mean that through summer, dogs are not allowed on the beach from 10am to 7pm.

Dogs must always be kept on leash when walking through the Pukerua Bay Scientific Reserve. Many people don’t realise this, so if you see them with dogs off leash, please let them know that precious creatures live there, and the ban is in place to protect them.

If you’re ever unsure about where you can or cannot take your dog, the general guidelines for Porirua are here: poriruacity.govt.nz/services/animals/dog-owners-porirua/walking-your-dog/

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa.
Let us keep close together, not wide apart.

We acknowledge mana whenua of Pukerua Bay, Ngāti Toa Rangatira. For Ngāti Toa news, see www.ngatitoa.iwi.nz

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