He Ara Pukerua is the name of Pukerua Bay’s heritage project.
Our first act was building the train station heritage sign, opened by His Worship The Mayor in May 2017. This was followed a year or so later with several information bollards along the Ara Harakeke walkway south to Plimmerton, opened in May 2018. In 2019 we opened the beach heritage marker in August at the foot of the goat track, and in September 2020 we opened the rail history displays in the former Muri Road Station building.

News and updates
For the latest updates on our activities, follow our He Ara Pukerua news items, and keep an eye on Pukerua Bay upcoming events.
Contact us
He Ara Pukerua recognizes the many tracks and other places of interest which are part of Pukerua Bay’s history, and we are always seeking contributions or memorabilia towards recording them.
If you would like to share your memories, please email us at heritage@pukeruabay.org.nz or use the form below.