
February 2025 Residents Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 11 February 2025
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Judith Frost-Evans, Jane Comben, Jonathan Harker.
Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Ross Leggett, Iain MacLean.
Community members: Pamela Nunn

Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation

Moved Judith / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried.
Note: Judith was away in Nov but there in Dec minutes.

Council updates

PCC – None

GWRC – None

Matters arising

Bus Shelter – Paul has had no contact Thomas Nash. Signage at Muri Road giving direction to bus stops essential. Involving Te Araroa Trust, GWRC and Metlink (Including App).

Action Items

Treaty Principles Bill Submission – we’ve submitted, offeref to speak but not called so far
Freedom Camping Submission – prepared but not submitted in time due to illness. Emailed to see if we can under the circumstances.

Financial report as at 8 February 2025

BNZ   		$11,330.72 
$ 7.34 Interest
$ 20.10 He Ara Tee
$ 175.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 462.35 CGFF Pelorus Trust
$ 108.00 CGFF Summer Festival
$ 50.00 Korero Advert


$ CGFF Rongoa
$ 471.59 CGFF Kiwi Rail
$ 206.80 CGFF Running costs and Crankie
$ 227.70 CGFF Crankie printing
$ 155.25 He Ara Website

Invoices – Issued
$ 1410.00 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 50.00 Korero

Account balances as at 8 February 2025
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 237.67
CGFF 002 $ 2535.21
Kōrero 066 $ 1300.27
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 6623.69
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Residents $ 123.69 Interest

NOTE: As at 29 January Gay has five TT to sell.

Motion: Pay for the “Story of the Garden” Crankie printing costs $227.70 incl.
Moved Jane / seconded Judith, All in favour. Carried.

• Draft from CGFF to be emailed to Margaret
• Action no budget
• He Ara
• Kōrero
o Consider Koha for Anne Johnston for all her work
o Accountability report for the Pelorus Trust required
Moved Margaret / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried


20 December 2024: Whetū Bennett – celebratory event
January 30, 2025: Megan Krishnan – Placemaking and community meet up for local Res Assoc
February 6, 2025: Whetū Bennett, and follow up email. Screening of Tina, Thursday, 27 February, 5:00pm at Lighthouse Cinema Pāuatahanui. Suggest we share with Climate Action People – such as Megan and Matt.RSVP is by Friday. (All tickets now allocated)
January 25, 2025: Judith Frost-Evans. Various concerns brought up. See General Business in these minutes.

Project Updates

Community Garden Food Forest

Successful Summer Celebration

  • $111 from plant sales
  • Launched the “Story of the Garden” crankie
  • 60 people attended including VIPs and Mayor

Budget – prepared for the RA with help from Yvonne
(Costs over $200 need a RA motion)
Motion for RA: Pay for the “Story of the Garden” Crankie printing costs $227.70 incl.

Tea towel account
$4264 costs (printing)
$6250 sales
$1986 Profit

Rongoa progress

  • Driftwood collected for use on the slope. More required.
  • Planting planned for April/May
  • Plan to prepare holes for planting
  • Notice will be given when Taku Parai is available to bless that particular part of our garden.

Planning for the fundraising Calendar and Garden Trail underway

  • Palmers have promised $500 sponsorship towards printing
  • Printing quotes received
  • 10 Garden hosts for the trail being arranged

Crankie of Garden story outing to Porirua Childrens’ Library Storytelling Festival
Gay and Judith told the story aimed at involving children in gardening. It was very well received and posted on Facebook by the library.

Application Hutt Mana charitable trust underway

  • Concept plan from Dave and Jen purely for the purpose of getting quotes
  • Motion required in the RA minutes for funding application

CGFF Funding Application

  • Motion – Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for a total of $2113 for:
    – Funding Aon Insurance public liability $713 due July 2025.
    – Water collection and distribution system $400
    – Composting storage and management $1000

    Applications open on 1 March 2025.

    Moved Judith, Seconded Jane. All in favour. Carried

He Ara Report

  • A Short History of Muri Station, Pukerua Bay on He Ara Facebook along with displayed copy at the Community Garden Summer Celebration generated positive interest and feedback.
  • We shared photographs and stories of the Gray family with Alan Gray and Lindsay Olsen, both descendants of Charles and Elizabeth Gray.
  • Additional photos added to Lindsay Gray DFC and Charles Gray stories on He Ara website.
  • Additional material being prepared for Lindsy Gray DFC story.
  • Regular He Ara meetings recommence on Thursday 13 February
  • Next Kōrero, He Ara would like a full page for an Anzac theme


No report

Climate Action Rōpū

Regular Crop Swaps

  • This year it is still to be held at the RSA every third Saturday of the month from 3-4pm.
  • December swap included Te Tiriti Bill submission help
  • Ella has smartly suggested that the March event take place at the School Gala* where we can host crop swapping and recycling collection under a Hub gazebo. *To be approved by School Fundraising Trust
  • We have been giving back to the community by donating any excess to the community garden. Gay has been the contact here.

Thoughts about a name change to “Pukerua Bay Climate Café” to align with Plimmerton crowd to be discussed.


  • No upcoming expenses planned as yet.
  • $70 cash held by Kate

General Business


Jonathon suggest we rearrange the website home page navigation. To elevate the key groups and demote Village Planning. He will also archive pages and information that is no longer relevant. Margaret has requested access to minutes from 2005/6. The last minute cannot be sourced.b. Dog Control rules for our beach

(Judith email 25 January)
I propose we approach PCC for new clear public notices regarding dog control.
Given that a staff member from Parks will be attending our meeting, this might be a good time.
The purpose of these notices will be to protect Korora and other wildlife and also to give peace of mind to humans who don’t wish to swim with dogs or have dogs roaming..

I will include more background below…

Korora Protection
For both dog rules and our vulnerable Korora I would like to see a sign on Pukerua Beach Road at the place where there are lines painted for cars to stop to allow uphill vehicles through.
This would be seen by visitors who at present can drive down and park somewhere out of sight of any signs.
The sign could state;
‘Welcome to our Special beach which has rare and vulnerable species in need of all of our care’
Please see restriction by laws for dog and vehicle control at the bottom of this road.

Or whatever the sign experts recommend.

Citizen Action
Could we print a small summary of the rules for handing out to people with dogs? These could be 6 or 8 to a page and printed at Stationary Warehouse very cheaply. I speak with some dog owners but at other times I feel intimidated – see below for an example.
Action – Paul has discussed signage previously with Andrew Gray, PCC. Paul will email the full story and our suggestions to Ross Leggett, to follow up with Council.

Muri Rd Kahikatea trees

(Judith email 25 January)
Mindful of the SNA’s that are adjacent to Muri Road, to be monitored with future development

Rubbish Bin removed from Beach corner of Brendan Beach

(Judith email 25 January)
They took one out, replaced with new bin and then removed.
Paul, to add to list for Ross.

Haunui Road Speed restriction

(Judith email 25 January)
I have previously emailed regarding the 30km sign on Haunui Road which was removed.
Pamela understands that the sign was put up by a resident so not gazetted. Pamela is in conversation with the Council concerning the dangers to people and animals. It seems the council is looking into the conduct of drivers on Beach and Haunui Roads and related safety factors. She will keep us informed.

Community and Placemaking

(email from Megan Krishnan)
This ties in with our work on the hui after the end of Village Planning.
Paul is happy to respond to email, go and we’ll recommend March dates.

Communication with PBRA members.

A courtesy email update to people who are signed up members, who attended the last two AGMs (as per new incorporated rules where people need to opt in). Possibly a quarterly newsletter.
Request Kōrero half a page advert for Residents’ Association. Judith to find out the dates so we can discuss at the next meeting

St Mark’s.

There is an upcoming parish meeting about the future of the building.

Action: CG Budget to Margaret – Judith and Jane
Action: Contact Megan and Matt (3 tickets) from Whetu – Jane (done)
Action: Paul to contact Ross Leggett about beach signage, Freedom Camping Submission, Community and Placemaking.

Meeting ended 9.06pm

February 2025 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »

Muri Road Development

Pukerua Bay Holdings Ltd which is undertaking the housing development off Muri Road has been in touch with PKBRA to give an update on the development. This is set out below.

As mentioned, we have now completed the 1st phase of our forestry harvest operation and ready to commence the stage 1 earthworks programme at Muri Rd.

Residents will shortly receive notice via their letterbox of the commencement of works on site from the Contractor, Bryce O’Sullivan Contracting (BOSCO).

The works will include opening the new road entrance for the subdivision at the midpoint between 34 and 50 Muri Road.

One additional lot will be created off the ROW at 34 Muri Road.

See below screenshot of the approximate scope of works, marked in red.

As with our forestry logging operation to date, we will continue to comply with all requirements as set out by Porirua City Council.

Our aim is to always keep any disruption to neighbouring residents to an absolute minimum, where possible.

Muri Road Development Read More »

November 2024 Residents Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 12 November 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker Iain MacLean.
Apologies: Chris Kirk-Burnnand Ross Leggett, Judith Frost-Evans
Community members: Jerri Bassi

Election of Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer

Moved: Paul proposed that all nominated positions be reconfirmed for the next year. Seconded Jonathan. All in favour. Carried.
Noted: Quorum for normal meetings is 3.

Council updates (none)

Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation

Moved Iain / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried. Jono and Jane abstained as not present.

Matters arising

Paul to contact PCC about a barrier at Raroa Reserve. Heard nothing.

Email from Megan Christian about publishing a contact for PKB Residents’ Association. Paul agreed to provide his.

Fireworks: Communicated to ask people to be considerate on Facebook. Not particularly successful.

Garden: Note: 18 Dec is the deadline for spending the Grant from Food Crops.

KiwiRail bill: Discussion of ways we might be able to reduce the access fee of $471. We will follow up with Chris from GWRC about his conversations with KiwiRail. Paul to contact KiwiRail re rail corridor beautification.

Financial report as at 12 November 2024

BNZ   		$ 12,113.28
$ 20.69 Interest
$ 400.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 10.00 CGFF Book Sale


$ 2.00 Fees
$ 828.00 He Ara Website
$ 60.77 CGFF Pavilion

Invoices – Issued
$ 0 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 0 Korero

Account balances as a 12 November 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 337.82
CGFF 002 $ 1643.60
Kōrero 066 $ 1158.77
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 8339.21 CGFF $1000.00 Tree Crop Grant
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Korero $ 750.00 Pelorus Grant
Residents $ 89.21 Interest

Notes: Tree Crop Grant to be used by 18 December 2024, balance $473.90
$ 471.59 CGFF Kiwi Rail Due 30 November 2024

Moved Paul / seconded Iain. All in favour. Carried


14 September: Carolyn from PRA – Village Planning to “secretary@pukeruabay.org.nz”
(lost in system, Iain and Kate responded 3 & 4 Nov) See General Business
3 Oct 2024: Keryn Lavery – Parking tickets at the train station.
(Jane to respond that Paul will forward onto Ross Leggett and Megan Krishnan – done)
29 Oct 2024: Jerri Bassi – Next meeting (Jane responded)
Jono to point the emails to the generic google email address

Project updates

Community Garden Food Forest

Apologies for not acknowledging Kate and Iain in report to AGM.
Please record our gratitude and their generosity. This cash was to cover Insurance and Rail access for the next year.
Pelorous Trust application underway. We need proof of Incorporated Society status and proof of ID of two Office Holders from RA. This will be addressed in the next RA meeting.
Date to celebrate pavilion completion. Maybe in the new year or Wellington Anniversary weekend for an open day.
Issue of no mulch. Ara talked to the PCC arborist multiple times to no avail. Jane suggested trying Bruce Pryor.
Rongoā garden progress. Sacks and cardboard covers all the area now. Compost and topsoil to go on 16th. Still searching for mulch. Plants have been ordered from PCC nursery and waiting for invoice. They will store the plants for us until needed. Prep of brochure underway. We will prepare a report to supply the Tree Crop Association. The site still needs to be blessed.
Pest monitoring. Keep swashing!
Scything. Ashley went to a scything course at Pāekakariki and picked up some great information. Perhaps we could demo at the next celebration.
Summer watering. To be discussed later.
Plan for garden /calendar as fundraiser for next year. We need to work out what time. The calendar would be sold at the same time as an event. A separate meeting is required.
Tea towel report. 14 left.
Comet. The Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) was spotted from the Pavillion deck by a community member on the 20th October.

He Ara Report November 2024

He Ara Report Novemb

He Ara website www.hearapukeruabay.nz was launched on 9 November as part of the Wellington Heritage Festival. Chris Els, principal of Pukerua Bay School cut the virtual ribbon. This was a very successful event with a great turnout (from age 2 to 98), great stories and great connections. Thanks to the RSA for their help.

Photograph of Pukerua Bay Meals on Wheels volunteers appeared in the DomPost History Corner on the same day as the launch. Again great feedback.

We continue to work on more stories to add to the site.

No response from PCC re the gun emplacement.

He Ara team visited St Alban’s church at Pauatahanui.

Pou Panel – blessing to be combined with Rongoā blessing at the Community Garden.


Final edition of the year is at print.

Climate Action Rōpū

We’re having another meeting tomorrow where we will discuss:

  • Strategy
  • Advertising
  • Funding
  • Upcoming events:

o Porirua Climate Assembly
o Treaty Principles Bill Hīkoi support and signs (likely to be in PKB late Sunday afternoon)
o Crop Swap
o Recycling
o Kōrero

General Business

Draft AGM Minutes

Draft minutes to be emailed by Jane to the RA before we post on the website.

CGFF Funding Application

Motion – Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Pelorus Trust for funding Kiwirail – $462 and Aon Insurance $713 in 2024/25.
Margaret moved/ Paul seconded. All agreed. Carried

Plunket rooms

We’ve contacted PCC and they’re getting back to us. We continue to show an interest in it.

Southbound Rail Replacement Bus stop

Message from resident concerned that a person was lurking but was waiting for a bus.
Paul sent a letter to Thomas Nash (which was forwarded to the transport committee) about the lack of a bus stop and the distance from the railway station. He also suggested they move the stops to Teihana Road West. Chris KB has sighted the letter.

Kenepuru Hospital After Hours

Report from Pamela Gerrish-Nunn
Public meeting on Wednesday October 9 2024 at Raumati Uniting Hall organised by Barbara Edmonds MP on behalf of the Labour Party about threats to the after-hours service at Kenepuru Hospital.

The meeting, attended by about 50 people, was chaired by Barbara Edmonds.
Speakers were Hon Ayesha Verrell, shadow Minister of Health; Jenny Smeaton, representing Ngati Toa; Sarah Dalton, executive director of ASMS (Association of Salaried Medical Specialists); Janet Holborow, mayor of Kapiti Coast. Also present, representatives of the Ministry of Health, former MP for the area Graham Kelly, and Maori TV.

It was pointed out that this was already an issue in the 1990s, and had latterly been raised in July 2023, to no effect. At present the after-hours service runs from 10 pm to 8 am and services 80,000 people, from Tawa to the Kapiti Coast. A survey taken by Barbara Edmonds in April this year found that 91% would be upset if the service closed, with transport to wellington being the principal problem of that eventuality.

Ayesha Verrell said after-hours health facilities are the envy of other jurisdictions and should be treasured not thrown away lightly. She reported that it had already been recognised that on any occasion when the Kenepuru facility was not operating, Wellington Hospital experienced an extra load, showing that, contrary to what some say, it is used by a substantial number of people. Latest figures show that about 37,000 people had used the after-hours facility in Kenepuru over one year. She believes the wrong model is in use for the sustainability of this service. The situation is exacerbated by political game-playing and obfuscation by government.
Sarah Dalton said that, far from closing it, her union would like to see the service developed as a full-fledged ED. It contributes to mitigating the high amount of preventable health problems in this area, and could be crucial in the event of a natural disaster.

Barbara Edmonds pointed out that this area has the highest density of over-60s in the country and one of the highest populations of 5-year-olds. She has written to all the councils in the region (May 2024) for support on this matter, and all have come on-side.
Jenny Smeaton observed that part of the unsustainability of the service was that it is dependent on GOs opting for the overtime.

Janet Holborow noted how the local population keeps on growing, and pointed to the number of retirement homes in the area, meaning the service is going to become more and more important, perhaps necessary for people living as far north as Levin.

Discussion from the floor brought up the additional point that the casualisation of staff for the facility is not only ad hoc but very costly, in comparison to a properly budgeted and stable staffing set-up. A work-force plan is what’s needed, and government investment in local health-care – the opposite of what is on the table. Other small-scale but locally crucial facilities around the country are also under threat, e.g. Dargaville and the West Coast. The unsustainability of such facilities is the canary in the coalmine, regarding the provision of public health in this country, and we should all be on the look-out for ‘privatisation by stealth’.
Public protest was noted as a possible further action.

Muri Road concerns

Jerri noted contacting PCC and Metlink with some concerns which were addressed. Contacted PCC about the ‘footpath’ on Muri Road especially with the logging. PCC won’t do anything as it’s a ‘rural area’. The road is already being broken by the logging trucks on the sides, breaking up the asphalt. While supportive of new housing Jerri is concerned about the construction of the houses and allowance for drains etc.
Iain explained that in the new District Plan freshwater areas haver protection and is confident that Pukerua Holdings will do the right thing. But, as FOTS pointed out there is limited facility to monitor activities.

Q: Are there any more meetings planned by the council? RA pointed out we have had quite a lot of consultation with council planners which informed the district plan. The structure plan in on pukeruabay.org.nz
Jerri also wrote to Metlink about expanding the carpark on the east side. He was told there isn’t space.

Changes to constitution – sent to all members.

Iain has corrected some of the numbering.
Iain is offering to maintain the membership list as per constitution.

Village Planning Hui

A report on the 8 September Village Planning hui has been written and will be sent to the attendees. We will contact the groups who weren’t there to see if they want to be part of the approach to PCC. Our next step is to agree on how we expect PCC to engage with RAs and VP groups and send a delegation to discuss this with PCC.
Note: The notes in the August minutes on the website about the Village Planning Hui (which took place on 8 September) need to be moved to the September Minutes.

Meeting ended 9.30pm

November 2024 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »

Sh 59 Pukerua Bay-Plimmerton Chip Sealing

Waha Kotahi has provied the following information regaring re-sealing of the highway from Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton. Not that you will not be able to turn into Airlie Rd when heading towards Plimmerton but will need to divert to the Plimmerton Roundabout and head north.

ROADWORKS: Laying a new surface of chipseal on the state highway


State Highway 59, 2 separate sections south of Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton roundabout

Monday 30 October daytime, subject to postponement because of weather 

  1. 7am – 10am approx: a  short 100m section of the 2 northbound lanes beside the Airlie Road intersection
  2. 10am – 4.30pm approx: a 1km section of the 2 southbound lanes from the Weigh Station to Plimmerton roundabout 



  • No right turn into Airlie Road if heading south from Pukerua Bay

o    Either continue south to Plimmerton roundabout, turn back north and use the slip lane into Airlie Road

o    Or use the main access to access Plimmerton at the Steyne Avenue traffic lights

  • Access north or south onto the state highway from Airlie Road
  • Left or right turns – traffic controllers will stop and hold vehicles until it is safe to wave you through
  • Or travel through Plimmerton to the southern exit at Steyne Avenue lights


  • One lane closed for works, traffic uses the other lane beside the works at restricted speed limit


  • A temporary speed restriction will be in place following the works while the chips bed into the new seal 
  • 30km/h is the usual speed at first as this slower speed helps protect your car and others from loose chip
  • The speed limit will rise as traffic helps settle the chip into the new seal on the road surface

Sh 59 Pukerua Bay-Plimmerton Chip Sealing Read More »

Update on Northern Look-out to Brendan Beach track

PCC has provided an update on the slip remedial works on the track to Brendan Beach

Monitoring and geo-technical work is ongoing at the slip below the Pukerua Bay lookout on SH59.

This project is being led by Wellington Transport Alliance (WTA), in partnership with the various land owners in that area, including Porirua City Council.

In February this year, technical experts from WTA installed a number of geo-technical survey pins across the slip site.  These are being regularly monitored to assess for land movement and so far there has been no significant land movement.

Remote tilt sensors have also been recently installed to provide another source of data for the slip assessment.

This information will help guide the project’s next steps regarding what further slip assessments are required and how best to manage the land in the short and long term.

In the meantime, the pathway from the lookout car park to Brendan Beach will remain closed as it is not safe for the public to use.

Update on Northern Look-out to Brendan Beach track Read More »

Slip Clearance Pukerua Bay

Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has advised that a small team will be in Pukerua Bay tomorrow Thursday night, weather permitting, to clear slips from the footpath in the area of SH 59 between Pukerua Beach Road and Wairaka Road.

This will be one of several minor slip-clearing jobs around the highway network that the team will be undertaking tomorrow night so Waka Kotahi cannot say what time the team will arrive. It should only take an hour or so.

Slip Clearance Pukerua Bay Read More »

SH 59 Work on Slipface

Waka Kotahi has advised that further work is to be undertaken on the slipface just noth of the Northern Lookout.

You will have noticed work restarting on the slip face north of Pukerua Bay.

Phase 2 of the coast road slip control project is about to get underway.

Two stop/goes during the daytime this week on the coast road are a taste of things to come.

The work won’t have much impact on traffic at first – just the shoulder closed with the current 50km/h speed restriction continuing on.

The Phase 2 hillside stabilisation and safety project follows the earlier work to stabilise the hillside where a large slip in late August closed the road for several weeks.

This second phase of  work will strengthen the earlier slip control work and will include drilling drains to improve drainage, installing mesh and soil anchors in some areas, and spraying a concrete surface (shotcrete) over others.

  • December stop/go

From 6 December, stop/go traffic control will be in use fulltime day and night until the Christmas/New Year break, then will resume on Monday 9 January through to Friday 27 January.

Only one lane will be open and traffic lights will control the flow of vehicles.

Road users should expect delays.

However, we will be directing through-traffic to use the alternative route of  SH1 Transmission Gully and leave this area of SH59 to the locals as much as possible.

There will be a break from the works over Christmas and New Year when both lanes will be open.

Pedestrians and cyclists can continue using the path beside the seawall throughout the project, though they should be aware there may be times when our traffic controllers ask them to wait.

While the contractors are busy with this hillside stabilisation work, we will take the opportunity to reseal sections of State Highway 59 between Plimmerton roundabout and Pukerua Bay.

The resealing will take approximately 4 days and is planned for early December.

We will send you more information when the resealing dates are confirmed. Regular updates will be sent on progress with the Phase 2 hillside stabilisation project.

FYI – please see the media release below on the Pukerua Bay slip site for you to share. Please contact us with any queries.

Ngā mihi,

Kerry du-Pont, Anita De Klerk & Lynsey Morgan / Customer Communications and Engagement Team
Wellington Transport Alliance

E anita.deklerk@wta.nzta.govt.nz; / M 027 227 9841 / w nzta.govt.nz

E lynsey.morgan@wta.nzta.govt.nz  / M 027 202 1670 / w nzta.govt.nz

21 November 2022 9:20 am | Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

The work site

More work is planned to stabilise a slip face on State Highway 59, Pukerua Bay, on the Kāpiti Coast.

The section of highway was closed for around four weeks in late August and early September for slip clearing and stabilisation work.

Mark Owen, Regional Manager Wellington/Top of the South, says phase two of repair works at the site begins this week.

“It will strengthen the earlier slip control work and includes drilling drains, installing mesh and soil anchors in some areas, and spraying a concrete surface (shotcrete) over others.”

“We know regular users of the road and local residents have noticed the effect the weather has had on the earlier repairs. It was always our intention to do more work at this site. Keeping this vital transport link maintained and resilient is a priority”, Mr Owen says.

Contractors will get the work underway this week from Monday, 21 November. There will be stop/go traffic control in place for two days while concrete barriers are placed on the road shoulder to protect the work site. This should not have a major effect on traffic flows as vehicles will be able to move freely while work is done behind the barriers

The main works will begin on 6 December under fulltime stop/go traffic management. Mark Owen says this will affect road users more.

“Only one lane will be open, and traffic lights will control vehicle access. It means there will be delays on this part of State Highway 59. We recommend drivers detour via State Highway 1, Transmission Gully, while this project is underway.”

Works schedule:

  • 21 November to 6 December
    • Stop/go traffic control for 2 days to install shoulder closure
    • Then 50km/h speed limit with road shoulder closed
    • Slip stabilisation works
  • 6 December – 20 December
    • One laned open and stop/go traffic control will be in use full time, day and night
    • Slip stabilisation works
  • 9 January – 27 January
    • One laned open and stop/go traffic control will be in use full time, day and night
    • Slip stabilisation Works

SH 59 Work on Slipface Read More »