12 December 2023
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Nicky Winchester, Chris Kirk Burnard, Iain MacLean
Apologies: none
Motion: Iain moves to approve previous minutes subject to name update and adding Wellington Water information.Paul second – all passed.
Council Updates
Kapiti Line Services increasing costs as KiwiRail have responsibility to maintain infrastructure but they flagged it early enough.
Funding for 9 mill for trains. It will double Wairarapa services, and quadruple train services on Kapiti and extend to Levin. GWRC makes losses on service. Used to be dollar for dollar but costs have moved onto ratepayers. It’s now 1 to 3. 39 million trips this year which is back up to 2019 levels. New ticketing system is coming which gives better control over ticketing.
Long Term Plan coming out early March for consultation. LTP working with 6 different iwi which has extended consultation time. Chris was unhappy with suggested 40% increases to maintain level of service. Now should be about 20% then 18% and 16%.
Wants more money to be put into flood protection as money has been spent on Riverlink costs – so flood protection reduced elsewhere. We have trouble with Porirua stream.
Lets get wellington moving – change of govt means it won’t go ahead in its current form.
Centreport – 3 new directors including Helmut from iwi in Porirua. Chris supports moves to get strong commercial return and benefits over the next few years for ratepayers. See it as similar asset to airports.
PKB boat ramp. PCC is responsible but needs resource consent from GWRC. Chris supporting update.
Northern Growth – Wellington water not sure they can supply water and infrastructure for that number of houses.
Action – Paul FitzGerald, Community Garden. Send Chris a letter about the costs to the garden for KiwiRail access and indemnity and he will look into it.
Matters Arising
Previous minutes note adding Iain as a signatory to the check account – he says don’t rush.
Financial report
Finance Report to December 2023 Meeting as at 11 December 2023
BNZ $ 4917.23
Income: $ 20.00 He Ara Koha
$100.00 He Ara Prints
$ 50.00 He Ara Donation
$274.00 CGFF RSA Quiz
Expenditure: $ 0.80 Bank Fees
Invoices - Issued Nil
Account balances as at 11 December 2023
Res Assn 000 $ 238.10
He Ara 001 $1397.60
CGFF 002 $1685.45
Kōrero 066 $1441.15
Surf Seat 067 $ 154.93
Motion: Paul moved to pass the financials, Iain second – all passed.
5 December 2023: From Philippa Cox to Moira and Paul about the Scientific reserve
Action items
Project Updates
Community Garden – below
He Ara Pukerua – no report
Kōrero – below
Climate Action – below
Waste Free PKB – no report
Community Garden
Gay Hay –
Summer Watering
Need a roster. Still need to turn on as not enough soak hoses set up.
Volunteers please. Matt Meladonis is willing to help with an irrigation system.
Progress on Pavilion
Roof is painted, barge boards, finials are up. Jacob Slankard is a local carpenter who has offered to help complete the pavilion.
Progress on composting
Brian has met with Neil and ready to relocate and set up the worm bin. Funds from RSA quiz going to the bin set up.
Grass cutting
We are sequestering carbon by letting the grass grow with paths cut through it.
Brian topped the grass near Terry’s fence as a fire break.
Progress on tea towel
Kate is working with design and sourcing costings for quality printing.
Anniversary Day event
Details to be confirmed at next meeting.
Control of pests
Ashley has noticed issues with the beans. We have agreed to try ‘Quash’ an environmentally friendly slug bait. Any more donations of food bag wool is welcome as it helps mulch and keeps snails out.
Currently we have $1411.45 which needs to be used for the KiwiRail $462 and public liability $655.
$462 Kiwirail
$655 public liability
$200 pavilion
$300 compost
Planning is underway for a fundraising calendar for 2025
Statement of the community garden
We need a statement of the purpose of the community garden to share with Ngati Toa (for a te reo name) and aid funding applications. We understand Lenka has done the initial work on this and need to check with her on this.
Family Day
We planning an afternoon tea at the garden for visiting families from overseas. 27th Jan or maybe the Anniversary day.
Iain MacLean – Planning meeting held Thursday 30 November.
First issue for next year is well underway with a theme of ‘reading’. We have a draft outline for the next 3 issues.
Climate Action
Jane Comben –
We had successful events.
WREMO (Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office) workshop on 25 Nov was attended by 9 locals. We took notes and have suggestions to have a follow up event in March/April. Beach clean-up – 10 Dec Brendan Beach was a success despite bad weather (11 locals). Meg talked to Briony about possibly helping to clear the path of sand.
General Business:
District Plan decisions
Iain MacLean – email from Council with changes to the District Plan from the draft to the final released last week.
Things added to final District Plan
Climate change and resilience [a whole new part added to the introduction]
The development will incorporate design principles that anticipate the effects of climate change, to mitigate its impacts, to avoid contributing to it and to increase community resilience.
Freshwater management areas [single sentence added]
Other activities may also need to locate or be undertaken within these areas to enable the wider development of the area, such as infrastructure or earthworks.
Connectivity [single sentence added]
The form of this access [to SH59] is to be informed by a transport strategy that will be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders and lead by the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
DEV-NG-02 Planning urban built environment of the Northern Growth Development Area [words in bold added]
5. Predominantly medium density housing with a variety of housing types, sizes and tenures;
7. An urban form that is integrated with the transport network, and encourages public and active transport modes while minimising reliance on private vehicles
DEV-NG-P2 Subdivision [words in bold added]
4. Provides a transport network layout and design that:
a. Is safe for all transport users
b. Recognises and provides for transport connections at the boundaries of the Development Area where opportunities exist, including an appropriate connection to State Highway 59
Things removed from draft and not included in the final
Words in bold and italics and in square braces deleted]
DEV-NG-P3 [Potentially] Appropriate development
Only allow subdivision, use and development that is [potentially] not in accordance with the Northern Growth Development Area Structure Plan where it is demonstrated that it is appropriate for such subdivision, use or development to occur within the Development Area, having regard to whether:
1. The purpose and effects of the subdivision, use or development are likely to constrain, limit or compromise the intended development and use of the Development Area as set out in the Structure Plan, including consideration of…
WREMO – Emergency exercises
Run by Whetu Bennett. As mentioned above in Climate Action report section, we discussed having quarterly events/workshops at the RSA for interested people and possibly setting up a kit at the RSA as a backup to the school one.
Christmas on the field not happening this year. There was an attempt to separate the PKB Hub from Ahu Trust. That didn’t work this year as both were run by the same people. They didn’t have the people to run Christmas on the Field so it’s not going ahead. Suggested that cancelation was communicated to the community and also to give people a chance to step up.
Meeting closed: 8.50pm
Next Meeting: February 13th 2024