July 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Present: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Jonathan Harker, Guy Marriage, June Penhey, Paul FitzGerald, Jenny Brash (GWRC). Community: Mel Galletly.

Apologies: Pauline Morse, Brian Sullivan, David Olsen, Beccy Davis, Dale Williams (PCC).

Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul, seconded Iain, carried.

Matters Arising

Ocean Beach erosion is urgent; the whole coastline is vulnerable. Jenny suggests discussing with Ian Dawe at GWRC, and talking to Tim Sheppard at Plimmerton RA to arrange a meeting.


$4377.36 dropped off in our account from PCC for the balance of the community garden tree costs, and $300 deposited towards the cost of the penguin sign.



$2386.47 fundraising account

Outstanding invoice from DAC for $1711.20 for the penguin sign, due 20 July. Incoming invoices will be due soon from tree nurseries for the community garden trees. Iain presented a paid $68.89 invoice from Umbrellar for the pukeruabay.org.nz domain for 2 years.

Motion: to reimburse Iain for the paid domain invoice.

Motion: to move enough money from the fundraising account to cover the DAC invoice. Seconded Paul, non opposed, motion carried.


Council correspondence.

Latest Neighbourhood Support Group newsletter.

Motion: Iain proposed the RA recognise June Penhey’s contribution to the community on her receiving the Porirua City Civic Award last week. None opposed!

GWRC update

Jenny: pest management strategy is being worked on at the moment. Submissions can be made before 27 July on the GWRC website. Wellington getting funding for the Miramar pest group. Negotiation of bus rates, routes and contracts has been difficult. The new early train times through Pukerua Bay have proven popular.

Porirua City Council update

Muri Road safety work (2016/17 year project): There has been great progress on this project in the last fortnight with a change of staff at the Downer Team. Outstanding items are to replace a section of damaged concrete kerb, and install the ‘wash-over’ pad, scheduled in the next 2 weeks.

Muri Reserve / Te Araroa Trail way-finding signs: This project is to install directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (between the former Muri Road Station and Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station. The signs are currently being manufactured. There are still some landowner permissions outstanding before the signage can be installed. It is hoped this will all be completed shortly and installation completed by the end of July.

Community garden (food forest): PCC has now delivered 70 m³ of wood chip to the site to act as a grass and weed suppressant. The supplier is still to deliver an extra 4 loads of heavier chip wood chip. The remainder of the planting budget has been transferred to the RA as the council nursery was not able to supply the plant stock this late in the planting season.

Heritage trail (part 2): All scheduled work (20117-18) for this part of the project has now been completed. PCC have approached NZTA on our behalf to arrange permission to install a heritage bollard adjacent to SH1 to mark the ‘tank trap’ at the northern end of Pukerua Bay.

Ara Harakeke shared footpath from shops to Wairaka Road: Kate Cushing (PCC project manager for land reinstatement following slips) has engaged ENGEO (the Council’s engineers) to develop plans to stabilize and repair the affected area to reinstate the existing footpath on its current alignment. The investigation phase was completed last month and design work has now commenced. The shared pathway project is being accommodated through the ENGEO design process using the plans previously developed by Stantec in preparation of this project. PCC have recently obtained approval to carry forward the current-year budget allocation to 2018/19.

Village Planning project request process (2018/19): PCC thanks the RA for submitting our project requests for 2018/19. PCC will be considering them at the City Delivery Committee on 2 August.

SH1 Pedestrian Refuge by public toilets: This is now complete. NZTA will welcome your feedback on the improved pedestrian safety initiative.

SH1 noise from trucks engine braking: PCC thanks the RA for undertaking a survey of residents adjoining SH1. The information has been passed on to PCC Roading and Bylaws teams, and NZTA. PCC anticipates this feedback may result in the installation of further ‘no engine breaking’ signs.

Ta Awarua O Porirua Whaitua Committee: (water catchments, sediment and setting water quality and limits). Jenny suggests joining up with Plimmerton and other RAs to get a presentation from them.

Motion: contact Plimmerton, Whitby, Pauatahanui RAs and arrange a presentation evening. Seconded Kate, none opposed, motion carried.

School Hall

Meeting up Wednesday 18 July with Conor and Nick to discuss further.

Paremata roundabout traffic

Meeting with NZTA resulted in them agreeing to trial metering lights at peak times, since the improvements intended to improve wait times and traffic congestion have done Jacques Merde. In email from Dale:

“NZTA have reviewed their work and agree it hasn’t worked, so they’re engaging new engineers to come back to [PCC] with a new set of options to try and alleviate the congestion. They seem willing to finally trial lights, but need traffic modelling done to ensure where/when/how this might work best. We’re pressing for timeliness, they say ‘2 months’”

Support for Ahu Trust/Hub

A vote of thanks for arranging the Matariki event at the school last month – fantastic turn-out, plenty of activities and a great event. Dale also wishes to express PCC’s thanks and “huge well done” to the Ahu Trust for putting on a great Matariki event. We need to be aware that the trust relies on volunteers and we should all endeavour to offer help where we can.

Community garden

The first proper working bee was on Sunday 8 July, twelve people turned up in the pouring rain and wind! We planted 15 feijoas, 70 m³ of mulch was delivered by truck, and in the next few weeks 25 trees, all heritage varieties—apples, pears, nashi and plums—will arrive to be planted in the holes that have been dug. A couple of kumara pits have been found on the west slope of the area.

He Ara Pukerua fundraising

After the success of last year’s calendar, this year’s calendar will have the theme Notable Pukeruvians. This year will hope to include local events, rubbish and recycling days, RA meetings, Hub events, and so on.

Other business

Mel: has had the bins collected from the library. Can we fix the pot-holes in the shops car park? Also, to meet Day’s Bay Café folks on Monday 16 July to discuss a coffee kiosk proposal. Iain: park is owned by the shop owners,

Action: Kate to email Capital Journeys about the Wairaka Road corner garden.

Submission to fix up Greenmeadows discuss with RA and the Pukerua Bay Soccer Club spending money on the school field.

Paul: talked to Malcolm from the Parks department, asked about the cleared pine trees, to be planted in trees but we were planning to have it as a picnic area. The pile of pine chips can be moved onto the community garden site. The chips can also be spread around to make a clear area that doesn’t have to be mown. Logs can be arranged as makeshift bench seating.

Motion: talk to Dale at PCC about making the area a picnic area instead of the current plan to do re-vegetation tree planting.

Meeting closed: 9.27 pm

Next meeting: 14 August 2018