Minutes Tuesday 11 June 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd
Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Chris Kirk-Burnnand.
Present: Ross Leggett, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Iain MacLean.
Council updates
b. PCC
Long Term Plan. Rejigged 3 waters priorities – update to Rukutani Point pump station fixed up in 3 years. (not increase rates as this in lieu of another project). Kerbside collection. Village Planning ended (no capital spend) but hopefully liaison with council is continued. Ross would personally like to see it resurrected. Onepoto walkway – There is some funding but need to talk to Waka Kotahi about it. Difficult to know with change of priorities with change of government.
Alcohol licensing fees – looking to full cost recovery for that. Increase in various fees. Mana Esplanade with Medium density development. NZDA are saying no to new ones the developers wanted to do with parking.
Related Special Development Plan – council in principal want to look at that with a set of conditions. Change of government may impact Kianga Ora who were going to be in charge of it. That may also affect development in Eastern Porirua. First part of Plimmerton Farm under fast track. Not sure of timing due to state of the economy.
Parking at Pukerua Bay Station. What happens with ongoing development? Under Special Development Plan they will look at that. Ross will ask the planners about Pukerua Bay. Plimmerton parking to be made bigger (by Council and GWRC). Porirua – they are looking at paid parking.
Margaret told Ross about the Gun Emplacement erosion and tilt. He will follow up with Tracy Steel (who responded from PCC).
Gay asked Ross if he’d be willing to receive letters form the school children as part of their Action for Change. Margaret noted it’s $655.50 insurance this year. $462 for Kiwi Rail
27 June Council Meeting to approve final LTP and set the rates for next year.
Approval of May minutes
Motion: Iain moved to accept May minutes, Gay seconded – all agreed, carried.
Matters arising
Financial Report
Finance Report to June 2024 Meeting as at 10 June 2024
BNZ $9424.35
$ 10.71 Interest
$ 11.00 CGFF Seeds
$ 1160.00 CGFF TT
$ 5.00 CGFF Donation
$ 70.50 CGFF Work Day Koha
$ 140.00 He Ara Panorama
$ 60.00 Korero Invoice
$ 678.50 Korero
$ 5.00 Bank Fees
$ 100.00 CGFF Koha for Expert
$ 49.50 CGFF Reimbursement
Funds Transfer
Invoices – Issued
$ 400.00 PCC
$ 530.00 Korero
Account balances as at 10 June 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 255.19
He Ara 001 $ 1644.02
CGFF 002 $ 1538.31
Kōrero 066 $ 1289.47
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 4522.63
Motion: Paul moved to move Financials, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.
Talk about getting the website email forwarded onto Jane or Paul.
Action: Iain to talk to Jonathan about it.
Action items
Project updates
Community Garden & Food Forest
- Composting – bins complete and ready for filling, should be ready to use in 6 weeks
- Wellington Horowhenua Tree Crops. Successful application, granted $1000. There is a list of requirements from them. Tabled. Suggest Ara leads this project.
- Plan for garden workday Saturday 8 June. Allocation of a person to each work area to direct helpers. Margaret to record on white board. Contributions to morning tea appreciated
- Hazel nut tree. Request to purchase an ‘Alexandra’ hazel nut to ensure cross pollination. Lenka to investigate
- Tea towel sales, slow, cost of production not yet achieved
- Proposed calendar to be postponed this year. Could we have a community open garden day as a fund raiser and get photo pages from this
- Claire from Pukerua Bay school has contacted Gay to investigate their involvement in the garden.
- Support to the Hub for Matariki celebration. We have the Crankie ready, Ralph willing to be storyteller and Ara leading a harakeke star making session. Help with set up please and mats etc. for audience to sit on
- Nick Vincent bringing Predator Free traps to sell and explain at workday
- Reinforcing of rail at the end of the herb garden needed
- Deck extension for easy access to pavilion under way
He Ara Pukerua

WW II MG Post, Pukerua Bsy Beach, May 2024
- WW II Gun Emplacement, Ocean Parade. This has been deeply eroded by the stream. Ashley has emailed a number of organisations about the undermining. He will also write to the RSA for support.
- Margaret was a guest at the celebration to mark 60 years of the Woodhouse Garden Club. It is the longest running garden club in New Zealand. Check the July NZ Gardener.
- Request to Nikau Trust for a grant has been declined.
- Two panorama images have been sold.
- Still more gems coming from Tony Jackman.
- The museum at the school has been cleared and items returned, or passed on to appropriate people or organisations.
- Copy for website on flora, fauna and fish.
- Many hours spent at National Library, Archives and Pataka.
- Several stories are ready to be added to the website.
- FB stories continue to receive great feedback, even stories posted in 2021.
- MP Barbara Edmonds is a keen follower of He Ara Facebook page.
- Ngati Toa and PCC have erected pou at Northern Lookout
Version 3 distributed. Planning meeting for Health/Hauora for next issue. Iain will do another grant application for printing.
Waste Free Pukerua Bay
Gay, Margaret and Iain are keen to support Nikky with recycling. Perhaps with a monthly collection at the RSA similar to Margaret’s church.
General Business
- PCC Long Term Plan (See Iain’s email 9 June). Suggestion to organise a hui with other Village Planning groups to come up with ideas to present to Council. Margaret wondered if PCC will
- Nikky asked about plans for St Mark’s. We have not had any further contact from the Anglican Diocese.
- No further word about the Plunket Room.
Action: Iain to talk to Jonathan about website email forwarding.
Action: Iain to clarify will the council support for Residents’ Association continue.
Action: Paul to contact other local Residents’ Associations about a hui.
Close: 8.56pm