14 March 2023
Present: Jon Harker, Dorothy Ibrahim, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Moira Lawler, Iain MacLean, Tracey Johnson (PCC), Chris Kirk-Burnand (GWRC)
Apologies: Nikky Winchester
Council Updates
PCC– Village planning decision has been deferred until the LTP no budget until then. Council under the pump with the Annual Plan – would like to hold rates. Pressure on staff, water, roading etc. Holding workshops on how Council will manage costs in the Annual Plan – will possibly put out scenarios for the community. Rate revaluations are out. Some of the bigger sections in the East have significant rate rises. Pauatahanui and others with lifestyle blocks likely to jump. Rapid decisions needed as consultation not far away.
Paul raised whether the deliberation process hosted by Ngati Toa could help with the Annual Plan decision making.
Project delays have been caused by the flooding as both equipment and skilled contractors have done to flood areas. Information on the website explaining delays would be helpful.
Discussions with Waka Kotahi on SH 59 stretch between Paremata bridge and Plimmerton – Council very unhappy with WK approach. Pukerua Bay in next phase once sections further south have been resolved.
Paid parking now underway in city centre.
GWRC – $5M from govt. to replace trains in Wng region. A year behind and short of budget. No commitment from govt. yet. Hoping for a $90% subsidy – part of doubling trains up the coast. Proposing a 17.8% increase in rates. Much smaller for Porirua as central Wellington transport costs are borne by Wellington city residents. Concern for forestry practice and slash – affects GWRC at Battle Hill. Increased transport costs include interest, need to build up reserves, staff shortages, drivers recruited from overseas take 3 months to train. Replacement of flume at Kaitoke now includes replacing bridge as well – cost moved from $30M to $90M. Agility of organisations an issue e.g. trying to get PCC and GWRC to collaborate to improve culverts around Pauatahanui inlet. Sewer tank at Porirua rail station might have increased in cost from $40M to $80M.
Approval of previous minutes
Moved by Paul seconded Iain.
Matters arising from previous minutes
- Jon to put on website.
- Moira and Jon to work at getting previous minutes stored on the cloud.
- Paul invited Waka Kotahi to a meeting to discuss SH 59 treatment. Too busy on Mana Esplanade Inquiry to come but would respond to questions.
Financial report – as of 12 March
BNZ $ 6,646.14
Income: 00 $ 34.30 Interest
$ 375.00 Kōrero
Expenditure: $ 75.85 CGFF Irrigation system
$ 35.50 CGFF Weed Eater Line
$ 21.95 CGFF Plumbing Fitting
$ 524.40 Kōrero
Invoices – Issued $1545.00 Kōrero
Separate account numbers now set up for each group to keep finances clear.
Margaret’s work across the groups acknowledged.
- Email from Catherine Gregory reminding us she has a landline – useful for civil defence purposes. Jon will send to Paul to send to community resilience group.
- Mel wrote to account manager at Meridian, Mike Janice, – updating him on Council progress. Need to wait for Council’s climate strategy.
Action Items
- Committee details were sent to Moira
- December minute corrections have gone to Moira
- Moira has sent through Korero budget
- Iain is developing a form that enables groups to join the residents association
- Website – now upgraded to latest wordpress version.
Project Updates
Community Garden Food Forest – no update available
Executive Committee Handbook – no update available
He Ara Pukerua – Tragedy at Tunnel No. 8 offer of Rail Heritage Trust to design and fund this project. The message sent to He Ara subsequently turned out to be incorrect to the disappointment to several heritage groups. The offer should have read offer to assist, not finance.
He Ara Recipe included in Pukerua Bay Village Cook Book
Harry Hume material: Capewell family have gifted to He Ara original research, reports and correspondence relating to the building of Centennial Highway.
Website: He Ara have met with Anne Johnson who will begin the design of our website when she has completed two major projects.
Prints for sale. Orders will be taken for the Pauline Morse paintings of historic events and places.
We are working on the next edition – sorting copy and ads for a publication mid-April. The next edition focuses on sports activities in the Bay and we have had lots of interest. We have had two unsolicited contributions and a new ad since the first edition went out.
We put out a call for people to help with distribution, which has added to our letterboxing volunteers.
This year we discussed raising the price of ads with advertisers as the ads do not fully cover the print costs. Most advertisers were not prepared to pay more so we have retained current prices. We lost both real estate advertisers – Tommy’s and Tall Poppies who are cutting their advertising budgets in the housing downturn. Barbara Edmonds has had to cut short her advertising due to the elections. We are working on an application to Hutt Mana Energy Trust to cover print costs for the full year, enabling us to grow to 20 pages.
A rough budget has been submitted to the committee.
Margaret has an online deposit slip and annual report online for the application.
There is still a desire to see the website version in colour – Moira has agreed to talk to Anne to see if this would be possible without extra work for Anne.
It would be good to have an email list of Councillors etc. to get the Korero PDF as it’s available.
Waste Free PKB – no update available
Surf Seat – also umbrelled by Residents Association.
General Business
- Scientific Reserve Signage – Moira to draft a letter to DOC requesting signage for the reserve
- Climate Action Update – 3 groups now operating – an education group in the school looking at solar, curriculum and a local inquiry project; a community reliance group revisiting our civil defence preparedness; and a carbon reduction, circular economy group looking at carbon footprint models, community pantry etc. We are looking at a winter workshop series.
- We will be at the gala. Residents Association will join.
- Submission to Muri Farm Housing Development – Iain is appearing next Tuesday for 15 minutes. Will request climate change to be a key principle in front of plan. Will also address the Kainga Ora plan for intensification around the train station. Kainga Ora is requesting the small reserve between the bottom of Sea Vista Rd and the train station be rezoned residential.
Next meeting April 11