November 2022 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

8 November 2022

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletley, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver (at start of meeting)

Apologies: Moira Lawlor, Josh Trlin, Nathan Waddle, Tracy Johnson, Hikitia Ropata

Paul started the meeting by presenting Kate Dreaver with an award recognising her many years of service on the Executive Committee. She was presented with a certificate recognising that the Association “Grants to Kate Dreaver the freedom to use the title ‘Emeritus Village Planner of the Oligosoma Whitakerian Republic of Pukerua’” and a small gift.

Election of officers

  • Chair: Paul FitzGerald (Iain/Margaret)
  • Secretary: Moira Lawlor (Paul/Margaret)
  • Treasurer: Margaret Blair (Paul/Nikky)
  • Deputy chair: Iain MacLean (Paul/Mel)
  • Webmaster: Jonathon Harker

Previous minutes Moved: Mel/Iain. Accepted without amendment.

Follow up items: Secret Valley — Mel rang council about the graffiti on the murals and they will contact school to work with them.

Financial report

BNZ account balance: $8543.40

Income: 00 account

  • $ 0.04 Interest
  • $ 565.00 Kōrero invoices
  • $ 10.00 He Ara Tote
  • $ 66.00 He Ara Brush & Lens Koha


  • $ 453.28 KiwiRail
  • $ 114.71 CGFF materials
  • $ 65.00 M. Blair


  • Issued $ 0.00 Kōrero
  • Outstanding $ 35.00 Kōrero x 1 (3+ months)

Proposal for account structure

Margaret raised a proposal to change the structure of the RA’s bank accounts. As we now have three significant groups (community garden, Kōrero, He Ara Pukerua), we should set up separate bank accounts within RA number for each entity. When we apply for a grant it will clearer how much money each group has. Financial rules will ensure only the treasurer can create transactions, and they are approved by someone from the group, who does not need to be an RA committee member. We will need to get budgets from each group so RA knows what to expect.

Set up separate bank accounts (under the RA’s main number) for:

  • He Ara Pukerua,
  • Kōrero,
  • Community Garden Food Forest,
  • and any further groups coming under the RA umbrella.

Establish authorities for a representative or representatives of any such group to:

  • View the group’s account and authorise payments set up by the Treasurer.
  • Any authority to be limited to access to only the particular group’s account.

Moved: Paul/Iain. Approved

Correspondence — none

Action items

Submissions: Only the one to PCC responding to Kainga Ora’s District Plan submission for high density housing (six-storey buildings) in the area within 800m of the train station, and to extend the size of the neighbourhood centre zone (‘the shops’). This submission is being combined with the earlier one on the structure plan


Community Garden Food Forest: Irrigation pipes being installed (buried pipes). Taking out some of the tagasaste stumps of trees that have died.

Committee handbook: Nikky will present it to the next meeting

He Ara Pukerua:

  • We are waiting for “official” approval from PCC for three panels.
  • Highly successful Pukerua Through Brush and Lens exhibition on Saturday 5 November.
  • 46 paintings by 17 artists, 4 photographs, and a power point with 61 images.
  • We now have a new member of the He Ara team,
  • We have been invited to a meeting with the Paekakariki Station Precinct Trust at the Paekakariki Station Museum
  • We have been invited to visit the Glenside Halfway House and Garden
  • We have been shown an album of photos of Pukerua from the 1920s which we will be able to scan.
  • Copies of some images will be available for sale.

Kōrero: The year’s final issue of Kōrero is with printers for delivery this coming weekend. The first issue next year will be published in late February, with a copy deadline of 16 January. It will be loosely organised around the theme of water. Huge thanks to all those who make it possible with copy, advertising, sponsorship, and help with delivery. Special thanks to Anne Johnson whose design gives it such beauty.

EV charge point: Mel has talked to Claire Giblin (PCC) to ask her to liaise with Meridian energy about the site of the charging point, and sent emails to connect her to his Meridian contact. The preferred site is still outside American motorcycles. However, Meridian need to get on with pole testing to see whether they can be installed there. Discussion on whether the units can charge two cars at the same time. Margaret thinks not, as there is only one cable for a Tesla and another for other EV (e.g. Leaf), which is why the supplies prefer to have two units on each site.

General business

Pukerua Beach Road / SH59 intersection: Discussion about the number of cars hitting the armco barrier on the state highway. Paul will write to PCC and Waka Kotahi about the need to improve road markings to alert drivers about the bend.

Mailing lists: Discussion on reviving the RA email list using the RA MailChimp account. Iain to set up a list for residents based on the existing email addresses we have collected at recent events.

Meeting close at 8:45pm