September 2022 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

13 September 2022

Present: Margaret Blair, Paul FitzGerald, Moira Lawler, Mel Galletly, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Jon Harker, Dorothy Ibrahim, Nikky Winchester, Jenny Brash

Apologies: Lenka Horanska, Kelly McLean, Pauline Morum, Euon Murrell, Chris Kirk-Burnand

Council Updates:

GWRC – Four weeks left of Jenny’s term. Hopes Robyn Smith gets elected. PCC now working on a governance model for the harbour and inlet. Not a lot of attention paid to this work of late. Council help a workshop to develop a governance model – will include Ngati Toa, local community groups, Wellington Water, GWRC etc.

Large amounts of capex has had to be carried over as Covid has slowed delivery of project work.

Struggling to get drivers for bus service. NZ Bus has been taken over by Connetics.

Regional Policy Statement out for consultation – until end October. Covers overall goals and objectives that roll down into District Plans – stronger environmental controls in place.

Paul thanked Jenny for her years as a Councillor (9), 12 years as Mayor then time on the Regional Council. We have appreciated her attendance at the meetings.

PCC – not in attendance

Approval of previous minutes

Moved Moira, sec Iain – moved.

Agreed not to minute outstanding debts.

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • Paul talked to Bill Inge about bins at end of Raroa Place (Rian and partner’s request). Has been passed on to waste management team to consider a solution.
  • Debbie from Archway was looking for information about village planning. Kate has been in touch with Debbie to try to provide information but the interest is more in the roadworks outside the shops than in village planning.

Financial report as at 12 September 2022

BNZ $ 6809.14

Income: 00 $ 6.03 Interest

$ 98.00 CGFF: Pruning Day

$ 60.00 He Ara Tee

$ 326.00 CGFF Market Day

Expenditure: $ 100.00 CGFF: Hannah Zwartz Pruning Demo

$ 630.20 Korero

Invoices – Issued $ NIL

Invoices – Outstanding $ 165.00 Korerō x 3 (2-3 months)

Moved Paul sec John – received.


  • Mark Coburn thanked us for slip updates on our webpage/FB
  • Marie Waterworth – would like to advertise in business services
  • Email from Meridian Energy – still trying to get pole testing sorted – could take quite a while. Got advice from Paekakariki Community Board. PCC hard to engage.

Project Updates

  1. Community Garden Food Forest – Lenka away. Discussions this week on timing of Spring Festival. More trees being donated including memorial trees.
  2. Executive Committee Handbook – Nicky sent through drafts for review. Iain and Mel have provided comments. Margaret has looked at it from Treasurers point of view. That section needs to be rewritten. Margaret has resent the material to the committee and Nicky will incorporate.
  3. He Ara Pukerua –

He Ara Tee Shirt sales are clearing stock from pre Covid. We have a new supplier who will print on demand for future sales.

He Ara has registered “Pukerua through Brush and Lens” for Wellington Heritage Week. This is an exhibition of paintings and photographs of Pukerua Bay from the 1840s to be held on Saturday, 5 November at St Mark’s.

A submission was made by He Ara to the Proposed District Plan Variation 1 for the preservation of the WWII trench on Scaife’s Farm. This trench, considered “very rare” by military historians, although recorded by NZ Archaeological Association is vulnerable as it is on a hill top which could be seen as an ideal building site.

He Ara wishes to apply to the Hutt Mana Trust for funding to set up a website to make available the large amount of written and photographic material held.

It was agreed to umbrella and application to Hutt Mana Energy Trust for up to $3,000.

  1. Kōrero

Kōrero continues to be well received, and we find that we sometimes have more copy than we can easily place. We want to keep to 20 pages per issue, with about one thirds for advertising. We have discussed putting a restriction on the amount of business advertising we run, so that editorial copy does not become overwhelmed by ads. We won’t place a restriction on community advertising but will ask that community groups contribute to our costs by paying for ads at half the regular price. (Note that written items about events will be treated as copy and remain free.) This approach also means that, when strictly necessary, we can go to 24 pages.

We’ve discussed dates and themes for future issues and intend to run issues on the same cycle as we have this year. (February, April, June, September, November). The final issue of each year will invite reflection from community groups. The February 2023 issue will focus on water.

We are preparing to put in our grants application to the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust, asking for $2000.

Moira to discuss colour PDF with Anne.

  1. Village Plan Review

Our Draft Village Plan is on the community website at

Jonathan has offered to create a designed copy with photos. If anyone has photos to share, that would be great.

We would like to propose that this page become a site for all consultation and planning documents. This would reflect the fact that the plan is really a framework for action and that many of the suggestions will require further consultation. Examples would include the discussion around the District Plan and climate change.

  1. Waste Free PKB – paper tags on bread now. Need to collect up last of plastic tags.

Action Items – None

General Business

a. Local Election Candidates:

Public meeting September 14th ,7.00pm School & Community Hall, Bring a Plate. Hall available from 6pm.

b. Variation 1 to District plan, including PKB structure plan:

Iain bought together a submission from PKB Residents Association. Next walking tour also being planned – maybe this weekend. Barbers about 2 months away from submitting resource consent application for first stage – 100 houses on land already zoned residential.

d. Climate Change Workshop:

Moira, Connor and Kate are planning a climate change workshop for October 16. Being assisted by Barbara from Rawhiti Rd. Lots of outreach and communication happening. Likely to be the first of an ongoing conversation depending what participants want to do next.

e. Village Planning Review Workshop:

Minutes of the workshop are attached. Iain, Nikky, and Kate attended for PKB. The strong feeling of all participants was that it was not residents’ associations that had lost the way, but Council. Council’s focus on projects misses the deeper purposes of connection and empowerment.

The areas where improvements could be made include:

  • Council re-engage with the Programme’s objectives and recognise what the Programme has achieved
  • Regular opportunities for the groups to meet and collaborate on shared objectives
  • Council officers be valued and to pick up their role as brokers between residents’ associations and groups.
  • That PCC consider the lifetime of projects and incorporate new facilities in their maintenance schedule.

f. Residents Association email list:

Just a reminder to start a new group for new topics rather than using ‘reply all’.

g. Membership requirements for Incorporated Society:

Iain suggested we discuss the issue of members at the AGM. The law requires us to have recorded members so we need to talk to residents about the best way to achieve this. Organisations could count as members and add mass.

Our AGM is on October 19th.

h. AGM Guest Speaker:

Suggested we have Tony Sutorius from Volunteer Fire Brigade.

Also considering someone from MPI to talk about poaching and role of honorary fisheries officer.

Meeting closed 9pm.