March 2022 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

8 March 2022

    Present: Moira Lawler, Kate Dreaver, Iain MacLean, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kelly McClean, Pauline Morum, Nikky WInchester, Jon Harker.

    Hugh Young came to the RSA, but the meeting had gone online.

    Apologies: Lenka Horanska, Mel Galletly.

    Council Updates:

    No Councillors in attendance

    Beach Road Slips: Pauline reported on the current state of the slips on Beach Rd. The Residents Association has received the ENGEO report on options for repair, and the report residents have prepared in response. Waiting for a Council response.

    Concern that signage doesn’t make clear how dangerous the road is in its current state.

    Approval of previous minutes

      Approved Kate, Paul.

      Matters arising from previous minutes

        Concern over district plan changes, and 3 potential new developments south and east of Pukerua bay. These will need to be district plan variations, which will be consulted on in August 2022.


          Email from Hugh Young re Beach Rd slips. Hugh is concerned that sewer pipes might be at risk with the continued slips. Claire Giblin has visited Hugh’s site to assess the risk.

          Email from Raroa Rd resident re Paragliders frightening dogs

          Email from city librarian re painting of chorus box – looking for photos

          Email from Council re village planning review starting – online meeting next week

          Finance Report to March 2022 Meeting as at 8 March 2022

            BNZ $ 6822.11

            Income: 00 $ 413.00 CGFF

            $ 0.20 Interest

            $ 2000.00 He Ara

            $ 510.00 Korero

            Expenditure: $ 630.20 Korero

            $ 32.97 CGFF

            Payments Received: $ 2000.00 Waka Kotahi (1/11/2021)

            $ 250.00 Tommy’s (17/12/2021)

            $ 210.00 Korero (2022) x2

            Invoices – Outstanding $ 1460.00 Korero x 10


            2021 Group Funds


            2021 5 Issues

            • Invoices $2700.00
            • Printing $2636.32
            • Surplus $ 63.68


            Grant $1000.00


            • Calendar $3510.02
            • Plants $ 385.00
            • Palmers $ 500.00

            HE ARA

            • Sale of Timber $ 450.00
            • Refurbishment $ 750.00

              Action items: None

              Project Updates

              1. Kōrero – see report
              2. Community Garden Food Forest – cubs now helping out in the garden, Hannah Swartz doing a worm farm workshop on Saturday, Whitby gardeners coming to visit.
              3. Village Plan Review – see report
              4. He Ara Pukerua – see report
              5. Executive Committee Handbook
              6. Waste Free PKB – people are still using the collection boxes and they need emptying. Will let people know what the latest news is on recycling.
              7. Community Bay Hub – planning session now April 2nd 2pm online. Looking two years ahead. Had to be postponed due to covid. Looking at a significant project for Matariki.


              Korero Review (After one year’s publication).

              Advertising prices went up to try to cover larger editions. Moira to send budget to Margaret.

              Nikky raised issue of informal footpath put in in Muri Rd. It has disintegrated again and needs reforming. Paul to contact Council.

              Moira asked to be relieved of the secretary inbox. Jon to divert them to his own address.

              Meeting closed 8.40pm.