Tuesday, 13 May 2008, 7.30 pm
Present: Jack Fry, June Penhey, Tim Bright, Pat Hanley (Chair), Graham McLaughlin, Robyn Moore, Kate Dreaver, Linda Kerkmeester, Ian Barlow, Tim Sheppard, Sue Dow
Apologies: Dagmar Pesendorfer, Robin Gay, Nick Leggett
Minutes: adopted
Media relations: Discussion regarding attendance by media at the meetings. Alexia Kainuku, City Life Porirua did not attend as had been expected. The committee agreed that in the future, we would generally issue media releases as appropriate or invite media to discuss specific issues; otherwise, the media would generally be excluded from the regular meetings of the Residents’ Association.
Matters Arising: see agenda
Financial Report: June reported that there was $4,997 on hand, primarily for the Waimapihi Stream Project.
- Email from Tim Sheppard on Community Outcomes – much appreciated and was helpful in preparing the Annual Plan Submission.
- Letter from Minister of Fisheries, suggesting we meet with officials regarding the Rahui and once officials have given their advice as to options for the future we may then consider a meeting with the Minister.
Transit New Zealand: Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan
NAP now at the draft stage for submission to Board of Transit in June.
Marine Protection – Update
Letter to the Minister – see correspondence.
Village Planning
Foreshore reserve draft plan. Skateboard bowl: Ian Barlow reported that the final technical drawings are nearing completion and it is hoped that the contract will be let in June. A number of the committee members expressed their concerns at a lack of information from the Skateboard Association. The Residents’ Association will attempt to keep all parties informed as developments occur.
- Members were very happy with the plan as presented by Linda. Plan to be circulated in the School Newsletter, web site, dairy. Estimates of costs to be prepared by Linda and Ian for inclusion in the next annual budget.
Civil Defence: Trevor Farmer, PCC is putting emphasis on communications. New radios, so that there is communication with other CD centres and hand-held ones for local communications. Coverage within Pukerua Bay to be tested. Noted leaflet in Wellington – “How to find you in the event of a disaster”. Setting up a Welfare Committee within Porirua area. Training PCC staff in Emergency Planning so that there will be at least 2 PCC staff in the local CD Team.
Other Business
- Notice Board: Dairy has agreed to notice board being erected to the right of the door.
- Annual Plan Submission: A presentation was made to Council Hearing with Dagmar, Robyn, Gill and Pat attending.
- Arbour Day: planting organised by Porirua City Council at areas near Muri and Pukerua Bay stations.
- Ward Councillors Clinic: To be held on the last Saturday of the month 10.00 am – 11.00 am.
Meeting closed 9.00 pm.