Tuesday, 8 April 2008, 7.30 pm
Present: Graham McLaughlin, Kate Dreaver, Jack Fry, Pat Hanley, Gill England, Robyn Moore, Dagmar Pesendorfer, June Penhey, Tim Bright, Tim Sheppard, Nick Leggett
Apologies: Ian Barlow, Euon Murrell
Minutes: approved as circulated
Matters Arising: see agenda
Financial Report: On hand $4,497.13 remaining primarily for the Waimapihi Stream project. Ian Barlow will organise invoices with respect to this project.
Correspondence: Draft Annual Plan: see Goat Track repairs, Muri Road footpath
Transit New Zealand: Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan
Survey returns number about 90 at this point, suggested that members phone around to increase the number of returns. Notice in the school newsletter.
Marine Protection – Update
Support received from the Wellington Regional Council after meeting with the Chair, Fran Wilde. Also strong support from the Mayors of Porirua and Kapiti, both of whom have offered to attend the meeting with the Minister. Three primary schools have also provided letters of support – Pukerua Bay, Plimmerton and Titahi Bay. Once the document is completed and sent to the Minister, a meeting will be arranged. NIWA is completing the marine survey which will provide base data on marine life at Pukerua Bay.
Village Planning
Foreshore reserve draft plan. Skateboard bowl: Ian Barlow reported by email that it is hoped to begin construction in May/June. At least 2 contractors have expressed an interest in doing the work. Costs may need to extend into next year’s budget if they exceed the $140,000 available. He also reported that fencing and lighting around the skate park would come out of other budgets (not Village Plan funds). Some planting around the site could also be done on Arbor Day, also out of other funds.
- Planning for south area of Ocean Parade: Linda Kerkmeester is to provide a plan for inclusion in the school newsletter. Copies are also to be placed at the dairy, etc.
Civil Defence: Trevor Farmer has been appointed as Civil Defence Coordinator for PCC.
Other Business
- Muri Road footpath is included for construction in the 2008/09 year. We will request an opportunity to see the plans before the work proceeds. Similarly, the Annual Plan includes work on the Rawhiti Road Goat Track and we will want to see those plans as well before work preceeds, as this is a historic track and needs some sensitivity when upgrading.
- Tony Jackman has advised that Transit NZ has given permission to plant daffodils (from the Gray Estate) along Gray Street adjacent State Highway 1. He has also requested some funding for paying a carver for a sculpture at Waimapihi Stream.
- June reported that some trees need trimming as they are blocking atreet lighting.
- It was agreed that a submission would be made on the Draft Annual Plan.
- Councillor Nick Leggett requested that all ward councillors be included in the association’s email list.
Meeting closed 9.00 pm.