Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morum, Euon Murrell (PCC)
Apologies: Iain McLean, Kate Dreaver, Lenka Horanska, Moira Lawler
Approval of previous minutes: moved Nikky Winchester, seconded Jonathan Harker, none opposed, carried.
$553.09 calendars + $45 since report (Stripe payments)
$1.14 interest
$35.21 domain name
$310.00 (Kōrero newsletter advertising)
owing: $630.20 for Flying Colours (Kōrero newsletter)
Mel; asked for $4.80 reimbursement for paint to cover up graffiti on the Armco barrier at the overbridge. This was not expenditure authorised on behalf of the RA, and not the RA’s job to fix graffiti. It needs to be reported to PCC so they are made aware of where and how often it’s happening.
Motion: that the financial report be accepted. Moved Paul, seconded Nikky, carried.
3 September: Received a request to post about public access through Carrad’s farm until December. We have posted on the website and Facebook. A suggestion was made to add a reminder to the winter Kōrero newsletter each year.
Weku Road … further email from Claire Giblin regarding the approach to PCC and NZTA regarding the entrance to No. 1 Weku Road from SH 1.
13 September: PCC notified us that work to fix the slip on Takutai Road should commence next Tuesday (21 September).
Action: Jonathan to put up a post on the website about the slip works.
PCC Update
Councillors rotate RA meetings, Euon Murrell to take over from Josh Trlin.
Euon: met with Raroa Place residents; development of eight houses in progress at No. 18 on steep driveway was not notified; neighbouring properties have concerns. Council are conducting meetings via video conferencing and live-streamed. Transmission Gully is to be opened on the 27th September, the part of State Highway 1 that runs through Pukerua Bay is to be renamed, and gazetted as State Highway 59.
A Paremata sewage pipeline burst during Level 4 lockdown and is to be replaced. It is a major job, and is still awaiting costs and work.
Community Garden
It’s been a bit quiet lately, what with the COVID-19 lock down.
Committee handbook
Jonathan has been working on the technology section to do with websites, domains, email and so on. Then once we have it all together we can review it.
He Ara Pukerua
There is to be an event for the revealing of the Centennial Highway panels on Saturday 6 November, as long as we’re back in COVID-19 Alert Level 1 by then. Reaching out to contact people who worked on the project from 1936-1940.
Nikky: general update – it has gone out! The next issue will have a “summer in the bay” theme, including Christmas. Summers past, things and events that have happened in summer.
Action: Jonathan to email Anne to put up the PDF.
Margaret expressed concern that the newsletter is budgeted at $500 per issue, but the last issue was $630 due to extra pages. The newsletter subcommittee will meet and come up with plans to balance out the next issue within this year’s budget.
Village Plan Review
Kate: need to workshop the results of the survey, with the intention to present results at the RA meeting next month. Jonathan and Nikky happy to help with facilitation.
Action Items
NZTA asked to add a barrier to the SH1 end of the refurbished walkway.
Action: Paul to follow up with Bill Inge at PCC.
The hall is booked for the AGM.
Reserve signs: Paul talked to council today about signage; after clarification, are now amenable to change the signs beside 43 Rawhiti Road, and in other places. The Raroa Reserve is now named in three sections: Raroa Bush, Escarpment, and Waimapihi. The Reserve Management Plan will be up for review in 2022, and there will be opportunity to make submissions about how we would like our reserves to be managed.
Pauline: the paua fishery sign on the beach is missing.
Action: Pauline to send paua fishing sign details to Paul.
Action: Paul to follow up with PCC about restoring the paua fishing sign.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held at 3pm on Sunday 17 October 2021.
Paul has contacted the Plimmerton Volunteer Fire Brigade, suggested the topic “fire safety over summer” to present on. They may bring a work vehicle, subject to being in Alert Level 1.
We would like all written reports before the AGM to be posted and available on the website; we suggest a deadline of on the evening of the 12th (Oct RA meeting).
The conduct of the AGM will depend on which COVID-19 Alert Level we are in, as follows:
- Level 1: meet as normal, with high tea.
- Level 2: in the hall limited to 50 people, masks, 2-metre seat spacing, and no food.
- Level 3 or 4: held online and live-streamed, to be advised.
General Business
Installation of a memorial bench for David Olsen has been proposed.
Action: Paul to follow up with Bill Inge at PCC for details.
Mel: Ways to update awareness of the existence of the website. Many people stuck inside Facebook. Suggests a fridge magnet with the URL on it.
Action: Paul to follow up with Euon about fridge magnets advertising the website.
Meeting closed: 8:55pm
Next meeting: 12 October 2021