November 2020 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 11 November, 2020
Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road

Present: Paul FitzGerald (Chair), Nikky Winchester (Secretary), Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Jonathan Harker, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Pauline Morum, Moira Lawler, Josh Trlin (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)

Appointment of Officers

Appoint five positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Online Secretary.

Motion: Appoint Paul FitzGerald as Chair. Moved Margaret Blair, seconded Kate Dreaver. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint Iain MacLean as Deputy Chair. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Moira Lawler. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint Moira Lawler as Secretary. Moved Kate Dreaver, seconded Paul FitzGerald. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint Margaret Blair as Treasurer. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Iain MacLean. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint Jonathan Harker as Online Secretary. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Mel Galletly. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Approval of previous minutes

Moved Iain MacLean, seconded Jonathan Harker, none opposed, carried.

GWRC update

Jenny informed the committee that the GWRC offices on Cuba Street contains sculptures from Herman Salzmann, a resident of Pukerua Bay. The Regional Council are working on the long term plan, which includes looking at how much the rates will be. They will be making a decision about water meters soon.

Action: Josh to investigate how many water SAMs have been installed in Pukerua Bay.

PCC update

Josh announced that PCC have given the Living Wage to their employees and are now working on contractors. Submissions on the District Plan are due 20 November. No flyers are available to to hand out regarding the climate change survey but there are posters at the libraries as well as online advertising. Councillors had a site visit on Transmission Gully last week. The current proposal regarding potential revocation of SH1 is to keep it as a State Highway because PCC couldn’t afford to retain the quality of the road, and also because it’s needed as an alternative in case of an emergency; however NZTA are likely to give part of SH58 to PCC.

Submissions for the Plimmerton Farm development have been received, and the panel is now making their deliberations. There was some discussion about how the developers can be held to account to ensure they follow the agreed programme to the agreed standards over the coming years.

Action: Josh to chase up the beach erosion report which was expected in September.


00 Account: $5580.74

Since the last AGM the committee has been phasing out cheques and have moved to online banking with a spreadsheet to keep a record of all transactions. A budget for the next 12 months was set and agreed at the recent AGM.

A $50 donation was received towards June’s presentation and $130 from seed sales. The account has come in from Kiwirail for nonexclusive access to Muri Station. $50 is due to be paid for planting around the Surfers Seat, and $50 expenses were incurred for June’s presentation.

Action: Moira to become a bank signatory, as the new Secretary; Nikky is no longer required as a bank signatory.


An email was received from Dorothee Dupoix on 25 October asking for information on the community garden open day. Nikky forwarded it to Paul.

An email was received from John Coey on 27 October asking if it would be possible to advertise the Eat, Drink and be Crafty fair on the PKBRA website.

Notification was received from the Companies Office to confirm that the financial statements have been approved.

Kiwirail have sent through the signed copy of the lease for the Muri Station land.

Action: Iain to circulate the lease to the Chair and Treasurer.

Follow up from AGM

Additional tributes came through online to June, which Margaret has passed on.

Action: Paul to send through updated Rules to the Companies Office.

The registered office for the PKBRA has been June’s address for several decades. The RSA are happy for the committee to use the RSA address as the registered office address. This will avoid the problem of having to use an individual’s home address.

Motion: The Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association’s new registered address will be 7 Wairaka Road, Pukerua Bay, and the RSA will be given a koha for use of their space for committee meetings being the same amount as has previously been paid for the use of St Mark’s Church Hall. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Jonathan Harker. None opposed, motion carried.

Projects update

He Ara Pukerua

Margaret explained that the team have been working on the Centennial Highway sign, as well as signs one for the stores and for St Luke’s Church. They are also thinking about ways to fundraise for future actions.

Village Plan review

Jane has prepared a draft leaflet which needs more work. Kate is still chasing Justine at PCC.

Community centre

Iain has heard back from Nick Young, who informed him that the diocese has no plans at this stage to dispose of the St Mark’s building, so there is a possibility that the building could be used on another site. The diocese has no expectation of any movement on this until sometime next year.

Action: Iain to do some preparatory work: look for sources of money to pay somebody to prepare a business case, which can then be used to apply for funding towards the cost of moving the building; and discuss the idea with the neighbours.

Committee Handbook

Action: Paul, Nikky, Jon, Iain and Kate to meet and discuss further.

Food forest/community garden

Paul received an email today complaining that somebody had been working in the community garden. Euan Murrell is now involved.

Proposed amendments to rules

There was some discussion about putting notices in letterboxes, and about the announcement period needed for an AGM.

Action: Jon to speak to Christine about putting the School Newsletter on the RA website.

Progress on action items

Action: Paul to reach out to other Residents Associations to see if we can work together once the review process starts.
Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
Action:Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising an art auction in November/December.
Action:Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the RA bank account as they are no longer committee members.
Action: Iain/Paul to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.
Action: Margaret to organise the seat plaque for Ernie Amey and Kath Fowler.
Action: Kate to ask Whetu Bennett to run a Civil Defence survey at the 2021 school gala.
Action: Iain to follow up with Brent Tandy at DOC re signage on the beach.
Action: Iain to provide information on the Scout Hall’s entry on the Heritage Register to He Ara Pukerua.
Action: Nikky to send emails from AGM to Iain to add to Mailchimp list.
Action: Iain to email everybody on Mailchimp to ask if they still want to be on our mailing list.
Action: Jon to circulate information to the committee on how to access the cloud storage.

Paul noted that the school will no longer be producing the community newsletter.

Action: Nikky, Moira, Jon and Kate to be the community newsletter team.
Action: Nikky to approach the school to get information on the regular advertisers, and ask about the printing costs.

Other business

Kate said that Jenny Olsen is keen to install a memorial seat to David Olsen at the top of Raroa Reserve.

Action: Margaret to email information on how to request a memorial seat to Kate.
Action: Josh to investigate the work which has been taking place on Rawhiti Road near the school, which residents were not informed about before it started.

Meeting ended: 9.32pm
Next meeting: 8 December 2020

Appendix: Village Planning Update from Porirua City Council

I am looking forward to working with you and the team to complete the final heritage panels within the available budget on the Centennial Highway installation, to celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the road. From our discussions we are anticipating revealing in March.

Community food forest Muri Reserve

It was great to see the renovations now underway again following the COVID 19 lockdown on the former northbound Muri Station building. Please keep all receipts for the materials, as they need now to be submitted to Council before 31st December for accounting purposes.

Pukerua Bay hub initiatives

This project – which focuses on creating opportunities for community connections – has an operational budget allocation of $4,750 to support initial research and a local programme of activities. It was good to meet with you earlier in the year to agree the way forward which now has been delayed to COVID 19 lockdown. We are looking forward to working with you on this initiative in a way that aligns with broader village planning objectives.