Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting

Thursday 22 October 2020 (ical)
7:30 pm, Pukerua Bay Hall

The 2020 Annual General Meeting for the Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association (PBRA) will be held on Thursday 22 October in the School and Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm. All residents of Pukerua Bay are by right members of the PBRA and are welcome to attend.

Guest speakers:

  • Glenda Robb, Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Projects, with the results of the recent penguin survey,
  • Gillian Candler, on the beach litter survey, and
  • Bill McCauley, Friends of Taupo Swamp and Catchment (FOTSC). Bill will talk on the value of the swamp, threats to it and the work FOTSC is undertaking at the swamp.

The Executive Committee are proposing some amendments to the PBRA constitution which are to be voted on at the meeting. There will also be the election of members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. If you wish to receive the Agenda and related papers please email

2020 Annual Financial Statement (PDF)