Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road
Present: Paul FitzGerald (Chair), Nikky Winchester (Secretary), Iain McLean, Kate Dreaver, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Bill Jackson, Pauline Morum, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)
Community: Brian Sullivan
Apologies: June Penhey, Jonathan Harker
Approval of previous minutes: with amendment to note that Jenny Brash is heavily involved in monitoring the GWRC submission on the Plimmerton Farm development; moved Iain McLean, seconded Kate Dreaver, none opposed, carried.
Porirua City Council update
Nathan explained that submissions have closed for the Plimmerton Farm development. The annual plan has been finalised, with a rates increase of 4.9%. PCC are in the early stages of sorting out the long term plan for next year. The district plan will be discussed at the Council meeting tomorrow night; this will be effective from the start of next year. All new builds will be required to have grey water tanks.
There was some discussion about the next steps for the Plimmerton Farm development.
Greater Wellington Regional Council update
Jenny explained that there is low leakage in the water treatment pipes. There will be workshops run by DIA regarding the proposal for large scale water authorities. The Government is subsidising losses incurred as a result of making the trains and buses free during Lockdown. Jenny suggested individuals consider writing to the Minister of Transport to push for Transmission Gully to be finished promptly. GWRC are expecting a report in August on the feasibility of introducing water meters.
Main account: $5737.47
Fundraising: $0.00
Payment of $621.25 was made to AON NZ for renewal of public liability insurance through to June 2021.
Of the monies in the main account, $4263.05 is for the community garden, $588.45 is for Surfers Seat maintenance, and $425.80 is for He Ara Pukerua.
Margaret proposed that the RA set up a secure Cloud account for ease of access and an accessible archive, so this knowledge is independent of any individual or office holder, with read-only for general access by the rest of the Committee.
Motion: The Residents Association Committee nominate Nikky Winchester to be the fourth bank signatory – moved Kate Dreaver, seconded Mel Galletly, none opposed, carried.
Action: Bill/Jon to discuss options for cloud storage.
Motion:Action: Margaret/Nikky to discuss the process for adding Nikky to the list of signatories.
Received (date?) a letter from BNZ who are phasing out cheques by June 2021.
Progress on action items
Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
Action: Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee.
Action: Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising a silent art auction.
Action: Paul to give Pauline contact details for Pauline Morse.
Action: Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.
Action: Paul to write a proposal about amendments to the RA Constitution.
Action: Iain/Paul to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.
Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event.
Projects update
Muri Platform building
Iain confirmed with KiwiRail that the Committee would like to include some additional land in the lease. The updated lease has been signed and Iain expects to receive the copy shortly.
Food forest/community garden
Paul talked to Bill Inge about getting QR code plaques printed. It costs about $29 per plaque.
He Ara Pukerua
Brian informed the Committee that the group met via Zoom on a weekly basis during Lockdown. They have two major items to finish: the last bollard in the latest batch has been approved by Ngati Toa (Mt Welcome sign); and other signs are to go up shortly, including the ones at Muri Station. The timeline on the outside of the station building will be visible from the approach along the platform. The Muri Station platform building will be formally opened on Saturday 5 September at 10.30am, in conjunction with tours around the food forest, entertainment and refreshments. It will be 135 years since the railway arrived in Pukerua Bay.
Action: Jon to create a page on the RA website.
Community shed proposal
There was some discussion about the naming of the proposal. It was agreed that it continue to be known as the “community shed”, and that it will be available to all members of the community. A MenzShed group may be established, and they will be able to use it at pre-arranged times, as will other community groups.
Other business
Kate reminded the Committee that the Hub was intending to do some research into loneliness, community connection and resilience. As a result of the village’s activities during the Covid-19 lockdown, Kate has written a proposal which has gone to Porirua Council.
Iain and Kate have made further changes to the Village Planning survey. There will be a meeting on 25 July to discuss promotion and circulation of the survey.
Margaret notified the Committee that there is a seat near the footbridge which is unnamed. Ernie Amey used to walk past it every day; and Kath Fowler was instrumental in getting the seat established. Margaret has spoken to PCC about putting a plaque on the seat to commemorate both of them. This will cost about $30.
Action: Margaret to organise the plaque.
Meeting ended: 8.51pm
Next meeting: 11 August 2020