As you will know plans have been in the wind for some time for the redevelopment of Plimmerton Farm to housing. This needs a change to the designation of the land from rural to residential. Porirua City Council has successfully had the approvals process moved to a fast tracked approach, and is now consulting on the proposed change and the development in whole. Information on the process being followed, and documents outlining the proposal, can be viewed on the council website: Proposed Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm.
This development will be ongoing for about 30 years, with the first parts of the development taking place close to Mo Street and the James Street roundabout. Taupō Swamp will be affected by developments as they progress.

The Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association (the RA) will be lodging a submission on the proposal. It would help us in writing the submission to have an understanding of any concerns or support that residents have on the proposal. While you may intend to lodge a submission to the Council on your own behalf, please feel free to share your thoughts with the RA.
Submissions close 5pm, Thursday 2 July 2020.
Kia ora, we live in Sea Vista Drive. My concerns regarding the new development are; water supply, sewage treatment, storm water run off and extra traffic. Where is the water coming from to service the development? Is the sewage going to be treated in this area or pumped into a poorly functioning Titahi Bay area. Where is the storm water run off going- will it impact the Taupo wetlands?