Now we’re in Level 2, if you’d like to help Ngā Ururoa Kāpiti Project with their first working bee clearing weeds in the Waikākāriki Wetland, please let Andy McKay know by text or email. Do not just show up on the day, please read the details below around Level 2 restrictions.
Sunday 17 May 2020 at 9am – 11 am (ical)
South end of Escarpment access track (not the Escarpment Track itself), Paekākāriki
Walk along the Southern end of the access track to the Paekākāriki Escarpment Track to the meeting spot (not the actual Escarpment Track!) The exact area is shown in the map:

During Alert Level 2 things will have to work differently. There is a limit of 10 people, so do not just show up, please RSVP to Andy McKay by text or email first. Other things to be aware of:
- Minimise the spread through personal hand hygiene, gloves and other personal protection equipment
- No sharing of equipment or tools
- Physical distancing of 1m will be maintained
- No sharing of food, drinks or cutlery
- It is important anyone feeling unwell stays home
- Shorter time frame 9am-11am to fit to 2 hour limit on gatherings
If you can only make it for a short time that’s totally fine, drop by at any time, just text before hand!