Jane Comben

February 2025 Residents Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 11 February 2025
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Judith Frost-Evans, Jane Comben, Jonathan Harker.
Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Ross Leggett, Iain MacLean.
Community members: Pamela Nunn

Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation

Moved Judith / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried.
Note: Judith was away in Nov but there in Dec minutes.

Council updates

PCC – None

GWRC – None

Matters arising

Bus Shelter – Paul has had no contact Thomas Nash. Signage at Muri Road giving direction to bus stops essential. Involving Te Araroa Trust, GWRC and Metlink (Including App).

Action Items

Treaty Principles Bill Submission – we’ve submitted, offeref to speak but not called so far
Freedom Camping Submission – prepared but not submitted in time due to illness. Emailed to see if we can under the circumstances.

Financial report as at 8 February 2025

BNZ   		$11,330.72 
$ 7.34 Interest
$ 20.10 He Ara Tee
$ 175.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 462.35 CGFF Pelorus Trust
$ 108.00 CGFF Summer Festival
$ 50.00 Korero Advert


$ CGFF Rongoa
$ 471.59 CGFF Kiwi Rail
$ 206.80 CGFF Running costs and Crankie
$ 227.70 CGFF Crankie printing
$ 155.25 He Ara Website

Invoices – Issued
$ 1410.00 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 50.00 Korero

Account balances as at 8 February 2025
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 237.67
CGFF 002 $ 2535.21
Kōrero 066 $ 1300.27
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 6623.69
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Residents $ 123.69 Interest

NOTE: As at 29 January Gay has five TT to sell.

Motion: Pay for the “Story of the Garden” Crankie printing costs $227.70 incl.
Moved Jane / seconded Judith, All in favour. Carried.

• Draft from CGFF to be emailed to Margaret
• Action no budget
• He Ara
• Kōrero
o Consider Koha for Anne Johnston for all her work
o Accountability report for the Pelorus Trust required
Moved Margaret / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried


20 December 2024: Whetū Bennett – celebratory event
January 30, 2025: Megan Krishnan – Placemaking and community meet up for local Res Assoc
February 6, 2025: Whetū Bennett, and follow up email. Screening of Tina, Thursday, 27 February, 5:00pm at Lighthouse Cinema Pāuatahanui. Suggest we share with Climate Action People – such as Megan and Matt.RSVP is by Friday. (All tickets now allocated)
January 25, 2025: Judith Frost-Evans. Various concerns brought up. See General Business in these minutes.

Project Updates

Community Garden Food Forest

Successful Summer Celebration

  • $111 from plant sales
  • Launched the “Story of the Garden” crankie
  • 60 people attended including VIPs and Mayor

Budget – prepared for the RA with help from Yvonne
(Costs over $200 need a RA motion)
Motion for RA: Pay for the “Story of the Garden” Crankie printing costs $227.70 incl.

Tea towel account
$4264 costs (printing)
$6250 sales
$1986 Profit

Rongoa progress

  • Driftwood collected for use on the slope. More required.
  • Planting planned for April/May
  • Plan to prepare holes for planting
  • Notice will be given when Taku Parai is available to bless that particular part of our garden.

Planning for the fundraising Calendar and Garden Trail underway

  • Palmers have promised $500 sponsorship towards printing
  • Printing quotes received
  • 10 Garden hosts for the trail being arranged

Crankie of Garden story outing to Porirua Childrens’ Library Storytelling Festival
Gay and Judith told the story aimed at involving children in gardening. It was very well received and posted on Facebook by the library.

Application Hutt Mana charitable trust underway

  • Concept plan from Dave and Jen purely for the purpose of getting quotes
  • Motion required in the RA minutes for funding application

CGFF Funding Application

  • Motion – Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for a total of $2113 for:
    – Funding Aon Insurance public liability $713 due July 2025.
    – Water collection and distribution system $400
    – Composting storage and management $1000

    Applications open on 1 March 2025.

    Moved Judith, Seconded Jane. All in favour. Carried

He Ara Report

  • A Short History of Muri Station, Pukerua Bay on He Ara Facebook along with displayed copy at the Community Garden Summer Celebration generated positive interest and feedback.
  • We shared photographs and stories of the Gray family with Alan Gray and Lindsay Olsen, both descendants of Charles and Elizabeth Gray.
  • Additional photos added to Lindsay Gray DFC and Charles Gray stories on He Ara website.
  • Additional material being prepared for Lindsy Gray DFC story.
  • Regular He Ara meetings recommence on Thursday 13 February
  • Next Kōrero, He Ara would like a full page for an Anzac theme


No report

Climate Action Rōpū

Regular Crop Swaps

  • This year it is still to be held at the RSA every third Saturday of the month from 3-4pm.
  • December swap included Te Tiriti Bill submission help
  • Ella has smartly suggested that the March event take place at the School Gala* where we can host crop swapping and recycling collection under a Hub gazebo. *To be approved by School Fundraising Trust
  • We have been giving back to the community by donating any excess to the community garden. Gay has been the contact here.

Thoughts about a name change to “Pukerua Bay Climate Café” to align with Plimmerton crowd to be discussed.


  • No upcoming expenses planned as yet.
  • $70 cash held by Kate

General Business


Jonathon suggest we rearrange the website home page navigation. To elevate the key groups and demote Village Planning. He will also archive pages and information that is no longer relevant. Margaret has requested access to minutes from 2005/6. The last minute cannot be sourced.b. Dog Control rules for our beach

(Judith email 25 January)
I propose we approach PCC for new clear public notices regarding dog control.
Given that a staff member from Parks will be attending our meeting, this might be a good time.
The purpose of these notices will be to protect Korora and other wildlife and also to give peace of mind to humans who don’t wish to swim with dogs or have dogs roaming..

I will include more background below…

Korora Protection
For both dog rules and our vulnerable Korora I would like to see a sign on Pukerua Beach Road at the place where there are lines painted for cars to stop to allow uphill vehicles through.
This would be seen by visitors who at present can drive down and park somewhere out of sight of any signs.
The sign could state;
‘Welcome to our Special beach which has rare and vulnerable species in need of all of our care’
Please see restriction by laws for dog and vehicle control at the bottom of this road.

Or whatever the sign experts recommend.

Citizen Action
Could we print a small summary of the rules for handing out to people with dogs? These could be 6 or 8 to a page and printed at Stationary Warehouse very cheaply. I speak with some dog owners but at other times I feel intimidated – see below for an example.
Action – Paul has discussed signage previously with Andrew Gray, PCC. Paul will email the full story and our suggestions to Ross Leggett, to follow up with Council.

Muri Rd Kahikatea trees

(Judith email 25 January)
Mindful of the SNA’s that are adjacent to Muri Road, to be monitored with future development

Rubbish Bin removed from Beach corner of Brendan Beach

(Judith email 25 January)
They took one out, replaced with new bin and then removed.
Paul, to add to list for Ross.

Haunui Road Speed restriction

(Judith email 25 January)
I have previously emailed regarding the 30km sign on Haunui Road which was removed.
Pamela understands that the sign was put up by a resident so not gazetted. Pamela is in conversation with the Council concerning the dangers to people and animals. It seems the council is looking into the conduct of drivers on Beach and Haunui Roads and related safety factors. She will keep us informed.

Community and Placemaking

(email from Megan Krishnan)
This ties in with our work on the hui after the end of Village Planning.
Paul is happy to respond to email, go and we’ll recommend March dates.

Communication with PBRA members.

A courtesy email update to people who are signed up members, who attended the last two AGMs (as per new incorporated rules where people need to opt in). Possibly a quarterly newsletter.
Request Kōrero half a page advert for Residents’ Association. Judith to find out the dates so we can discuss at the next meeting

St Mark’s.

There is an upcoming parish meeting about the future of the building.

Action: CG Budget to Margaret – Judith and Jane
Action: Contact Megan and Matt (3 tickets) from Whetu – Jane (done)
Action: Paul to contact Ross Leggett about beach signage, Freedom Camping Submission, Community and Placemaking.

Meeting ended 9.06pm

February 2025 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »

December 2024 Residents Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 10 December 2024
7:30 –9:15 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Ross Leggett, Judith Frost-Evans, Jane Comben, Iain MacLean.
Apologies: Judith Frost-Evans, Jonathan Harker, Nikky Winchester
Community members: Brian Sullivan

Election of Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer

Appointing Jonathan Harker to committee
Jonathan Harker was not present at the October AGM, but wished to remain on the committee for the following year. Iain MacLean notified all the existing Members and none of them sent any objections to the Committee doing so. The Committee can do this under Section 14.5 of the Constitution.

Motion by Iain / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried.

“The Executive Committee of the Pukerua Bay Residents Association appoints Jonathan Harker as Member of the Committee for the 2024-2025 year.”

New member Judith Frost-Evans.
Judith gave her mihi and brief intro. Moved into PKB in 80s then moved away and back in 2009. Involved in storytelling and hosted artists. She’s now representing the Community Garden and notes there is a small group forming about protecting little blue penguins. Interested in improving signage or other ways to protect the penguin. How do know what is important to people? Judith is now the Community Garden Rep.

Council updates


Started our Annual Plan discussions. Net years rate increase was 10%.  They’re talking about what they can do about it. Can see this Thursdays council meeting for details. Pressure on 10% with inflation etc. Currently at 6.7%. Ann Plan consultation in March – April. Getting feedback on things like increasing parking fees, consents, Cannons Creek Pool fees. To reduce/increase rates by 1% = 10 million Capex or 1 million Opex. Going out for consultation. Working hard to keep rates as low as possible. Still pressure on council to increase contribution to Wellington Water.

2% for admin costs for new company (to replace Wellington Water). There will be consultation on the new company.

Alcohol bylaws, animals, freedom camping out for consultation. Freedom camping to be discussed later.

Plimmerton Farm – resource consent has gone through.

Northern  Growth Area still waiting for govt /Kainga Ora to make up their mind. Kainga Ora being squeezed in Eastern Porirua. Some stormwater and wastewater projects are going ahead in Porirua. To reduce wastewater overflows from Eastern Porirua, Tawa and northern Porirua.

Wellington Water – water demand is down by 8% so significant restrictions are unlikely. Helped by the reduction in leaks. 60 private leaks, 30 new leaks.

Spicer Landfill – Makes council money. Plan to keep to 2040 but need to reconsent to go to 2035. Odour problems for people in Tawa. Consent may be difficult so there are 2 options. Close in 2030. Or try and keep it open to 2035. But no tip costs will go up to take rubbish elsewhere. A big change coming.

Appeal into the Environment Court GWRC policy statement that effect us and cost money. They believe it’s an over reach. They’re going to court with Hutt and Kāpiti councils. E.g. Our District Plan did not have high density in PKB but GWRC could/would over-ride it.

0.8 contraction in in economy in Porirua.

Pukerua Beach Road Slip – contractor has been awarded. They will do investigation and design of remediation work.

Freedom Camping  – issues raised especially Motukaraka Point. Trying to increase potential camping areas and reduce pressure on Ngāti Toa domain but in a balanced way.

GWRC – none

Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation

Moved Paul / seconded Iain. All in favour. Carried.
Note: Judith abstained as away in Nov.

Matters arising.

Bus Shelter – Paul contacted Thomas Nash at GWRC twice. He was chasing up what action if any was happening at council. Waiting to hear, it’s an ongoing issue. In PKB the stops need to involve NZTA

Parking Ticket at Station. Paul has contacted Keryn twice to check it’s Porirua council giving tickets (not Metlink) before approaching council. Has yet to hear. Jane will text her as she has her number.

Financial report as at 10 December 2024

BNZ $ 11,542.70
$ 15.57 Interest
$ 280.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 111.00 CGFF Flower, plant & other sales
$ 70.00 He Ara Panorama
$ 15.00 He Ara Tee
$ 55.00 CGFF Plant Sales Christmas on Field


$ 0.00 Fees
$ 50.00 He Ara Koha
$ 233.66 CGFF Rongoa
$ 149.99 CGFF Rongoa Brochure
$ 678.50 Kōrero
$ 10.00 CGFF refund for incorrect deposit made on 12/11/2024

Invoices – Issued
$ 20.00 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 20.00 Korero

Account balances as at 10 December 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 372.82
CGFF 002 $ 2695.95
Kōrero 066 $ 1250.27
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 6604.78
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Residents $ 104.78 Interest

Budgets to be presented at next meeting in February.

Moved Margaretl / seconded Iain. All in favour. Carried


21 November: Shared by Adele Quayle to Kate Dreaver
Sharing info about the submissions on Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw. Encouraging the wider village to submit, not just the beach residents.

28 November 2024: Russell Plume – Spectacles found on Escarpment
(Jane corresponded with Russell and was going to do a RA post but it was already sorted and the glasses returned to owner.)

Project Updates

Community Garden Food Forest

Garden Club visit Tuesday 11 Feb 2025. We will provide morning tea. A koha has been asked for. Hopefully we will have plants for sale. (Now cancelled)

Christmas in the Park. & December 2025. Good supply of plants for sale and last of the tea towels. $199 taken and Gay talked with Mayor who encouraged us to contact Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.

Camera is working well, damage is down.

Celebration for the Pavilion.  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ANNIVERSARY DAY?”

  • Ask Gabrielle if she would be willing to provide music
  • Brian to look at challenge of completing a Crankie from the story of the garden over the years
  • Vicky has children’s treasure hunt
  • Jane to make a poster please
  • Gay to invite Barbara Edmonds and Porirua Mayor

$3,400 in bank

Table: The Pukerua Bay Community Garden & Food Forest Rongoā Māori Report to Tree Crop Association

He Ara Report December 2024

  • Pou Tangaroa panel was blessed by kaumatua Taku Parae on Wednesday 20 November.
  • Memorial plaque for Peter Lindsay refixed in place.
  • He Ara hosted Judy McCoy and four other Friends of Taupo Swamp and Catchment on a visit to Mt Welcome Bush, one of the headwaters of Taupo Stream. He Ara, together with a team from the Friends, have offered to assist the owners with the task of eradicating three invasive species so the owners meet the requirements of their QEII covenant.  We have also offered to assist to set up and monitor trap lines for possums and rodents.
  • The Hub provided a table in the community tent at Christmas on the Field.  Interest in panorama and tee shirts made this worthwhile.
  • Website – more stories have been put up including Ngā tipu o Pukerua Bay and Growing Up in the Bay.
  • Ashley spent a day with Mike Gray, grandson of Charles Gray Esq in Kaikohe and came back with 303 photos including early Charles Gray photos, Lindsay Gray DFC’s medals, WW2 photos and memorabilia as well as photos of records, paintings etc. A treasure trove of Pukerua heritage.


No report

Climate Action Rōpū

  • Part of the RA table at Christmas on Field.
  • Crop Swap & Recycling Hub – Sat 21 December, 3–4pm
  • Strategy meeting on Sunday 15 December
  • Treaty Principles Bill
  • Conor is going to write a submission for us.
    • https://docs.google.com/document/d/184rtpDMDbM4Mc7d0vxtag1sRV-XmZx02MmJXlrbXYdA/edit?usp=sharing
    • We’re also doing one for Kōrero.
    • And there will be one for the TTT group.
  • A shared message being that the Treaty matters to PKB. It’s the foundation of the honest, respectful, and reciprocal partnership enjoyed between residents and iwi and is reflected in the values in our village plan. Kate thinks It would be wonderful if the RA, as our parent organisation, could do something similar to pull them all together!

General Business

Freedom Camping submission

Approach we’re not opposed to freedom camping but access via a fragile road. E.g Northern carpark on Centennial Highway. Lack of flat land. Very busy carpark with local residents.

Iain’s great idea about setting up a survey form on RA website

The submission is due before our next meeting

Village Planning Hui

Feedback positive but brief. Need to follow up a couple of other groups that were invited but didn’t come.

Former Plunket Rooms

Matt Hoffman asked for updates. Feedback is they have approval for consulting in the New Year.

Treaty Principles Bill

Iain to draft a brief submission pulling together all the various groups under our umbrella. 

CGFF Funding Application

Motion –  Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust  for funding Aon Insurance public liability $713 due July 2025. The funding closes end of February 2025.

Judy moved/ Paul seconded. All agreed. Carried

Beach Signage

Paul has had discussions over the years with council about signage and how they could improve.

School Hall

Heard that there are plans for the school to use the hall for classrooms next year for rebuilding. The hub and RA rep will hopefully have a meeting for more details as it will impact basketball groups, RSA Anzac day etc.

Meeting ended 9.15pm

December 2024 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »

November 2024 Residents Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 12 November 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker Iain MacLean.
Apologies: Chris Kirk-Burnnand Ross Leggett, Judith Frost-Evans
Community members: Jerri Bassi

Election of Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer

Moved: Paul proposed that all nominated positions be reconfirmed for the next year. Seconded Jonathan. All in favour. Carried.
Noted: Quorum for normal meetings is 3.

Council updates (none)

Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation

Moved Iain / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried. Jono and Jane abstained as not present.

Matters arising

Paul to contact PCC about a barrier at Raroa Reserve. Heard nothing.

Email from Megan Christian about publishing a contact for PKB Residents’ Association. Paul agreed to provide his.

Fireworks: Communicated to ask people to be considerate on Facebook. Not particularly successful.

Garden: Note: 18 Dec is the deadline for spending the Grant from Food Crops.

KiwiRail bill: Discussion of ways we might be able to reduce the access fee of $471. We will follow up with Chris from GWRC about his conversations with KiwiRail. Paul to contact KiwiRail re rail corridor beautification.

Financial report as at 12 November 2024

BNZ   		$ 12,113.28
$ 20.69 Interest
$ 400.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 10.00 CGFF Book Sale


$ 2.00 Fees
$ 828.00 He Ara Website
$ 60.77 CGFF Pavilion

Invoices – Issued
$ 0 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 0 Korero

Account balances as a 12 November 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 337.82
CGFF 002 $ 1643.60
Kōrero 066 $ 1158.77
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 8339.21 CGFF $1000.00 Tree Crop Grant
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Korero $ 750.00 Pelorus Grant
Residents $ 89.21 Interest

Notes: Tree Crop Grant to be used by 18 December 2024, balance $473.90
$ 471.59 CGFF Kiwi Rail Due 30 November 2024

Moved Paul / seconded Iain. All in favour. Carried


14 September: Carolyn from PRA – Village Planning to “secretary@pukeruabay.org.nz”
(lost in system, Iain and Kate responded 3 & 4 Nov) See General Business
3 Oct 2024: Keryn Lavery – Parking tickets at the train station.
(Jane to respond that Paul will forward onto Ross Leggett and Megan Krishnan – done)
29 Oct 2024: Jerri Bassi – Next meeting (Jane responded)
Jono to point the emails to the generic google email address

Project updates

Community Garden Food Forest

Apologies for not acknowledging Kate and Iain in report to AGM.
Please record our gratitude and their generosity. This cash was to cover Insurance and Rail access for the next year.
Pelorous Trust application underway. We need proof of Incorporated Society status and proof of ID of two Office Holders from RA. This will be addressed in the next RA meeting.
Date to celebrate pavilion completion. Maybe in the new year or Wellington Anniversary weekend for an open day.
Issue of no mulch. Ara talked to the PCC arborist multiple times to no avail. Jane suggested trying Bruce Pryor.
Rongoā garden progress. Sacks and cardboard covers all the area now. Compost and topsoil to go on 16th. Still searching for mulch. Plants have been ordered from PCC nursery and waiting for invoice. They will store the plants for us until needed. Prep of brochure underway. We will prepare a report to supply the Tree Crop Association. The site still needs to be blessed.
Pest monitoring. Keep swashing!
Scything. Ashley went to a scything course at Pāekakariki and picked up some great information. Perhaps we could demo at the next celebration.
Summer watering. To be discussed later.
Plan for garden /calendar as fundraiser for next year. We need to work out what time. The calendar would be sold at the same time as an event. A separate meeting is required.
Tea towel report. 14 left.
Comet. The Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) was spotted from the Pavillion deck by a community member on the 20th October.

He Ara Report November 2024

He Ara Report Novemb

He Ara website www.hearapukeruabay.nz was launched on 9 November as part of the Wellington Heritage Festival. Chris Els, principal of Pukerua Bay School cut the virtual ribbon. This was a very successful event with a great turnout (from age 2 to 98), great stories and great connections. Thanks to the RSA for their help.

Photograph of Pukerua Bay Meals on Wheels volunteers appeared in the DomPost History Corner on the same day as the launch. Again great feedback.

We continue to work on more stories to add to the site.

No response from PCC re the gun emplacement.

He Ara team visited St Alban’s church at Pauatahanui.

Pou Panel – blessing to be combined with Rongoā blessing at the Community Garden.


Final edition of the year is at print.

Climate Action Rōpū

We’re having another meeting tomorrow where we will discuss:

  • Strategy
  • Advertising
  • Funding
  • Upcoming events:

o Porirua Climate Assembly
o Treaty Principles Bill Hīkoi support and signs (likely to be in PKB late Sunday afternoon)
o Crop Swap
o Recycling
o Kōrero

General Business

Draft AGM Minutes

Draft minutes to be emailed by Jane to the RA before we post on the website.

CGFF Funding Application

Motion – Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Pelorus Trust for funding Kiwirail – $462 and Aon Insurance $713 in 2024/25.
Margaret moved/ Paul seconded. All agreed. Carried

Plunket rooms

We’ve contacted PCC and they’re getting back to us. We continue to show an interest in it.

Southbound Rail Replacement Bus stop

Message from resident concerned that a person was lurking but was waiting for a bus.
Paul sent a letter to Thomas Nash (which was forwarded to the transport committee) about the lack of a bus stop and the distance from the railway station. He also suggested they move the stops to Teihana Road West. Chris KB has sighted the letter.

Kenepuru Hospital After Hours

Report from Pamela Gerrish-Nunn
Public meeting on Wednesday October 9 2024 at Raumati Uniting Hall organised by Barbara Edmonds MP on behalf of the Labour Party about threats to the after-hours service at Kenepuru Hospital.

The meeting, attended by about 50 people, was chaired by Barbara Edmonds.
Speakers were Hon Ayesha Verrell, shadow Minister of Health; Jenny Smeaton, representing Ngati Toa; Sarah Dalton, executive director of ASMS (Association of Salaried Medical Specialists); Janet Holborow, mayor of Kapiti Coast. Also present, representatives of the Ministry of Health, former MP for the area Graham Kelly, and Maori TV.

It was pointed out that this was already an issue in the 1990s, and had latterly been raised in July 2023, to no effect. At present the after-hours service runs from 10 pm to 8 am and services 80,000 people, from Tawa to the Kapiti Coast. A survey taken by Barbara Edmonds in April this year found that 91% would be upset if the service closed, with transport to wellington being the principal problem of that eventuality.

Ayesha Verrell said after-hours health facilities are the envy of other jurisdictions and should be treasured not thrown away lightly. She reported that it had already been recognised that on any occasion when the Kenepuru facility was not operating, Wellington Hospital experienced an extra load, showing that, contrary to what some say, it is used by a substantial number of people. Latest figures show that about 37,000 people had used the after-hours facility in Kenepuru over one year. She believes the wrong model is in use for the sustainability of this service. The situation is exacerbated by political game-playing and obfuscation by government.
Sarah Dalton said that, far from closing it, her union would like to see the service developed as a full-fledged ED. It contributes to mitigating the high amount of preventable health problems in this area, and could be crucial in the event of a natural disaster.

Barbara Edmonds pointed out that this area has the highest density of over-60s in the country and one of the highest populations of 5-year-olds. She has written to all the councils in the region (May 2024) for support on this matter, and all have come on-side.
Jenny Smeaton observed that part of the unsustainability of the service was that it is dependent on GOs opting for the overtime.

Janet Holborow noted how the local population keeps on growing, and pointed to the number of retirement homes in the area, meaning the service is going to become more and more important, perhaps necessary for people living as far north as Levin.

Discussion from the floor brought up the additional point that the casualisation of staff for the facility is not only ad hoc but very costly, in comparison to a properly budgeted and stable staffing set-up. A work-force plan is what’s needed, and government investment in local health-care – the opposite of what is on the table. Other small-scale but locally crucial facilities around the country are also under threat, e.g. Dargaville and the West Coast. The unsustainability of such facilities is the canary in the coalmine, regarding the provision of public health in this country, and we should all be on the look-out for ‘privatisation by stealth’.
Public protest was noted as a possible further action.

Muri Road concerns

Jerri noted contacting PCC and Metlink with some concerns which were addressed. Contacted PCC about the ‘footpath’ on Muri Road especially with the logging. PCC won’t do anything as it’s a ‘rural area’. The road is already being broken by the logging trucks on the sides, breaking up the asphalt. While supportive of new housing Jerri is concerned about the construction of the houses and allowance for drains etc.
Iain explained that in the new District Plan freshwater areas haver protection and is confident that Pukerua Holdings will do the right thing. But, as FOTS pointed out there is limited facility to monitor activities.

Q: Are there any more meetings planned by the council? RA pointed out we have had quite a lot of consultation with council planners which informed the district plan. The structure plan in on pukeruabay.org.nz
Jerri also wrote to Metlink about expanding the carpark on the east side. He was told there isn’t space.

Changes to constitution – sent to all members.

Iain has corrected some of the numbering.
Iain is offering to maintain the membership list as per constitution.

Village Planning Hui

A report on the 8 September Village Planning hui has been written and will be sent to the attendees. We will contact the groups who weren’t there to see if they want to be part of the approach to PCC. Our next step is to agree on how we expect PCC to engage with RAs and VP groups and send a delegation to discuss this with PCC.
Note: The notes in the August minutes on the website about the Village Planning Hui (which took place on 8 September) need to be moved to the September Minutes.

Meeting ended 9.30pm

November 2024 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »

September 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 10 September 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Apologies: Gay

Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Gay Hay, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Iain MacLean, Chris Kirk-Burnnand
Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Ross Leggett

Council updates

Still hasn’t got the garden access. Still hoping but KiwiRail are occupied elsewhere.

Long term plan:
Goal is better management of transport.
74% increase of staff since 2020 (some taken off contract)
Transport – large shortfall. 23 mill debt funding. Over the last 3 years 36 mill funded operational costs, debt funded for 10 years.
Half operating costs from Waka Kotahi, but less funding coming.
May affect in Porirua:
• New bus route from between Cambourne, Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay.
• Regional Busways Programme: Funding to work with WCC, PCC and HCC to develop high-frequency, bus prioritisation corridors including roading and traffic signal changes.
• Porirua Subway Ramps: Seismic strengthening of subway walls.
• Porirua Bus Hub: New bus interchange infrastructure and accessways.
• Council depot and charging infrastructure implementation: Required for future bus growth, fleet electrification and competitive tending of bus services.

Centreport hui last month. Increasing returns that offset rates and they are looking good.

Bus Train Replacement – No southbound shelter.
Action: Chris will put in a request for information

Lots of planting going on especially around TG, Belmont and around inlet. Pest control of stoats coming down TG towards Wellington.
Lots of rabbits at St Albans but not considered same pest as rats, stoats etc.

b. PCC


July 2024 minutes (August was an interim meeting)

Motion: Paul moved to accept July minutes, Gay seconded – all agreed, carried.

Matters arising

Judy McCoy has been contacted about the guest speaker for AGM – waiting to hear (About impact of tree removal and development to Tāupo Swamp).

Financial Report

Finance Report to September 2024 Meeting  as at 6 September 2024
BNZ $ 12,691.20
$ 15.35 Interest
$ 530.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 52.00 CGFF Refund

$ 678.50 Korero
$ 782.00 He Ara Website
$ 2.00 Fees
$ 96.99 CGFF Hazelnut
$ 40.00 Codling Moth Spirals
$ 131.10 Rongoa Plants

Invoices – Issued

Invoices – Paid

Invoices – Outstanding

Account balances as at 6 September 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 1165.82
CGFF 002 $ 1552.22
Kōrero 066 $ 1138.97
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 8300.31 CGFF $1000.00 Tree Crop Grant
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Donation
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Korero $ 750.00 Pelorus Grant
$ 50.31 Interest

Motion:  Paul moved to move Financials, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.


  • From website: Ashleigh Price about bus replacement shelter on southbound side  – 18 Aug
    (Jane replied it would be brought to the meeting).
    Paul has emailed person in charge of bus stops – has yet to hear.
  • Gay Hay has resigned as the community garden rep to the RA – 5 Sept

Action Items

Completed: Paul to contact other local Residents’ Associations about a hui.
Not completed: Iain to respond to Brian about colour in Kōrero

Action: Chris K-B will put in a request for information about the southbound bus stop.

Project updates

Community Garden & Food Forest

  • Security: Cameras and signage (gate, shed and pavillion) installed. Police dog handler local has been dog walking regularly. Neighbour has been collecting cans, we’re going to send a thank you note.
  • Codling Moth: Spirals purchased from Tree Crop Assoc. We’ll put out the pheronome trap, spirals and cardboard & vasoline trunk wraps.
  • Rongoa: Ara has been in touch with local tangata whenua. Meetings planned when everyone is available. Some plants are purchased and we’re waiting the meetings and appropriate blessings before the plants go in. All receipts to go to Pukeruarbayresidents@gmail.com
  • Tea towel sales: 52 left to sell.
  • Garden Rep to RA: Gay is resigning from attending RA meetings as the garden rep.
  • Funding: The garden are investigating applying to Pelorus Trust for funding (For KiwiRail access) with the help of Iain.
  • Toru Education: Doris for POG has asked us to become a partner on the Toru Education website. Gay with write some words and Jane will set up a partner bio. We can then add our events etc.
  • Compost: Gay has purchased the mesh bag and is willing to lend it to the garden for brewing compost liquid.

He Ara Pukerua

  • He Ara was invited to the PCC farewell for Bill Inge, Village Projects Coordinator. Bill has guided He Ara through the intricacies of installing 19 regular panels and four major installations around the Bay. He will be missed for his extensive knowledge at PCC. We presented Bill with a Freedom of Pukerua Bay certificate as an acknowledgement.
  • Great response to the PKB Hub Pop-Up Parlour: Session on 10 September – “Do you remember…” 40 people came from as far away as Dannevirke and as old as 93. Representatives from the Waddiloves, Ryans, Beauforts, Willcocks and Quayles.
  • Pou: Kaumatua has returned from overseas but at present at Kīingi Tūheitia tangi.
  • Website: Anne has put up several stories and their images. We met with her Friday 6 September to fine tune layout of stories which have many sections.
  • Several stories have been written and now being checked by the Naïve Enquirer.
  • Heritage Festival Programme released on 8 September.
  • Gun emplacement: No response to date from PCC.


Latest edition distributed and on the website.

Waste Free

Climate Action Rōpu

Notes: Successful Crop Swap & Recycling Collection. There are plans afoot for another date.
Ella Garnham is updating the recycling information that Nikky had.

The Spring Series finishes soon with Mike Jebson’s talk and community supper.

General Business

Living without Village Planning – Update

The hui was held on Sunday and everyone was invited from the 14 Village groups. We had Whitby, Plimmerton, Pauatahanui, Titahi Bay and Paremata attend. The meeting was to ensure that the good things that came from Village Planning could continue despite the council pulling their funding. Most of the RA were created as part of the Village Planning process. There were 4 and now there are 14. The process of Village Planning prompted consulting with communities. That method is still sound. The main thing for us is who is our contact at the council to get things done now that Bill Inge is gone.

Annual General Meeting

Date set and advertised in Kōrero. More advertising required. Hoping to hear back from Judy.

Close: 9.00pm

September 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

August 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes


Minutes Tuesday 13 August 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Apologies: Gay Hay, Iain MacLean, Nikky Winchester
Present: Ross Leggett, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben

Council updates


b. PCC

Wellington Water CE left, changes to be made. Work goes on with the wastewater holding tank and work in Eastern Porirua. Local Water Done Well – maybe more info next week. Hard to see what will happen with discussions ongoing about various councils joining a new water body. Councils work through the figures and model, and then after govt legislation has passed, putting together a new entity.

Aotea Lagoon renewal to start soon. New toilets and exercise area.
Papakowhai shared path is progressing.

Pathway by Brora Crescent had lots of leaks so the water main being put in at the same time as shared path.

Titahi Bay Road, price has gone up so cycleway yet to roll out.

Gun emplacement – resource consent sought.

Pathway between Dairy and Overbridge – two sections with slip. Paul has talked with PCC about it.

Footpath by Railway/old goods shed collapsing. Ashley having conversation with Claire Giblin.

Discussed the leaving of Bill and who will be our new contact at the council.

AGM set for 30 October.

Financial Report

Finance Report to August 2024 Meeting   as at 13 August 2024
BNZ $ 13924.44
$ 7.09 Interest
$ 150.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 400.00 PCC Annual Grant
$ 210.00 Korero Invoices
$ 750.00 Korero Grant Pelorus Trust
$5000.00 He Ara Donation

$ 200.00 Rent to RSA
$ 713.00 AON Insurance
$ 2.00 Bank Fees
$ 3000.00 From On Call Account repayment of loan of $3000 for printing of TT
Invoices – Issued
$5000.00 Lindsay Family

Invoices – Paid
$ 210.00 Korero
$400.00 PCC
$5000.00 Lindsay Family

Invoices – Outstanding

Account balances as at 13 August 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 455.19
He Ara 001 $ 6948.42
CGFF 002 $ 2239.11
Kōrero 066 $ 2568.07
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 1538.92

Action: Transfer fund not immediately needed to go to the on-call interest bearing account.



Action items

July Actions:


  • Paul to follow up with Richard Poll at the council.
  • Jane will respond to Patrika about the garden saying that it is a long standing issue. We have provided the council planting plan for the area and council agreed with it but were objections from NZTA about traffic management. This has stalled the project until the impasse can be resolved.
  • Margaret to follow up with Bill when chasing the PCC Invoice and also ask about the Plunket Rooms.
  • Paul has emails other local Residents’ Associations about a hui. Some have responded. Will follow up with others that haven’t responded.
  • Paul has resolved the garden boundary situation. PCC were responsible, they have put up a new fence.


  • Iain to respond to Brian about colour in Kōrero

Project updates

Community Garden & Food Forest

  • Vicky is collating a plan of crops planted over the last 3 years to establish a rotation of root, legume, leaf and fruiting vegetation. We will display plan in pavilion windows for community to share.
  • To battle the codling moth, we have purchased pheromone confusers, we will see what happens. We will continue with the compost liquid to improve the soil quality. We should continue with the corrugated cardboard tray.
  • Ara and Ralph are meeting with Pania Solomon next week to move forward to purchase plants from PCC. Beating the Cape ivy is a big challenge. Good to have another stash of sacks coming.
  • Pukerua Bay School kids prepped for planting seed potatoes.
  • Crop swop 25 August at the Pop-up pavilion 25 August.

He Ara Pukerua

Pukerua Bay Meals on Wheels volunteers, 1974

  • Pou Panel: Waiting to hear from kaumatua.
  • Potatoes: Ashley has been asked to talk to some of the classes about the history of growing potatoes in Pukerua Bay. Loosely based on the FB story published in 2022.
  • Gun emplacement: Waiting to hear back from PCC
  • He Ara FB: A new story put up about Meals on Wheels. Set up 50 years ago.
  • Website: These stories have been handed over to designer: Mystery Trains; Ames family; Wall family; Charles Gray; Stores; Post and Telegraph; Electricity. Other stories are being worked on.
  • PKB Hub Pop-Up Parlour: Ashley has been asked to facilitate a session on 10 September – “Do you remember?”
  • Donation: He Ara are grateful for a very significant donation from the Lindsay Family so He Ara can complete on-going projects.
  • PCC: Advice from Bill Inge that there is now no need in Council for a Village Projects Coordinator. We gratefully acknowledge all the time and expertise which Bill has given to He Ara over the years.
  • Wellington Heritage Festival: He Ara presentation on Saturday 9 November at the RSA.
  • The garden party at the Community Garden when we revealed the panel for Ngita Woodhouse featured in the July issue of NZ Gardener and on Stuff on 8 August.



Waste Free Pukerua Bay


Climate Action Rōpu


Spring Series have been incorporated with the Hub’s Pop-up Parlour. There is going to be a CropSwap, Recycling collection, and Mike Jebsons talk at St Mark’s. The final talk will be at the RSA.

General Business

AGM – ideas to appeal to new people. Possible talk – perhaps Judy McCoy, Friends of Tāupo Swamp? Mike Jebson? Friends of Mana Island?

Close: 8.30pm

August 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

July 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 9 July 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Chris Kirk-Burnnand.
Present: : Ross Leggett, Paul FitzGerald, Jonathan Harker, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Iain MacLean.

Council updates


b. PCC

Long Term Plan passed and rates to go up. 17.76% increase in Pukerua Bay increase.
Village Planning gone but review into how PCC can support local areas. Intention to still talk to the local Res Assocs. There is a capital works programme from Wellington Water which Ross can give us a copy of.
Wendy Walker is on the new ‘water done better’ group. They’re working away on it but not sure who will be in the group in the lower North Island.
Sea wall strengthening taking place between Domain and Plimmerton by KiwiRail.
Not sure of changes in Porirua with government changes to Kainga Ora
Still asking comment on the wetland and managing storm water for Eastern Porirua.
Wastewater infringement notice about sludge in the treatment centre.
PCC will put a submission into speed limit consultation.
Ross doesn’t think Porirua will be particularly affected by the new planning requirements of 30 years planning.
Aotea Lagoon redevelopment to southern end. Rose garden going and toilets moving.
Ross followed up about insurance and will continue but he got push back.
We’ll talk to other community gardens to gather more information about what cover they have.

Approval of June minutes

Motion: Paul moved to accept June minutes, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.

Matters arising


Financial Report

Finance Report to June 2024 Meeting   as at 9 July 2024
BNZ $11322.35
$ 9.20 Interest
$ 300.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 65.00 CGFF Scrap metal sales
$ 1000.00 CGFF Grant
$ 50.00 CGFF Matariki Koha
$ 200.00 He Ara Donation
$ 25.00 He Ara Matariki Whare
$ 80.00 He Ara Matariki Koha
$ 260.00 Korero Invoices

$ 127.00 CGFF Pavilion Scribers
$ 21.80 CGFF Crankie
$ 2.40 Bank Fees

Funds Transfer
Approval to repay loan of $3000 towards printing of TT.
Approved by all, 9 July.

Invoices – Issued
$ 400.00 PCC
$ 590.00 Korero

Invoices – Paid
$ 300.00 Korero

Invoices – Outstanding
$ 270.00 Korero
$ 400.00 PCC

Account balances as at 9 July 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 255.19
He Ara 001 $ 1948.62
CGFF 002 $ 2803.31
Kōrero 066 $ 1608.67
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 4531.83

Motion:  Margaret moved to move Financials, Paul seconded – all agreed, carried.


4 emails through website

  • Brian Sullivan about having the Kōrero in colour – 6 June
  • Hoya about Kimchi for sale at Dairy – 19 June
  • Michaela Pearson about advert in Kōrero – 18 June
  • Patrika Gillon about garden on corner of Wairaka and SH59 – 3 July

Action items

June Actions:
Iain to talk to Jonathan about website email forwarding.
• Iain to clarify will the council support for Residents’ Association continue. NO was waiting for more information. Margaret to follow up when chasing the PCC Invoice.
• Paul to contact other local Residents’ Associations about a hui. – Yet to be done as waiting for wording in Long Term Plan

Project updates

Community Garden & Food Forest

  1. Area for Rongoa Māori planting underway. Ara has contacted local iwi (Pania Solomon) for support and guidance . Ara and Gay visited PCC nursery, Andrew Jinks, was very enthusiastic support. Trees that are purchased will be cared for in the school shade house.
  1. Potato tubers have been given to each class at school to chit. Ashley has been asked to talk to students about growing our local potato. Area for planting has been identified.
    School has shown an interest in caring for fruit trees. Need to talk with Clare.
  2. Kindergarten plan to visit last Wednesday of July.
  3. Compost bin ready for rotation. Thanks to Vicky and Brian managing this process
  4. Brian has transcribed Cory’s presentation re compost, Lenka has edited this to one page. A wonderful resource. Gay is working on a page of visual instructions to make the liquid compost extract. We may pursue this as a community money making project for the garden.
  5. Gay purchased micron mesh pocket ($54) we need to acquire stronger spray pump.
  6. Brian investigating mulcher that Tony Jackman is selling.
  7. Garden team happy to support recycling initiative.
  8. Gay has taken up the free membership offered by Wellington Horowhenua Tree Crops Assoc.
  9. Tea Towels continuing to sell slowly.

He Ara Pukerua

  • Sharing Stories of the History of Pukerua Bay is the theme for our Heritage Festival event on 9 November, RSA 10am to noon. We will launch the website at this event.
  • Pauline has written an excellent piece on the fauna of Pukerua Bay for our website. It will be illustrated by her paintings and some photographs.
  • Matt Ward is writing about the flora of Pukerua Bay.
  • The School Fundraising Trust asked He Ara to submit a set of questions for their quiz, and to enter a team – We won!
  • Machine Gun post. No further developments.
  • Matariki – We made hundreds of star biscuits, a biscuit whare (which someone wanted to buy) and the Hub asked us to mind the bonfire. Altogether a brilliant night and we added a little to our funds.
  • Still waiting for the Pou panel.
  • Margaret approached Tony Jackman about having a goodbye Tony event. Unfortunately he can’t do it. So instead he’ll be granted a Freedom of Pukerua Bay certificate. Moira has written something for Kōrero.


Contents flooding in and we’ve sent a grant application to Pelorus Trust to cover printing expenses until end for first Issue early next year.

Waste Free Pukerua Bay

Gay, Margaret and Iain are keen to support Nikky with recycling.

Iain has talked to Nikky about supporting what she does with a regular collection at the RSA. In the meantime Vicky, Gay, Jane and Margaret will run at test collection St Mark’s (During Pukerua Bay Hub’s Pop-up parlour) on 31 August.

Climate Action Rōpu

We’ve had a hui and have organized two workshops with Mike Jebson and Hugh Evans. There is likely to be another workshop around Emergency Preparedness. Also, we will promote the recycling collection (mentioned above).

General Business

Subsidence. Margaret noted the subsidence on the footpath between shops ans school entrance has become more unsafe. For our community safety
Paul emailed Bill and he forewarded it to Richard Pole.
Action: Paul to follow up with Richard Poll at the council.

Penguins. Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Projects – maildrop to alert locals that penguins are nesting and dogs need to be on leads. Flyer to be put in the RA noticeboard.

Enquiry into Climate Adaptation – parliamentary select committee. A submission went in last year. They’re now having hearings. Conor Twyford is speaking and Iain MacLean is going in to support. On 16 July. They are meeting on Thursday to plan. From RA – we strongly support the action group. Since the submission the District Plan came out and that had something explicit in it about taking Climate change into account when planning new developments.

Pukerua Bay Hub Pop Up Parlour. The Hub have got funding for a pop up community space during Aug and Sept.

Community Garden. A neighbour of the community garden has questioned the removal of cape ivy and believe the removal has encroached on their property.
Paul will be talk to Julian to resolve the situation.

Action: Paul to follow up with Richard Poll at the council.

Action: Jane will respond to Patrika about the garden saying that it is a long standing issue. We have provided the council planting plan for the area and council agreed with it but were objections from NZTA about traffic management. This has stalled the project until the impasse can be resolved. (Done)

Action:  Iain to respond to Brian about colour in Kōrero

Action:  Margaret to follow up with Bill when chasing the PCC Invoice and also ask about the Plunket Rooms.

Action:  Paul to contact other local Residents’ Associations about a hui. He was waiting for wording in Long Term Plan

Action: Paul to talk to Julian to resolve the garden boundary situation.

Close: 9.15pm

July 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

June 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Minutes Tuesday 11 June 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Chris Kirk-Burnnand.
Present: Ross Leggett, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Iain MacLean.

Council updates


b. PCC
Long Term Plan. Rejigged 3 waters priorities – update to Rukutani Point pump station fixed up in 3 years. (not increase rates as this in lieu of another project). Kerbside collection. Village Planning ended (no capital spend) but hopefully liaison with council is continued. Ross would personally like to see it resurrected. Onepoto walkway – There is some funding but need to talk to Waka Kotahi about it. Difficult to know with change of priorities with change of government.
Alcohol licensing fees – looking to full cost recovery for that. Increase in various fees. Mana Esplanade with Medium density development. NZDA are saying no to new ones the developers wanted to do with parking.

Related Special Development Plan – council in principal want to look at that with a set of conditions. Change of government may impact Kianga Ora who were going to be in charge of it. That may also affect development in Eastern Porirua. First part of Plimmerton Farm under fast track. Not sure of timing due to state of the economy.

Parking at Pukerua Bay Station. What happens with ongoing development? Under Special Development Plan they will look at that. Ross will ask the planners about Pukerua Bay. Plimmerton parking to be made bigger (by Council and GWRC). Porirua – they are looking at paid parking.

Margaret told Ross about the Gun Emplacement erosion and tilt. He will follow up with Tracy Steel (who responded from PCC).

Gay asked Ross if he’d be willing to receive letters form the school children as part of their Action for Change. Margaret noted it’s $655.50 insurance this year. $462 for Kiwi Rail

27 June Council Meeting to approve final LTP and set the rates for next year.

Approval of May minutes

Motion: Iain moved to accept May minutes, Gay seconded – all agreed, carried.

Matters arising


Financial Report

Finance Report to June 2024 Meeting   as at 10 June 2024

BNZ $9424.35

$ 10.71 Interest
$ 11.00 CGFF Seeds
$ 1160.00 CGFF TT
$ 5.00 CGFF Donation
$ 70.50 CGFF Work Day Koha
$ 140.00 He Ara Panorama
$ 60.00 Korero Invoice

$ 678.50 Korero
$ 5.00 Bank Fees
$ 100.00 CGFF Koha for Expert
$ 49.50 CGFF Reimbursement

Funds Transfer

Invoices – Issued
$ 400.00 PCC
$ 530.00 Korero

Account balances as at 10 June 2024

Res Assn 000 $ 255.19
He Ara 001 $ 1644.02
CGFF 002 $ 1538.31
Kōrero 066 $ 1289.47
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 4522.63

Motion:  Paul moved to move Financials, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.


Talk about getting the website email forwarded onto Jane or Paul.
Action: Iain to talk to Jonathan about it.

Action items


Project updates

Community Garden & Food Forest

  • Composting – bins complete and ready for filling, should be ready to use in 6 weeks
  • Wellington Horowhenua Tree Crops. Successful application, granted $1000. There is a list of requirements from them. Tabled. Suggest Ara leads this project.
  • Plan for garden workday Saturday 8 June. Allocation of a person to each work area to direct helpers. Margaret to record on white board. Contributions to morning tea appreciated
  • Hazel nut tree. Request to purchase an ‘Alexandra’ hazel nut to ensure cross pollination. Lenka to investigate
  • Tea towel sales, slow, cost of production not yet achieved
  • Proposed calendar to be postponed this year. Could we have a community open garden day as a fund raiser and get photo pages from this
  • Claire from Pukerua Bay school has contacted Gay to investigate their involvement in the garden.
  • Support to the Hub for Matariki celebration. We have the Crankie ready, Ralph willing to be storyteller and Ara leading a harakeke star making session. Help with set up please and mats etc. for audience to sit on
  • Nick Vincent bringing Predator Free traps to sell and explain at workday
  • Reinforcing of rail at the end of the herb garden needed
  • Deck extension for easy access to pavilion under way

He Ara Pukerua

Concrete Gun Emplacement

WW II MG Post, Pukerua Bsy Beach, May 2024

  • WW II Gun Emplacement, Ocean Parade.  This has been deeply eroded by the stream.  Ashley has emailed a number of organisations about the undermining. He will also write to the RSA for support.
  • Margaret was a guest at the celebration to mark 60 years of the Woodhouse Garden Club.  It is the longest running garden club in New Zealand.  Check the July NZ Gardener.
  • Request to Nikau Trust for a grant has been declined.
  • Two panorama images have been sold.
  • Still more gems coming from Tony Jackman.
  • The museum at the school has been cleared and items returned, or passed on to appropriate people or organisations.
  • Copy for website on flora, fauna and fish.
  • Many hours spent at National Library, Archives and Pataka.
  • Several stories are ready to be added to the website.
  • FB stories continue to receive great feedback, even stories posted in 2021.
  • MP Barbara Edmonds is a keen follower of He Ara Facebook page.
  • Ngati Toa and PCC have erected pou at Northern Lookout


Version 3 distributed. Planning meeting for Health/Hauora for next issue. Iain will do another grant application for printing.

Waste Free Pukerua Bay

Gay, Margaret and Iain are keen to support Nikky with recycling. Perhaps with a monthly collection at the RSA similar to Margaret’s church.

General Business

  1. PCC Long Term Plan (See Iain’s email 9 June). Suggestion to organise a hui with other Village Planning groups to come up with ideas to present to Council. Margaret wondered if PCC will  
  2. Nikky asked about plans for St Mark’s. We have not had any further contact from the Anglican Diocese.
  3. No further word about the Plunket Room.

Action: Iain to talk to Jonathan about website email forwarding.

Action: Iain to clarify will the council support for Residents’ Association continue.

Action: Paul to contact other local Residents’ Associations about a hui.

Close: 8.56pm

June 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

March 2024 Residents Association Meeting Minutes

Present: Ross Leggett, Chris Kirk-Burnnand, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Jonothan Harker , Iain MacLean. Late comer Matt Meladonis
Apologies: none

Approval of February 2024 minutes

Approval of February 2024 minutes
Motion: Gay moved to accept February minutes, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.

Council Updates


  • Chris has visited the community garden with Paul and will try to make inquiries.
  • Mt Welcome understand the consenting issues and challenges. First bit will be 10% of whole development. We’ve seen the visualisation images with lots of trees.
  • Thursday this week voting on LTP for GWRC looking at a 19.8% rates rise. 66% transport (but more technically) so that is a concern. Includes fares increase. When national ticketing comes in there maybe charges for Park and Ride with concessions for train ticket holders.
  • Consulting on own and set up a depot in Miramar and northern areas. Depots need to be near electricity for charging buses.
  • Looking to purchase 2approx 3% shares owned by Horizons Centreport shares. Considered important to add to 77% existing shares so it’s kept in local community ownership. Chris is confident their yield can be improved overtime.


  • Long Term Plan consultation coming out 1 April. There will be a meeting 4 April 3-5pm at RSA. 17.5% proposed rates increase in the first year. Many projects have been deferred or stopped.
  • PCC have chosen to include water in the LTP – although it should be taken over by other govt arrangements. 66% of Capex is water. Most commitments that are remaining are related to water. The big tank project will help prevent overflows into the harbour.
  • New govt policy statement changes direction from previous govt and downplay emissions but deals other items such as increase road maintenance. There will be more clarity over time. Way things are funded (eg cycleways) are changing.
  • Civic awards nominations are open again. Think about if we’d like to nominate anyone.
  • Plunket Room consultation document is coming out. Although we have already consulted in a basic overview way.
  • Village Plan – proposal for consultation is coming out that Village Planning will be culled for cost saving. Capex will go. Some projects in the system will be worked through.

Matters arising from previous minutes.

Action: Chris and Paul have visited to the Community Garden.

Finance Report

To March 2024 Meeting, as at 10 March 2024

BNZ   		$11,369.25
$   130.00  CGFF Tea Towel Pre Pay
$   770.00  Korero Invoices
$   300.00  Korero Donation
$       3.52  Interest
$     13.58  Interest

$  678.48  Korero	
$      3.80  Bank Fees 
Invoices – Unpaid
$  220.00
Account balances as at 10 March 2024

Res Assn 000    	$  255.19
He Ara 001		$1661.60
CGFF 002		$7107.01
Kōrero 066		$2190.47
Surf Seat 067		$  154.93


12 Feb 2024: Porirua Community Leaders Forum invite forwarded by Jono fromTalanoa Wānanga 

13 Feb 2024: Paul FitzGerald responded to Bill Inge’s email about cleaning work on theSecret Valley Murals.

No Action items

Project Updates:

Community Garden

  • Compost system. Bins in place. Vicky and Brian leading the project.
  • Pest Control. Very frustrating for beans tomatoes and berries. We plan to consult other gardens and try to establish a yearlong attack. We will plant less densely next year.
  • New signs created by Gay to prevent people taking fruits before they’re ready
  • Pavilion report. Working on interior.
  • Matariki celebrations. Plan to provide pumpkins for school hangi in future. Garden to host Welsh author, artist storyteller, Peter Stevenson. He will work with community to construct a “Crankie” and provide art work to retell a Matariki story. Ara Swanney has offered to work with tamariki to make harakeke stars. Possible date 22 June.
  • Winter prep of gardening. Discussion still needed.
  • School Gala. We will be taking orders for our tea towels (Due April 20). We will donate a basket of produce as a raffle prize for the school.
  • Korero. Gay and Margaret have agreed to work on an article for the next publication focussing on “kai”.
  • Local business (not sure which) may support garden with a staff work day. We need to action this.

He Ara Pukerua

• The Stores panel was revealed on Thursday 7 March by Janine Thomson and Darryl Lindsay. They are grandchildren of Arthur and Annie Lindsay, the original owners of the Lindsay family store.
– Bill Inge and Megan Krishnan from PCC also came along.
– We are blown away with the responses to our posts on He Ara Facebook from all over the world. There is often subsequent dialogue between many of these people.
• Pou panel – wording had been approved by PCC we are now waiting on approval from Ngati Toa.
• PCC have put in the concrete pads for the Mosen and Pool seats in the Muri Reserve.
• Wellington Heritage Festival – we have received an invitation to participate in October.
• Margaret has met with author and researcher Clare Gleeson about Miss Ngita Woodhouse.
• Work is proceeding on the He Ara website.
• Ashley accompanied three classes from Pukerua Bay School to Wairaka rock and talked to them about Albert Augustus Clark aka Nobby Clark.
• Visit from Dick Farrell. He has so many stories about living in the Bay as a child. He will be back again. He donated a large, framed photograph of the beach in the 1960s

Motion:  Approval requested from this Residents’ Association meeting to apply to the Nikau Foundation for funds to complete the panels project. moved Paul, seconded Jono – Carried


Kōrero is now in its fourth year of publication. We’re entering this year without our dear friend, Mel, and in the knowledge that we will soon lose Iain. In the face of those losses, we’re delighted to welcome three new people to our editorial team: Gill England, Carla Guy, and Kelly McClean.  Iain remains on the team for the meantime. Kate continues as co-ordinating editor, Moira ably organises advertising and budget, Nikky is chief proofreader, Jonathan looks after the IT side of things, and Gill has stepped in to look after distribution.  Anne’s role as designer is critical – she makes us look good!

Our extended whānau includes our distribution team; Paul, who does most of the pickups from the printer; and Margaret who processes our invoices and helps Moira keep track of finances. And, of course, it includes our wonderful contributors, whose numbers grow with each issue.

Publication would be impossible without the generosity of our advertisers, sponsors, and, last year, the Pelorus Trust. 

Our first three issues this year have needed to be produced on a tight timeframe, as Matariki will be celebrated a month earlier than usual, so Issue 3 will have to come out in the first half of the year. We have not finalised dates for issues 4 and 5. These will be determined later in the year and be responsive to community events.  With that in mind, this is the 2024 schedule.

Korero schedule 2024 (in devt.)
IssueThemeCopy due date
FebruaryThe beach – where we live and playComplete
AprilKai12 March
Early JuneMusic and Matariki1 May
NovemberWriters and writing 

Financially, we are reasonably on track, but our planning is based on 16-page issues, and we find that we normally need 20 pages. A sign of success, but it does create some pressure. For that reason, we would like the RA committee to endorse our application for another grant to help pay for printing.

Motion:  To apply to Pelorus Trust for extra funding for Korero printing costs. moved Iain, seconded Jono – Carried

General Business

Community Resilience – Matt Meladonis

  • Still pin point water sources outside the community hub and distribution plan.
  • We need to localised fliers specific to Pukerua Bay about what to do. What to do, what to keep in stock. Margaret suggested we find a sponsor for printing
  • Need a list of people who would require assistance, on chronic meds etc.
  • Hoping to get some street groups going with Street Rep so it will help distribute information easily. Could coordinate with neighbourhood watch if it existed. Neighbourhood day could be an opportunity.
  • Whetu Bennett contacted Matt about radios and told Jane the PKB report will be updated in April.
  • List of key personnel in bay (medics, elderly care, police etc)
  • If we have a long term panic, perhaps put out a call out for generator, chest freezers etc. Investigate EV’s V2L powering like a battery.

Muri Road Development update

Artist impression renders were sent in the part that is already zoned for residential and consented. It’s a Jennian homes development. To be put out on a Facebook post.

Closed: 8.52pm

March 2024 Residents Association Meeting Minutes Read More »

February 2024 Residents Association Meeting Minutes

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Nicky Winchester, Chris Kirk Burnard, Iain MacLean, Chris Kirk-Burnnand
Apologies: Ross Leggett
Motion: Iain moved to accept December minutes, Gay seconded – carried

Matters arising from previous minutes.

Action completed: Paul sent the letter to Chris Kirk-Burnnand as per correspondence.

Finance Report to February 2023 Meeting as at 13 February 2024

Motion: That any adhoc expenditure over $300 from any of the subgroups groups should be approved by the RA committee. This could be by email. Authority is delegated to subgroups to approve adhoc expenditure under $300.
Proposed by Margaret, Seconded by Nikky – Carried

BNZ   		$10,919.43  
$ 3000.00	CGFF Tea Towel loan  
$   740.00	CGFF Tea Towel Prepay
$     27.70	CGFF Donation
$ 1500.00	CGFF Donation K & I MacLean
$   170.00	CGFF Plant Sales  
$   240.00	He Ara Prints   
$   470.00	Kōrero Advert

$        3.24     Bank Fees 
$    101.74     CGFF Gas & Kettle 
$      40.00     CGFF RSA Voucher
Invoices - Issued	
$1350.00  	Kōrero 
Account balances as at 13 February 2024

Res Assn 000    	$  238.10
He Ara 001		$1637.00
CGFF 002		$6978.21
Kōrero 066		$1911.15
Surf Seat 067		$  154.93

Motion: To approve the Financial Report Dated 13th February 2024 moved Paul, seconded Gay – Carried


21 Dec 2023:  From  Richard Pole PCC, content about rail and Muri Road history. Response from Paul FitzGerald suggesting He Ara
16 December 2023: From Paul FitzGerald To Chris Kirk-Burnnand Content – KiwiRail cost of access to CCFF
19 December 2023:
From Chris Kirk-Burnnand – contact with Fiona Abbott GW to KiwiRail cost of access to CCFF
December to the website, from Tom RE: He Ara – bollards
10 Jan 2024: from Maureen Clift – regarding Ross Brown
13 February 2024 : Contact from Bill Inge – regarding the cleaning of mural tagging next week.

Project Updates

Community Garden

Gay Hay –
Successful Summer Celebration on Wellington Anniversary Day
Despite some rain, 25-30 ish locals visited the garden for our Summer Celebration. We had plant and flower sales, tea towel orders, local art, rock painting and storytime for the children, refreshments and the official presentation and planting of Iain McLean’s plum tree (that was donated to him by Ahu Charitable Trust). Brian kindly wrote this poem on behalf of the PKB Community:

Iain’s Plum Tree Poem
Here we stand in readiness
On a day that’s orchestrated
To see the place where we will plant
A tree that Iain’s donated

This isn’t just a fruiting tree
Like the others already here
This one will help remind us of
Today, this month, this year

You see if it wasn’t for Iain’s drive
His strength and his tenacity
To match the Council’s rules and regs
With his patience and technocality

There wouldn’t be a Garden here today
Where we can join together
To celebrate the Community spirit
In this perfect planting weather
(22 January 2024)

Summer Watering
We’re decided to divide the garden into areas which various people will take responsibility to keep
watered (while we’re still able to use hand held hoses).

Progress on Pavilion
The scaffolding is down and the pavilion is looking great! Special thanks to Paul for fixing up the school desks.Some more work to be done inside but it’s looking very smart.

Progress on composting
The worm bin is installed and in use.

Fundraising tea towel
Pre-orders are open for our beautiful tea towel featuring Kate Jacobs artwork.

Statement of the community garden
We’re working on a statement of purpose for the community garden to share with Ngati Toa and aid funding applications. To date it is:

At Pukerua Bay Food Forest and Community Garden, we unite as a collective strength, fostering social bonds, engaging tamariki, and educating our community on sustainable gardening practices.
Run by volunteers, we strive to produce healthy, local food while supporting community resilience through sustainable initiatives.
Our garden is a thriving hub. Together, we are sowing the seeds of a greener, healthier, and more connected Pukerua Bay for generations to come.
‘E hara taku toa I te toa takitahi he toa takitini.’’
‘My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Family Day
Whanau from Ireland and the UK attended a morning tea in the garden with lots of delicious baking!

Childrens’ Gardening Group
Gay is looking at funding for a possible gardening club for children, possibly in the holidays. Pip who has taken over the School’s after school care is interested.

Iain’s Wake
The CCFF are helping Kate and family cater and set up the school and community hall for Iain McLean’s wake when the time comes. They have generously offered us funds to do this.

Approached The CCFF regarding matariki events in the garden

Paekakariki Community garden have offered to run a biochar workshop in the garden in their new machine.

He Ara Pukerua

St Luke’s Panel: Installed and blessed by Rev Motekiai Fakatou at service on Sunday 11 February.

• Stores Panel: Margaret to follow up with Janine Thomson, grand daughter of Annie and Arthur Lindsay, to come along for the reveal of this panel.
• Pou: Draft returned to Jane for two small layout changes.
• Website: We will send through material to Anne according to what we have in budget to pay her.
• Funding: We will keep at this.
• Mission Statement: Considered, to read:
“The vision of He Ara Pukerua is that of a community where everyone has the opportunity to share knowledge of Pukerua Bay’s history and heritage.
“For a community to thrive they need to know their history.”
• Muri pavilion: Final stages of renovation nearing completion. Then we will celebrate.
• Stuff archive: Ashley contacted Lance. Lance talked to management and was informed that Fairfax Media had removed them and sent to the Wellington Library? He is still pursuing this.
• Responded to email query received via Residents website regarding bollards without panels.


Gone to Anne for layout and a meeting is being held on Thursday.

Wastefree PKB

Want to set a date for a new recycling day. Nicky wants to reach out to the climate group for helpers

General Business

Motion: Gay proposes approval to apply for funding from the Sutherland Self Help Trust for educational purposes associated with the CCFF. Moved Gay – Carried, all agreed

Muri Road Development update
Jennian Homes (PK homes development) have approved consent. 144 lots, 2 local purpose reserves, mixture of stand-alone and terraced housing. Trees removed out onto Highway 59.

St Marks
Question about progress on the use of St Marks.

Closed: 9pm

Next Meeting: March 12th

February 2024 Residents Association Meeting Minutes Read More »

December 2023 Residents Association meeting minutes

12 December 2023

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Nicky Winchester, Chris Kirk Burnard, Iain MacLean
Apologies: none
Motion: Iain moves to approve previous minutes subject to name update and adding Wellington Water information.Paul second – all passed.

Council Updates

Kapiti Line Services increasing costs as KiwiRail have responsibility to maintain infrastructure but they flagged it early enough.
Funding for 9 mill for trains. It will double Wairarapa services, and quadruple train services on Kapiti and extend to Levin. GWRC makes losses on service. Used to be dollar for dollar but costs have moved onto ratepayers. It’s now 1 to 3. 39 million trips this year which is back up to 2019 levels. New ticketing system is coming which gives better control over ticketing.

Long Term Plan coming out early March for consultation. LTP working with 6 different iwi which has extended consultation time. Chris was unhappy with suggested 40% increases to maintain level of service. Now should be about 20% then 18% and 16%.

Wants more money to be put into flood protection as money has been spent on Riverlink costs – so flood protection reduced elsewhere. We have trouble with Porirua stream.

Lets get wellington moving – change of govt means it won’t go ahead in its current form.

Centreport – 3 new directors including Helmut from iwi in Porirua. Chris  supports moves to get strong commercial return and benefits over the next few years for ratepayers. See it as similar asset to airports.

PKB boat ramp. PCC is responsible but needs resource consent from GWRC. Chris supporting update.

Northern Growth – Wellington water not sure they can supply water and infrastructure for that number of houses.

Action – Paul FitzGerald, Community Garden. Send Chris a letter about the costs to the garden for KiwiRail access and indemnity and he will look into it.

Matters Arising

Previous minutes note adding Iain as a signatory to the check account – he says don’t rush.

Financial report 

Finance Report to December 2023 Meeting   as at 11 December 2023

BNZ                            $ 4917.23
Income:                     $  20.00        He Ara Koha
                                    $100.00        He Ara Prints    
                                    $  50.00        He Ara Donation    
                                    $274.00        CGFF  RSA Quiz 
Expenditure:            $       0.80    Bank Fees 
Invoices - Issued     Nil 
Account balances as at 11 December 2023
Res Assn 000           $  238.10
He Ara 001               $1397.60
CGFF 002                 $1685.45
Kōrero 066               $1441.15
Surf Seat 067           $  154.93

Motion: Paul moved to pass the financials, Iain second – all passed.


5 December 2023: From Philippa Cox to Moira and Paul about the Scientific reserve

Action items


Project Updates

Community Garden – below
He Ara Pukerua – no report
Kōrero – below
Climate Action – below
Waste Free PKB – no report

Community Garden

Gay Hay –
Summer Watering
Need a roster. Still need to turn on as not enough soak hoses set up.
Volunteers please. Matt Meladonis is willing to help with an irrigation system.
Progress on Pavilion
Roof is painted, barge boards, finials are up. Jacob Slankard is a local carpenter who has offered to help complete the pavilion.
Progress on composting

Brian has met with Neil and ready to relocate and set up the worm bin. Funds from RSA quiz going to the bin set up.
Grass cutting
We are sequestering carbon by letting the grass grow with paths cut through it.
Brian topped the grass near Terry’s fence as a fire break.
Progress on tea towel
Kate is working with design and sourcing costings for quality printing.
Anniversary Day event
Details to be confirmed at next meeting.
Control of pests
Ashley has noticed issues with the beans. We have agreed to try ‘Quash’ an environmentally friendly slug bait. Any more donations of food bag wool is welcome as it helps mulch and keeps snails out.
Currently we have $1411.45 which needs to be used for the KiwiRail $462 and public liability $655.

$462 Kiwirail
$655 public liability
$200 pavilion
$300 compost

Planning is underway for a fundraising calendar for 2025

Statement of the community garden
We need a statement of the purpose of the community garden to share with Ngati Toa (for a te reo name) and aid funding applications. We understand Lenka has done the initial work on this and need to check with her on this.
Family Day
We planning an afternoon tea at the garden for visiting families from overseas. 27th Jan or maybe the Anniversary day.


Iain MacLean – Planning meeting held Thursday 30 November.
First issue for next year is well underway with a theme of ‘reading’. We have a draft outline for the next 3 issues.

Climate Action

Jane Comben –
We had successful events.
WREMO (Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office) workshop on 25 Nov was attended by 9 locals. We took notes and have suggestions to have a follow up event in March/April. Beach clean-up – 10 Dec Brendan Beach was a success despite bad weather (11 locals). Meg talked to Briony about possibly helping to clear the path of sand.

General Business:

District Plan decisions

Iain MacLean – email from Council with changes to the District Plan from the draft to the final released last week. 

Things added to final District Plan

Climate change and resilience [a whole new part added to the introduction] 
The development will incorporate design principles that anticipate the effects of climate change, to mitigate its impacts, to avoid contributing to it and to increase community resilience. 

Freshwater management areas [single sentence added] 

Other activities may also need to locate or be undertaken within these areas to enable the wider development of the area, such as infrastructure or earthworks.  

Connectivity [single sentence added] 

The form of this access [to SH59] is to be informed by a transport strategy that will be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders and lead by the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. 

DEV-NG-02 Planning urban built environment of the Northern Growth Development Area [words in bold added] 

5. Predominantly medium density housing with a variety of housing types, sizes and tenures; 

7. An urban form that is integrated with the transport network, and encourages public and active transport modes while minimising reliance on private vehicles

DEV-NG-P2 Subdivision [words in bold added] 

4. Provides a transport network layout and design that: 

    a.  Is safe for all transport users

    b.  Recognises and provides for transport connections at the boundaries of the Development Area where opportunities exist, including an appropriate connection to State Highway 59

Things removed from draft and not included in the final

Words in bold and italics and in square braces deleted]

DEV-NG-P3 [Potentially] Appropriate development

Only allow subdivision, use and development that is [potentially] not in accordance with the Northern Growth Development Area Structure Plan where it is demonstrated that it is appropriate for such subdivision, use or development to occur within the Development Area, having regard to whether: 

1. The purpose and effects of the subdivision, use or development are likely to constrain, limit or compromise the intended development and use of the Development Area as set out in the Structure Plan, including consideration of… 

WREMO – Emergency exercises

Run by Whetu Bennett. As mentioned above in Climate Action report section, we discussed having quarterly events/workshops at the RSA for interested people and possibly setting up a kit at the RSA as a backup to the school one.


Christmas on the field not happening this year. There was an attempt to separate the PKB Hub from Ahu Trust. That didn’t work this year as both were run by the same people. They didn’t have the people to run Christmas on the Field so it’s not going ahead. Suggested that cancelation was communicated to the community and also to give people a chance to step up.

Meeting closed: 8.50pm 

Next Meeting: February 13th 2024

December 2023 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »