Iain MacLean

June Penhey passes away

Kua hinga te tōtara i Te Waonui-a-Tāne.

The tōtara tree has fallen in Tāne’s great forest.

With sorrow and with heartfelt gratitude, we mourn the passing of our beloved June.

June was acknowledged for her service to our community last year, when she was granted the Freedom of Pukerua Bay and the previous year, with her well-deserved receipt of a Porirua Civic Award. But these are only tokens. June’s life embodied the spirit of service, care, and faith. Together with husband Mike, she was a “true villager”. She touched our lives in her care for the environment and in the personal care she gave so many people. She demonstrated quiet courage in facing personal tragedy and unwavering fortitude in enduring what has been an extended period of illness.

June will be deeply missed and always remembered. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mike and to all the family.

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August 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

August 10 2021

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Moira Lawler, Pauline Morum

Apologies: Josh Trlin, Lenka Horanska, Jonathon Harker, Iain MacLean and Kate Dreaver

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Note the attendees should read Brian Sullivan, not Brian Hurst (now amended). We changed the section on representation review based on Kate’s feedback – we believe the village plan programme will achieve much of what is intended from community boards.

Motion: Moved Paul, seconded Mel – approved.

August 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

The alert level two rules have changed for delta

Kia ora e te whānau o Pukerua.  The alert levels have changed – yeeha!  What does Level 2  mean for us? As you know, the headlines are about wearing face coverings, keeping track of where you’ve been, and practising basic good hygiene. This short article breaks it down further: 

The alert level two rules have changed for delta Read More »

July 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 13 July 2021

  1. Welcome & introductions

Jack Marshall – PPC democratic Services Team (Representation review)

Brian Sullivan (a visiting member of the community)

Murray Altheim (a visiting member of the community)

  1. Apologies

Josh Trlin, Jenny Brash, Nikky Winchester, Moira Lawler, Ian MacLean

July 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

June 2021 Residents’s Association meeting minutes

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Moira Lawler, Lenka Horanska, Jonathon Harker, Lauchlan, Peter, Andrew, Steve, Huana, (Waka Kotahi) Ron (PCC), Josh Trlin (PCC), Chris Kirk Burnand (GWRC),

Apologies: Tess Law, Nikky Winchester, Pauline Morum, Iain MacLean, Jenny Brash (GWRC),

Minutes of Last Meeting – approved

Motion to receive: moved Kate, seconded Mel, motion carried.

Matters arising from previous minutes: Business directory loaded on website.

June 2021 Residents’s Association meeting minutes Read More »

April 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Pauline Morum, Moira Lawler, Marie Hook, Josh Trlin (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Claire Giblin and Luke Benner (PCC)

Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Nikky Winchester, Chris Kirk-Burnand (GWRC)

Approval of previous minutes: No changes.

Motion to receive: moved Paul, seconded Mel, motion carried.

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Kāinga Ora’s proposal on multi-level buildings in Pukerua Bay

The Government’s social housing agency, Kāinga Ora, has asked Porirua City Council to change PCC’s proposed District Plan to allow for buildings at least six-stories high in several areas in Porirua, including part of Pukerua Bay.

This comes from the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD), which is a policy that councils have to incorporate into their plans and allow to operate — they have no choice about this. In the words of the policy statement, ‘Councils must give effect to these objectives and policies.’ There is a one-page summary here.

It’s an attempt to improve how cities respond to growth to enable improved housing affordability and community wellbeing.

Some of the provisions in it apply to the areas under the most pressure — the Tier 1 councils. Wellington region is one of these.

The relevant part to the NPS-UD is Policy 3, which says that for tier 1 local authorities, maximum capacity must be enabled in city centre zones. They must also enable development of at least six storeys in metropolitan centre zones and within walkable distances of rapid transit stops, and the edge of city centre and metropolitan zones. In these locations, six storeys are not a target, but is a minimum for what must be enabled in plans. If assessments show that both demand and access are high in these areas, councils should enable heights and densities that reflect this.

There is a fact sheet on intensification here.

The government has provided advice to councils with high- or medium-growth urban areas on how to meet the requirements in the NPS-UD.

Kāinga Ora’s proposal

Kāinga Ora has proposed that these 6-storey minimum buildings be allowed in six areas in Porirua. (Their full submission is here — number 81 in the list.)

Kāinga Ora maps of high-density zones — Pukerua Bay is the first map in the document, and the high-density zone is the orange and white striped area centred around the train station. There is also an online map you can enter your address into to find the nearest high-density zones.

This appears to be a standard submission Kāinga Ora is making around the country to include this form of intensification in councils’ District Plans and is not specifically targeted at Porirua. The areas seem to be simply drawn around train stations and certain urban facilities, such as shopping centres, without any analysis of whether they are suitable. Or, in the case of Pukerua Bay, whether our train station counts as a ‘rapid transit stop’ and whether ‘both demand and access are high’ for intensive development in this area.

The proposal would allow for very little input at the resource consent stage by affected neighbours.

Further submissions

We are allowed to make further submissions in response to ones like Kāinga Ora’s submissions – even if we didn’t make a submission initially.

The further submission can only respond to initial submissions and can’t bring up new matters. They must say what you agree with or disagree with and why.

Deadline for further submissions

These must be with PCC by 11 May.

There are links on this page to the ways you can make further submissions by filling out this Word document form.

Need a hand?

The summary reports are complex and PCC is able to help you understand them.

You can make an appointment to talk to a member of PCC’s planning team. Please email or call: dpreview@pcc.govt.nz ph 04 237 5089

If you would like help making a further submission, an independent ‘Friend of the Submitter’ service is available. Please email or call FriendofSubmittersPDP@poriruacity.govt.nz ph 021 532 284

Kāinga Ora’s proposal on multi-level buildings in Pukerua Bay Read More »

Contribute to new Pukerua Bay community newsletter

Kia ora koutou katoa … and Happy New Year

As you know, the school has published a community newsletter for many years. This has now ceased, so a group of us from the Residents’ Association thought we would give it a go.

We have developed some initial ideas about format, size, and content, and the main purpose will be to celebrate our community and help bring people together. We know we have the Facebook groups and website, but this will be for everyone. Something that doesn’t require a digital connection and that you can stick on the fridge.

The theme for the first issue will be, “2020 was tough – how can Pukerua Bay work together to make 2021 amazing?”

We’re not asking for details – just one or two sentences with a brief response to that question. Maybe you’d like to invite people to join your group, or maybe there’s a big event planned? What would you like people to know about?

We’re looking forward to hearing from you about the exciting things you’ve planned!

Please send your responses to our group email at newsletter@pukeruabay.org.nz by Friday January 29.

Moira, Nikky, Jonathan, Iain, and Kate

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Have your say on Plimmerton Farm development

Submissions close 5pm, Thursday 2 July

Porirua City Council (PCC) is changing its District Plan to use a fast-track process for the Plimmerton Farm development, and is asking for the public to give their views on it.

This is our only chance to influence the outcome of this development by persuading the Minister for the Environment (who makes the final decision on the plan change) to protect the unique values of the Taupō Swamp and wetlands in the area. We will have to live with the decisions made now in perpetuity.

The Residents Association is working with the Friends of Taupō Swamp and Catchment (FOTSC) to help protect this environment.

You can help, too.

Everything you need to know is now up on the FOTSC website https://www.tauposwamp.org/plimmerton-farm-development.

Have a look at the “Have some more questions…?” document on the website. This is the culmination of input from many sources, and you can use it to help make a submission with the environment a priority, not a casualty, of planned development. There’s a lot there because there’s a lot to say.

You are free to use the words on it, but make them personal and write about the things you value the most.


FOTSC has prepared an example of the submissions you can make. This will help simplify the process.

All the development information from PCC is on their website, along with links to the online submission page.

Remember: submissions are due 5pm Thursday, 2 July

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Keep in touch and stay safe in Level 2

With the move to Level 2 in the Covid-19 response, we have also reduced our community response to keeping a eye on events. However, we still have a group of volunteers willing to help.

If you need some assistance with collecting essential goods, such as grocery shopping or collecting medicine, please get in touch with us by phoning Helen on 0211466421 or emailing Kelly at pukeruabayhub@gmail.com.

Don’t forget to look after your mental wellbeing (we have some advice here), and the City Council has some welfare information here.

Keep in touch and stay safe in Level 2 Read More »