Paul FitzGerald

Muri Road Development

Pukerua Bay Holdings Ltd which is undertaking the housing development off Muri Road has been in touch with PKBRA to give an update on the development. This is set out below.

As mentioned, we have now completed the 1st phase of our forestry harvest operation and ready to commence the stage 1 earthworks programme at Muri Rd.

Residents will shortly receive notice via their letterbox of the commencement of works on site from the Contractor, Bryce O’Sullivan Contracting (BOSCO).

The works will include opening the new road entrance for the subdivision at the midpoint between 34 and 50 Muri Road.

One additional lot will be created off the ROW at 34 Muri Road.

See below screenshot of the approximate scope of works, marked in red.

As with our forestry logging operation to date, we will continue to comply with all requirements as set out by Porirua City Council.

Our aim is to always keep any disruption to neighbouring residents to an absolute minimum, where possible.

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Sh 59 Pukerua Bay-Plimmerton Chip Sealing

Waha Kotahi has provied the following information regaring re-sealing of the highway from Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton. Not that you will not be able to turn into Airlie Rd when heading towards Plimmerton but will need to divert to the Plimmerton Roundabout and head north.

ROADWORKS: Laying a new surface of chipseal on the state highway


State Highway 59, 2 separate sections south of Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton roundabout

Monday 30 October daytime, subject to postponement because of weather 

  1. 7am – 10am approx: a  short 100m section of the 2 northbound lanes beside the Airlie Road intersection
  2. 10am – 4.30pm approx: a 1km section of the 2 southbound lanes from the Weigh Station to Plimmerton roundabout 



  • No right turn into Airlie Road if heading south from Pukerua Bay

o    Either continue south to Plimmerton roundabout, turn back north and use the slip lane into Airlie Road

o    Or use the main access to access Plimmerton at the Steyne Avenue traffic lights

  • Access north or south onto the state highway from Airlie Road
  • Left or right turns – traffic controllers will stop and hold vehicles until it is safe to wave you through
  • Or travel through Plimmerton to the southern exit at Steyne Avenue lights


  • One lane closed for works, traffic uses the other lane beside the works at restricted speed limit


  • A temporary speed restriction will be in place following the works while the chips bed into the new seal 
  • 30km/h is the usual speed at first as this slower speed helps protect your car and others from loose chip
  • The speed limit will rise as traffic helps settle the chip into the new seal on the road surface

Sh 59 Pukerua Bay-Plimmerton Chip Sealing Read More »

Update on Northern Look-out to Brendan Beach track

PCC has provided an update on the slip remedial works on the track to Brendan Beach

Monitoring and geo-technical work is ongoing at the slip below the Pukerua Bay lookout on SH59.

This project is being led by Wellington Transport Alliance (WTA), in partnership with the various land owners in that area, including Porirua City Council.

In February this year, technical experts from WTA installed a number of geo-technical survey pins across the slip site.  These are being regularly monitored to assess for land movement and so far there has been no significant land movement.

Remote tilt sensors have also been recently installed to provide another source of data for the slip assessment.

This information will help guide the project’s next steps regarding what further slip assessments are required and how best to manage the land in the short and long term.

In the meantime, the pathway from the lookout car park to Brendan Beach will remain closed as it is not safe for the public to use.

Update on Northern Look-out to Brendan Beach track Read More »

Road Works

Waka Kotahi has advised there will be two sets of works being undertaken in the next few days.

Sunday night (6 August 2023), a road repair will be done on SH59 near the corner of Wairaka Road. This was notified to the neighbours for Thursday but weather has pushed it out to Sunday – also weather permitting.

Monday night (7 August 2023) the watermain service lid at the intersection of SH59 and Gray Street will be lifted and given a concrete surround to make it level with the road. Service lid lifting is something that a team travels the highway network doing some time after road repairs and resurfacing jobs have been done. It can’t be done at the time of the works because of the extreme heat of the asphalt when it is laid.

Road Works Read More »

Entrance to Gray St from SH59

Good news to all those who drive into Gray St from SH59. Waka Kotahi has advised that, subject to weather conditions,work will be carried out to fix the intersection, removing the somewhat bumpy surface and replacing it with a smoothe one.

The work will be undertaken on Sunday evening and will not take all night.

Waka Kotahi has apologised for the time it has taken to fix the intersection.

Entrance to Gray St from SH59 Read More »

Slip Clearance Pukerua Bay

Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has advised that a small team will be in Pukerua Bay tomorrow Thursday night, weather permitting, to clear slips from the footpath in the area of SH 59 between Pukerua Beach Road and Wairaka Road.

This will be one of several minor slip-clearing jobs around the highway network that the team will be undertaking tomorrow night so Waka Kotahi cannot say what time the team will arrive. It should only take an hour or so.

Slip Clearance Pukerua Bay Read More »

Resealing SH59 Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton Starting Sunday 11th

Waka Kotahi has advised that chipsealing State Highway 59 between Pukerua Bay and Plimmerton will be starting Sunday night 11 December

These works are programmed for next week while the Pukerua Bay slip stabilisation works are being done and traffic volumes are expected to be lower through this stretch of highway.  However you may want to factor in additional time when travelling South.

They have asked that cyclists and pedestrians use the shared path during the works for their safety.


Chipsealing will be done during the day, each day between 7am – 5.30pm.

Traffic management set-up will start Sunday night, 11 December at 7pm through the night. Traffic set-ups/change-overs will be at night throughout the week, for an early start the next morning.

Monday 12 December

  • The Northbound state highway will be closed from 4.30am from the Plimmerton weigh station to the merge south of Pukerua Bay.
  • Traffic will be directed to the southbound side of the highway with one lane each direction.
  • There will be stop/go traffic control at the Airlie Road intersection for access.

Tuesday 13 December

  • The Northbound state highway will be closed from 4.30am from the Plimmerton weigh station to the merge south of Pukerua Bay.
  • Traffic will be directed to the southbound side of the highway with one lane each direction.
  • There will be stop/go traffic control at the Airlie Road intersection for access.

Wednesday 14 December

  • The Southbound state highway will be closed from 4.30am from Airlie Road to north of Plimmerton roundabout
  • Traffic will be directed to the northbound side of the highway with one lane each direction.
  • There will be stop/go traffic control at the Airlie Road intersection for access.

Sweeping and line marking will be done between Tuesday and Friday.

A restricted speed limit will be in place up to 3 days and nights following the works to settle the seal.

Heavy vehicles and wide loads please use alternative routes due to the extent of these closures and the works.

Cyclists and pedestrians please use the shared path during the works.

Resealing SH59 Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton Starting Sunday 11th Read More »

Gray Street/SH59 intersection remediation

The entrance to Gray Street from SH59 is on the PCC books for remediation over summer. As anyone driving over it will know the rate of deterioration seems to be increasing. Remediation works, digging out and are dependant on the ground under the new material being dry enough to be consolidated and ready to be asphalted. The road has been marked out for some time in preparation for the works.

Gray Street/SH59 intersection remediation Read More »