Minutes Tuesday 10 December 2024
7:30 –9:15 pm RSA Wairaka Rd
Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Ross Leggett, Judith Frost-Evans, Jane Comben, Iain MacLean.
Apologies: Judith Frost-Evans, Jonathan Harker, Nikky Winchester
Community members: Brian Sullivan
Election of Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Appointing Jonathan Harker to committee
Jonathan Harker was not present at the October AGM, but wished to remain on the committee for the following year. Iain MacLean notified all the existing Members and none of them sent any objections to the Committee doing so. The Committee can do this under Section 14.5 of the Constitution.
Motion by Iain / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried.
“The Executive Committee of the Pukerua Bay Residents Association appoints Jonathan Harker as Member of the Committee for the 2024-2025 year.”
New member Judith Frost-Evans.
Judith gave her mihi and brief intro. Moved into PKB in 80s then moved away and back in 2009. Involved in storytelling and hosted artists. She’s now representing the Community Garden and notes there is a small group forming about protecting little blue penguins. Interested in improving signage or other ways to protect the penguin. How do know what is important to people? Judith is now the Community Garden Rep.
Council updates
Started our Annual Plan discussions. Net years rate increase was 10%. They’re talking about what they can do about it. Can see this Thursdays council meeting for details. Pressure on 10% with inflation etc. Currently at 6.7%. Ann Plan consultation in March – April. Getting feedback on things like increasing parking fees, consents, Cannons Creek Pool fees. To reduce/increase rates by 1% = 10 million Capex or 1 million Opex. Going out for consultation. Working hard to keep rates as low as possible. Still pressure on council to increase contribution to Wellington Water.
2% for admin costs for new company (to replace Wellington Water). There will be consultation on the new company.
Alcohol bylaws, animals, freedom camping out for consultation. Freedom camping to be discussed later.
Plimmerton Farm – resource consent has gone through.
Northern Growth Area still waiting for govt /Kainga Ora to make up their mind. Kainga Ora being squeezed in Eastern Porirua. Some stormwater and wastewater projects are going ahead in Porirua. To reduce wastewater overflows from Eastern Porirua, Tawa and northern Porirua.
Wellington Water – water demand is down by 8% so significant restrictions are unlikely. Helped by the reduction in leaks. 60 private leaks, 30 new leaks.
Spicer Landfill – Makes council money. Plan to keep to 2040 but need to reconsent to go to 2035. Odour problems for people in Tawa. Consent may be difficult so there are 2 options. Close in 2030. Or try and keep it open to 2035. But no tip costs will go up to take rubbish elsewhere. A big change coming.
Appeal into the Environment Court GWRC policy statement that effect us and cost money. They believe it’s an over reach. They’re going to court with Hutt and Kāpiti councils. E.g. Our District Plan did not have high density in PKB but GWRC could/would over-ride it.
0.8 contraction in in economy in Porirua.
Pukerua Beach Road Slip – contractor has been awarded. They will do investigation and design of remediation work.
Freedom Camping – issues raised especially Motukaraka Point. Trying to increase potential camping areas and reduce pressure on Ngāti Toa domain but in a balanced way.
GWRC – none
Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation
Moved Paul / seconded Iain. All in favour. Carried.
Note: Judith abstained as away in Nov.
Matters arising.
Bus Shelter – Paul contacted Thomas Nash at GWRC twice. He was chasing up what action if any was happening at council. Waiting to hear, it’s an ongoing issue. In PKB the stops need to involve NZTA
Parking Ticket at Station. Paul has contacted Keryn twice to check it’s Porirua council giving tickets (not Metlink) before approaching council. Has yet to hear. Jane will text her as she has her number.
Financial report as at 10 December 2024
BNZ $ 11,542.70
$ 15.57 Interest
$ 280.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 111.00 CGFF Flower, plant & other sales
$ 70.00 He Ara Panorama
$ 15.00 He Ara Tee
$ 55.00 CGFF Plant Sales Christmas on Field
$ 0.00 Fees
$ 50.00 He Ara Koha
$ 233.66 CGFF Rongoa
$ 149.99 CGFF Rongoa Brochure
$ 678.50 Kōrero
$ 10.00 CGFF refund for incorrect deposit made on 12/11/2024
Invoices – Issued
$ 20.00 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 20.00 Korero
Account balances as at 10 December 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 372.82
CGFF 002 $ 2695.95
Kōrero 066 $ 1250.27
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 6604.78
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Residents $ 104.78 Interest
Budgets to be presented at next meeting in February.
Moved Margaretl / seconded Iain. All in favour. Carried
21 November: Shared by Adele Quayle to Kate Dreaver
Sharing info about the submissions on Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw. Encouraging the wider village to submit, not just the beach residents.
28 November 2024: Russell Plume – Spectacles found on Escarpment
(Jane corresponded with Russell and was going to do a RA post but it was already sorted and the glasses returned to owner.)
Project Updates
Community Garden Food Forest
Garden Club visit Tuesday 11 Feb 2025. We will provide morning tea. A koha has been asked for. Hopefully we will have plants for sale. (Now cancelled)
Christmas in the Park. & December 2025. Good supply of plants for sale and last of the tea towels. $199 taken and Gay talked with Mayor who encouraged us to contact Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.
Camera is working well, damage is down.
Celebration for the Pavilion. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ANNIVERSARY DAY?”
- Ask Gabrielle if she would be willing to provide music
- Brian to look at challenge of completing a Crankie from the story of the garden over the years
- Vicky has children’s treasure hunt
- Jane to make a poster please
- Gay to invite Barbara Edmonds and Porirua Mayor
$3,400 in bank
Table: The Pukerua Bay Community Garden & Food Forest Rongoā Māori Report to Tree Crop Association
He Ara Report December 2024

- Pou Tangaroa panel was blessed by kaumatua Taku Parae on Wednesday 20 November.
- Memorial plaque for Peter Lindsay refixed in place.
- He Ara hosted Judy McCoy and four other Friends of Taupo Swamp and Catchment on a visit to Mt Welcome Bush, one of the headwaters of Taupo Stream. He Ara, together with a team from the Friends, have offered to assist the owners with the task of eradicating three invasive species so the owners meet the requirements of their QEII covenant. We have also offered to assist to set up and monitor trap lines for possums and rodents.
- The Hub provided a table in the community tent at Christmas on the Field. Interest in panorama and tee shirts made this worthwhile.
- Website – more stories have been put up including Ngā tipu o Pukerua Bay and Growing Up in the Bay.
- Ashley spent a day with Mike Gray, grandson of Charles Gray Esq in Kaikohe and came back with 303 photos including early Charles Gray photos, Lindsay Gray DFC’s medals, WW2 photos and memorabilia as well as photos of records, paintings etc. A treasure trove of Pukerua heritage.
No report
Climate Action Rōpū
- Part of the RA table at Christmas on Field.
- Crop Swap & Recycling Hub – Sat 21 December, 3–4pm
- Strategy meeting on Sunday 15 December
- Treaty Principles Bill
- Conor is going to write a submission for us.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/184rtpDMDbM4Mc7d0vxtag1sRV-XmZx02MmJXlrbXYdA/edit?usp=sharing
- We’re also doing one for Kōrero.
- And there will be one for the TTT group.
- A shared message being that the Treaty matters to PKB. It’s the foundation of the honest, respectful, and reciprocal partnership enjoyed between residents and iwi and is reflected in the values in our village plan. Kate thinks It would be wonderful if the RA, as our parent organisation, could do something similar to pull them all together!
General Business
Freedom Camping submission
Approach we’re not opposed to freedom camping but access via a fragile road. E.g Northern carpark on Centennial Highway. Lack of flat land. Very busy carpark with local residents.
Iain’s great idea about setting up a survey form on RA website
The submission is due before our next meeting
Village Planning Hui
Feedback positive but brief. Need to follow up a couple of other groups that were invited but didn’t come.
Former Plunket Rooms
Matt Hoffman asked for updates. Feedback is they have approval for consulting in the New Year.
Treaty Principles Bill
Iain to draft a brief submission pulling together all the various groups under our umbrella.
CGFF Funding Application
Motion – Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for funding Aon Insurance public liability $713 due July 2025. The funding closes end of February 2025.
Judy moved/ Paul seconded. All agreed. Carried
Beach Signage
Paul has had discussions over the years with council about signage and how they could improve.
School Hall
Heard that there are plans for the school to use the hall for classrooms next year for rebuilding. The hub and RA rep will hopefully have a meeting for more details as it will impact basketball groups, RSA Anzac day etc.
Meeting ended 9.15pm