Minutes Tuesday 10 September 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd
Apologies: Gay
Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Gay Hay, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Iain MacLean, Chris Kirk-Burnnand
Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Ross Leggett
Council updates
Still hasn’t got the garden access. Still hoping but KiwiRail are occupied elsewhere.
Long term plan:
Goal is better management of transport.
74% increase of staff since 2020 (some taken off contract)
Transport – large shortfall. 23 mill debt funding. Over the last 3 years 36 mill funded operational costs, debt funded for 10 years.
Half operating costs from Waka Kotahi, but less funding coming.
May affect in Porirua:
• New bus route from between Cambourne, Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay.
• Regional Busways Programme: Funding to work with WCC, PCC and HCC to develop high-frequency, bus prioritisation corridors including roading and traffic signal changes.
• Porirua Subway Ramps: Seismic strengthening of subway walls.
• Porirua Bus Hub: New bus interchange infrastructure and accessways.
• Council depot and charging infrastructure implementation: Required for future bus growth, fleet electrification and competitive tending of bus services.
Centreport hui last month. Increasing returns that offset rates and they are looking good.
Bus Train Replacement – No southbound shelter.
Action: Chris will put in a request for information
Lots of planting going on especially around TG, Belmont and around inlet. Pest control of stoats coming down TG towards Wellington.
Lots of rabbits at St Albans but not considered same pest as rats, stoats etc.
b. PCC
July 2024 minutes (August was an interim meeting)
Motion: Paul moved to accept July minutes, Gay seconded – all agreed, carried.
Matters arising
Judy McCoy has been contacted about the guest speaker for AGM – waiting to hear (About impact of tree removal and development to Tāupo Swamp).
Financial Report
Finance Report to September 2024 Meeting as at 6 September 2024
BNZ $ 12,691.20
$ 15.35 Interest
$ 530.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 52.00 CGFF Refund
$ 678.50 Korero
$ 782.00 He Ara Website
$ 2.00 Fees
$ 96.99 CGFF Hazelnut
$ 40.00 Codling Moth Spirals
$ 131.10 Rongoa Plants
Invoices – Issued
Invoices – Paid
Invoices – Outstanding
Account balances as at 6 September 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 1165.82
CGFF 002 $ 1552.22
Kōrero 066 $ 1138.97
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 8300.31 CGFF $1000.00 Tree Crop Grant
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Donation
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Korero $ 750.00 Pelorus Grant
$ 50.31 Interest
Motion: Paul moved to move Financials, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.
- From website: Ashleigh Price about bus replacement shelter on southbound side – 18 Aug
(Jane replied it would be brought to the meeting).
Paul has emailed person in charge of bus stops – has yet to hear. - Gay Hay has resigned as the community garden rep to the RA – 5 Sept
Action Items
Completed: Paul to contact other local Residents’ Associations about a hui.
Not completed: Iain to respond to Brian about colour in Kōrero
Action: Chris K-B will put in a request for information about the southbound bus stop.
Project updates
Community Garden & Food Forest
- Security: Cameras and signage (gate, shed and pavillion) installed. Police dog handler local has been dog walking regularly. Neighbour has been collecting cans, we’re going to send a thank you note.
- Codling Moth: Spirals purchased from Tree Crop Assoc. We’ll put out the pheronome trap, spirals and cardboard & vasoline trunk wraps.
- Rongoa: Ara has been in touch with local tangata whenua. Meetings planned when everyone is available. Some plants are purchased and we’re waiting the meetings and appropriate blessings before the plants go in. All receipts to go to Pukeruarbayresidents@gmail.com
- Tea towel sales: 52 left to sell.
- Garden Rep to RA: Gay is resigning from attending RA meetings as the garden rep.
- Funding: The garden are investigating applying to Pelorus Trust for funding (For KiwiRail access) with the help of Iain.
- Toru Education: Doris for POG has asked us to become a partner on the Toru Education website. Gay with write some words and Jane will set up a partner bio. We can then add our events etc.
- Compost: Gay has purchased the mesh bag and is willing to lend it to the garden for brewing compost liquid.
He Ara Pukerua

- He Ara was invited to the PCC farewell for Bill Inge, Village Projects Coordinator. Bill has guided He Ara through the intricacies of installing 19 regular panels and four major installations around the Bay. He will be missed for his extensive knowledge at PCC. We presented Bill with a Freedom of Pukerua Bay certificate as an acknowledgement.
- Great response to the PKB Hub Pop-Up Parlour: Session on 10 September – “Do you remember…” 40 people came from as far away as Dannevirke and as old as 93. Representatives from the Waddiloves, Ryans, Beauforts, Willcocks and Quayles.
- Pou: Kaumatua has returned from overseas but at present at Kīingi Tūheitia tangi.
- Website: Anne has put up several stories and their images. We met with her Friday 6 September to fine tune layout of stories which have many sections.
- Several stories have been written and now being checked by the Naïve Enquirer.
- Heritage Festival Programme released on 8 September.
- Gun emplacement: No response to date from PCC.
Latest edition distributed and on the website.
Waste Free
Climate Action Rōpu
Notes: Successful Crop Swap & Recycling Collection. There are plans afoot for another date.
Ella Garnham is updating the recycling information that Nikky had.
The Spring Series finishes soon with Mike Jebson’s talk and community supper.
General Business
Living without Village Planning – Update
The hui was held on Sunday and everyone was invited from the 14 Village groups. We had Whitby, Plimmerton, Pauatahanui, Titahi Bay and Paremata attend. The meeting was to ensure that the good things that came from Village Planning could continue despite the council pulling their funding. Most of the RA were created as part of the Village Planning process. There were 4 and now there are 14. The process of Village Planning prompted consulting with communities. That method is still sound. The main thing for us is who is our contact at the council to get things done now that Bill Inge is gone.
Annual General Meeting
Date set and advertised in Kōrero. More advertising required. Hoping to hear back from Judy.
Close: 9.00pm