13 June 2023
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Iain MacLean, Dorothy Ibrahim, Moira Lawler, Gay Hay (Community Garden), Tracy Johnson (PCC).
Apologies: Chris Kirk-Burnand, Nikky Winchester, Margaret Blair.
Council Updates
PCC – Rates increase passed at 9.71%. There are some tricky issues with water reforms up in the air, LTP coming next year etc. Council agreed on middle ground in the end. Some submitters wanted to retain rates as they were. Not feasible to maintain levels of service, particularly in infrastructure and harbour. One proposal to take rates to 11%. Little support for that.
Still questions about an adventure park at Spicer landfill land. Proposal from private group but needs Council support as Council owns the land.
No news yet on Plunket rooms consultation.
Council involvement in Talanoa? Not aware of any connection.
GWRC – no report available.
Approval of previous minutes: Moved Iain, seconded Mel. Agreed.
Matters arising from previous minutes.
Bill Inge (PCC) has been sent an invoice for the $250 that Council makes available to residents associations.
Financial report as at 7 June 2023: Moved Paul, Sec Iain. Agreed.
BNZ $ Income: 00 $1600.00 Pelorus Trust Kōrero $ 40.00 Kōrero Invoice Expenditure: $ 1.20 Bank Fees $ 58.00 CGFF $ 165.00 CGFF $ 524.40 Kōrero $ 690.00 He Ara Invoices - Issued $ 40.00 Kōrero $ 400.00 Expenses Account balances as at 7 June 2023 Res Assn 000 $ 140.58 He Ara 001 $ 988.92 CGFF 002 $3226.17 Kōrero 066 $2945.88 Surf Seat 067 $ 154.93
Emails to the Treasurer inbox seem to be getting lost. Paul to chase up with Jonathon.
Action Items.
Paul wrote in support of Living Wage campaign to GWRC.
Paul to chase up the sign on the edge of Scientific Reserve – no response from DOC yet.
Project Updates
Community Garden Food Forest. All pipes for the watering system are now underground. PCC delivered two loads of very good mulch. Thanks to Dave Stone for actioning this. Fruit trees previously purchased will be planted over the next two weeks. A few of us visited Awatea Community Garden and WellFed Trust garden and community programme. Inspirational. Some scaffolding is in place for the pavilion roof replacement to proceed. Most of the vegetable plots have been cleared and mulched to sit over winter; thanks to Mana New World for cardboard boxes for this. Kindy students visiting again – now almost once a term
Executive Committee Handbook: Group still to set up a meeting
He Ara Pukerua: He Ara Website – 28 stories have been entered with more stories to put up, including a biography of Charles Gray, Coming of the Railway, and Te Rauparaha, Ngati Toa and Pukerua Bay. More funding is required to complete the website. Approval was requested from this meeting tonight to apply to Wellington Community Trust for further funds.
Julia Millen’s 1920 – 1940 beach photographs and story were published on the He Ara Facebook page. Excellent comments, 140 likes, 11 shares and 4500 views.
Residents’ website enquiry about relocating a memorial bench. PCC has approved the relocation of Delma‘s seat to the Muri Reserve.
PCC has advised the pou at the beach has been cleaned and resealed with three coats of Silkens Cetol Light Oak Coating to protect it for another three years.
Motion that the Residents Association support an application from He Ara to the Wellington Community Trust for up to $3000 to continue building the website.
Moved Paul, sec Moira. Agreed.
Kōrero: We are finalising the copy for the July edition – with a Matariki focus. Final proofing June 28 with distribution from July 15. Happily, we received a grant in May from Pelorus Trust of $1,600 for printing costs. Thanks to Iain for sorting this out. The next issue will be late September/early October.
Waste Free PKB: No report, although a successful recycling sorting session was held at the RSA. Nikkyis doing a workshop in the climate action workshop series.
General Business
- Climate Action Workshops – draft poster circulated.
- Porirua Community Leaders Forum – invitation has come to the Residents Association and been circulated. Paul will attend, and a couple of other local residents are likely to be there.
- Constitution changes for regulatory compliance. New legislation requires some changes, e.g. Members have to agree to be members, meeting procedures are specified, ways to exclude or re-admit members, voting processes, register of members, disputes resolution process, liquidation, etc. Iain has developed a new draft constitution. In October, the new legislation comes into effect. At that stage, we have to re-register with our new constitution. This means our AGM will need to be in early October. Paul suggested we include a clause allowing the committee to make minor changes to the constitution if required by regulation.
- Annual General Meeting: Wed 11 October AGM date – at RSA 7.30pm Bar open. Light supper. Garth Gully, Nathan Gray or Ben Knight, Jane Campion, Lisa Chatfield, Simon Barber as potential speakers.
- Ahu Trust got $4760 from a Matariki grant funder to support the event in PKB.
- Mel talked to Ben Fountain at PCC on climate change plan development. Will consider EV infrastructure as part of that. Could perhaps have Ben speak to a Res Association meeting.
- Moira met with Tony Jackman, who is concerned about the Muri Rd development. He would like to talk to Simon Barber in a small group. Iain is in touch with Simon and his colleague Will. They will be ready to come back to us in July.
Next Meeting: July 11. Gay is an apology