9 August 2022
Present: Margaret Blair, Paul Fitzgerald, Moira Lawler, Mel Galletly, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Jon Harker, Chris Kirk-Burnnand (GWRC), Kelly McLean, Pauline Morum, Riaan and Kim Botha (Raroa Place)
Apologies: Lenka
Council Updates
GWRC – Transport fares have been reviewed. Hearing on last week. Calls for free transport. Likely to provide free fares for community service card holders and people who use mobility subsidies. Lots of work going on to increase off peak use. Recommendations out next month – decisions in January 2023.
Also working on flooding around Porirua Stream – stream bed moving and likely to encroach Grey’s Rd. Regional Council and PCC passing the buck. Also siltation coming down from Stebbings Valley into the harbour – hard to get GWRC or PCC to take responsibility.
Chris not in favour of light rail – prefers spend on bus services.
Jon – Cost benefit analysis for light rail hard to get right as no integration between WCC, GWRC, KiwiRail etc.
No PCC representative.
Approval of previous minutes
Moved Iain, sec Kate – moved.
Matters arising from previous minutes
Fridge magnet – still to do.
Financial report as at Aug 2022
BNZ $ 7007.97
Income: 00 $ 0.14 Interest
$ 80.00 Korero (Greedy & Co.)
$ 100.00 CGFF Soil & Health Grant
Expenditure: $ 35.00 CGFF Sand for paving
Invoices – Issued $ NIL
Invoices – Outstanding $ 165.00 Korero x 3 (2-3 months)
Project Updates
- Community Garden Food Forest – slow at this time of year. An event planned for Saturday – sharpening tools and pruning workshop.
- Executive Committee Handbook – Nicky sent through drafts at last meeting. Comments needed for Nicky. Needs editing and the role definition might be a bit onerous. Please provide feedback to Nicky.
- He Ara Pukerua – He Ara Facebook
Story of Muri Station to mark opening 70 years ago on 28 July 1952.
Reached 1860 – worldwide.
“So interesting. Thanks for your hard work in researching this piece of history. And thanks for posting!”
“This was the cutest little station on the Paekakariki line.”
Korerō – Story about the earliest stores in Pukerua submitted.
- Kōrero
The edit process has begun on the September issue. We’ve been offered a great deal of copy, with limited space. We will need to consider whether to impose a small charge for community advertising, rather than just asking for a koha. We will be discussing that at a planning meeting, where we will also be looking at themes for future issues. Further suggestions welcome.
We’re also preparing to put in a grant application.
We have agreed to ask Anne whether the PDF for the web could be a colour version.
- Village Plan Review
PCC’s Village Planning Programme Review was completed in the first half of this year, with the report on the 2 June Council (Te Puna Kōrero) agenda. It is available on the Council website through the link here. https://poriruacity.govt.nz/your-council/mayor-councillors/meetings-minutes-and-agendas/?c=All&y=2022&m=6
The phase two consultation will go wider and engage with groups who may be currently undertaking community projects but not through the village planning programme. We await details of a joint village planning group workshop to be held on either Thursday 25 August, 7pm or Saturday 27 August, 9.30am.
Our understanding of our community’s hopes and aspirations have grown through the provision of feedback on the Northern Growth Structure Plan. It will also be assisted by a workshop on climate change planned for 13 October. We’re preparing to publish our own plan, as is, on the website, though need to think through formatting. Our thought is to put it in a bundle with outcomes from other consultative processes, such as the Structure Plan feedback.
- Waste Free PKB – no update
- Roger Watkin wanted to attend – candidate for regional Council.
- Emails from Waka Kotahi re fixing fence at top of Beach Rd
- Emails from PCC on attending meeting to discuss walkways and cycleway
- Email to website asking us to put us in touch with a resident who was here 40 years ago. Paul placed it on FB and raised it at RSA. Person found.
Action Items
PKB EV point. Still waiting for pole testing to see if we can support a charger. Hoping we can find a PCC person to liaise with. Meridian looking at it. Need to decide if we can support a double charge station as Meridian doesn’t support singles anymore.
General Business
Riaan and Kim have a line of wheelie bins at end of street that are left there permanently. Residents drop rubbish in them as they leave rather than taking them back to their houses. Means rubbish is spread through the bush and gardens where children play. 3 households involved. Paul will talk to Bill Inge.
a. Local Election Candidates:
Public meeting September 14th, 7.00pm School & Community Hall, Bring a Plate – Paul to liaise
b. Variation 1 to District plan, including PKB structure plan:
Variation will come out this week. Council thinks good notice taken of PKB submissions. Submissions will close on September 12th . Council happy to attend another meeting and will provide a ‘friend of submitters’ service again. Developers have offered to take committee members on site visits. Possibly weekend after next (20/21).
Suggest August 28th at RSA – Iain to liaise
d. Climate Change Workshop:
Moira, Connor and Kate are exploring a climate change workshop for October 13. Will try to get a sense of the issues and the resources in our community.
e. Village Planning Review Workshop:
We have responded saying we preferred the Saturday workshop. Haven’t heard back. Bringing all the residents associations together. Debbie at Archway Books was asking for some information. Kate will send Debbie some village plan information.
f. Next stage shared pathway and associated works:
Council not ready to update us. Debbie also has an interest in this issue so will be invited to the meeting they attend.
g. TGM:
Waka Kotahi will soon start consulting on transition of our road. Should we consult residents on the issue? Walkability a key issue.