April 2023 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

11 April 2023

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Moira Lawler, Kelly McLean, Tracey Johnson (PCC), Matt Hoffman (PCC), Melanie Gordon (Platform), Iain MacLean

Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Chris Kirk -Burnand

Future of Plunket rooms

Council has been approached by Plunket NZ who no longer need the rooms. Three options under consideration – remove the building, sell building to community and lease the land, Council purchase building.

Leases let have to be consistent with reserve purpose i.e. a community purpose. Could be leased for up to 33 years.

Have you considered shifting the library?

Ahu Charitable Trust – could potentially run a community facility – currently uses existing premises. Would like a home base.

When it closed we lost a space for under twos to go to – still a gap in the community for early childcare support, supported by teachers. Kindergarten Association would be interested but only if building is up to scratch.

Building will need structural work to bring up to code – water tightness etc.

Not yet clear what the costs will be to remediate.

If building is too expensive to fix would Council do a master plan for the reserve – perhaps a barbeque and simple pavilion?

Submissions dues by April 26 – then leadership team will receive a report May/June. Likely to be resolved late this year/early next.

Council Updates

PCC – Porirua hosting South Africa for the Women’s FIFA World Cup.

Nothing to report from northern development. Council currently focusing on movement of traffic. Raises question of need for new rail station e.g. Whenua Tapu, new social services, new supermarket, better cycling options, roading to Haywards etc.

Working with Waka Kotahi on Mana Esplanade treatment – difficult relationships. New water holding tank by Porirua rail station running late – some issues with biodiversity.

Options in next Annual Plan around funding Wellington Water to maintain current levels of maintenance. Consultation on Annual Plan starts in a few days.

GWRC – no report

Approval of previous minutes

Moved by Mel seconded Iain.

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • Moira and Jon to work at getting previous minutes stored on the cloud.
  • Scientific Reserve Signage – Moira to drafted a letter to DOC requesting signage for the reserve. Phillipa Cox now works for DOC and is chasing it up.
  • Friends of Mana Island look after the traps.
  • Iain has been sent a copy of further questions the District Plan panel has asked the Council on the District Plan submissions. Suggest we ask Simon Barber for a copy of the plan to widen Muri Rd. Iain to follow up.

Finance Report to April 2023 Meeting as at 3 April 2023

BNZ $ 7786.67

Income: 00 $ 54.10 CGFF

$ 1045.00 Kōrero

Expenditure: $ 35.57 Surf Seat

Invoices – Issued $

Account balances as at 10 April 2023

Res Assn 000 $ 140.58

He Ara 001 $2254.32

CGFF 002 $3405.17

Kōrero 066 $1831.28

Surf Seat 067 $ 154.93


  • Paul has raised with Council the need to fix the handrail coming round the corner from the main road into Muri Rd. Claire Giblin will follow up.

Project Updates

Community Garden Food Forest – Mike Penhey was gifted a jar of quince jelly (June donated the tree) – was thrilled. Good visit from Tracey Johnson.

Executive Committee Handbook – Nikki to set up a time to meet Iain and Paul.

He Ara Pukerua

  • Our small display of paintings and photo at the school Gala resulted in 3 panorama orders and 2 orders for the waka print
  • Tracy Johnson came for a morning visit so she should be familiar with He Ara. We met at Greedy & Co., had a conversation with Chris Els at the school, and a visit to the Community Garden and morning tea.
  • Ashley, Margaret and Paul met with Doug Havea from the Methodist Church re the placement of the St Luke’s panel. They are very happy about it.
  • We have been in touch with Brian Mosen to tell him about the damage to Delma’s seat. It needs to be repaired or replaced. PCC have replied saying the location on the corner of Haunui Rd & SH59 is no longer safe for a seat to be installed despite the barrier being repaired. They are happy to look at another location in Pukerua Bay. We will follow up with Brian.
  • Dorothy has done a fantastic job of transcribing Miria Pomare’s talk for Heritage Week 2021 at Muri Station.
  • We need to contact QE11 Trust about clearing the site of their sign at Taupo Swamp
  • He Ara had a recipe included in the Pukerua Bay Village Cookbook.

Kōrero – The April edition is being proofed for layout this week.

It will be printed and available on April 20 for distribution in time for Anzac Day commemorations.

The next edition closes June 5 and focuses on Matariki.

Our funding application to Hutt Mana Energy Trust was declined as an application was successful in October 2022 from the Residents Association. The next round we are eligible for is October 2023. Without additional funding the newsletter will run out of funds before the 5th edition. The editorial committee is looking at other grant options.

Waste-Free PKB: I’m waiting for the RSA to respond about a date for the first community collection which I was hoping to hold in late April. Also, I’ve been invited to participate in the Porirua Waste Minimization Local Action Plan Community Workshop on the morning of Thursday 20 April. Details as follows:

As a valued member of our community, we want to hear your thoughts on:

  1. What waste-related issues you are currently facing in your community
  2. What do you see as the main opportunities to reduce waste in your community in the next 6-30 years, and
  3. What actions you would like to see business and Porirua City Council achieve in the waste management and minimization area.

This will help us to form our local Porirua actions for the development of the next Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimization Plan

Surf Seat – nothing to report.

General Business

  • Grant applications – need to work through how groups fundraise under the Residents Association umbrella.
  • Gala – Moira to send out an email to people who registered interest at the gala giving them some information.
  • Matariki being organized for July 22

Next meeting May 9