October 2020 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road

Present: Paul FitzGerald (Chair), Nikky Winchester (Secretary), Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Jonathan Harker, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Josh Trlin (PCC)
Apologies: June Penhey, Pauline Morum, Bill Jackson,Jenny Brash (GWRC)
Approval of previous minutes: moved Iain MacLean, seconded Jonathan Harker, none opposed, carried.

PCC update

Josh explained that PCC had applied for the national wage subsidy during Lockdown, but that MSD have since said that it needs to be paid back, which will put the rates up by about a quarter of a percent. PCC are currently consulting on the climate strategy, as a result of last year’s climate emergency declaration and the Long Term Plan which includes a priority on climate response. There is a quick online survey which everybody is encouraged to complete.

Action: Josh to research marketing materials for distribution on noticeboards.

Josh explained that the Village Planning review is taking place partly due to a lack of funding, as well as the issue that there has been some blurring of the line between work that should be “business as usual” and work that should be part of the Village Planning budget. The committee stressed the importance of ground-level democracy and of using local expertise to ascertain what communities need, and also noted the many hours of work put into Village Planning work by volunteers across the city.

Action: Paul to reach out to other Resident Associations to see if we can work together once the review process starts.


00 Account

Expenses: $69.00 Surfers’ Seat postcards
Income: $19.00 BBQ and teas at Community Garden open day; $28.33 T-shirt sale; $0.13 Interest


An email was received from Julie Buckley on 7 October regarding making contact with locals whose property is a Significant Natural Area.

Action: Nikky to pass on to Kate for Ted Coates.

An email was received from Holly Couch on 11 October regarding advertising a greenstone necklace which she found on the beach. Nikky responded.

Progress on action items

Action: Bill/Jon to discuss options for cloud storage.
Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
Action:Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising an art auction in November/December.
Action:Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.
Action: Margaret/Nikky to discuss the process for adding Nikky to the list of signatories.
Action: Iain/Paul to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.
Action: Margaret to organise the seat plaque for Ernie Amey and Kath Fowler.
Action: Kate to talk to Robyn about updating the Civil Defence plan for the village.
Action: Iain to contact Brent Tandy at DOC re signage on the beach.

Iain made contact with Brent who said he will talk to a colleague regarding getting improved dog signage and scientific reserve signage.

Committee Handbook

It was suggested that the handbook include appendices clarifying specific processes such as submitting of finances to Companies Office, Council contact details etc.

Action: Paul, Nikky, Jon, Iain and Kate to meet and discuss further.

Projects update

Muri Platform building

He Ara Pukerua is planning to open the station building over Labour weekend. Mr Schrof will be attending the group’s meeting later this week.

Food forest/community garden

The group has received an amendment from PCC to what they thought were the protocols for operating the garden. Previously, it had been agreed that work could take place on Wednesdays 9.30am-4.30pm and Saturdays 9.30am-4.30pm. As a result of representation by a local PCC are now proposing work can only be done 9.30am-12noon every second Wednesday and 10.30am-2.30pm on one Saturday a month. The group is arguing against this because the garden was set up with wide community consultation and as part of the village plan; the group is required to maintain the building and keep it under good repair, which requires sufficient time; the proposed times exclude people who work weekdays; and there is not enough time being allocated to adequately maintain the garden.

Action: Paul to respond to PCC.

Village Plan review

Kate wrote to Justine at PCC explaining the background of the plan and asking for funding for design, printing and marketing, but no response has been received.

Action: Kate to instruct Jane to go ahead with preparing the designs.

Community centre

Iain emailed Nick Young, Diocesan Manager, asking if they have made any decisions about the future of the St Mark’s building. No response has been received as yet.

Proposed amendments to rules

There was some discussion about putting notices in letterboxes, and about the announcement period needed for an AGM.

Action: Jon to speak to Christine about putting the School Newsletter on the RA website.

Other business

Action: Iain to provide information on the Scout Hall’s entry on the Heritate Register to He Ara Pukerua.


Josh notified the committee that no Council members will be able to attend as it clashes with the Porirua Youth Awards.

Action: Kate to forward 2018 speech about June to Paul.
Action: Iain to email everybody on Mailchimp to ask if they still want to be on our mailing list.
Action: Paul to print off ballot papers in case of a vote.
Action: Committee to arrive at hall by 7pm for set up.

Meeting ended: 9.35pm
Next meeting: 10 November 2020