November 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Present: June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)
Community: Brian Sullivan
Apologies: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Bill Jackson

Approval of previous minutes: moved Jonathan Harker seconded June Penhey, none opposed, carried.

Appointment of Officers

Appoint six positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Online Treasurer and Online Secretary.

Motion: Appoint Paul FitzGerald as Chair. Moved Jonathan Harker, seconded Margaret Blair. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Iain MacLean as Deputy Chair. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Jonathan Harker. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Nikky Winchester as Secretary. Moved Jonathan Harker, seconded Margaret Blair. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint June Penhey as Treasurer. Moved Nikky Winchester seconded Jonathan Harker. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Margaret Blair as Online Treasurer. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded June Penhey. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Jonathan Harker as Online Secretary. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Nikky Winchester. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Matters arising

Action: Iain to check minutes with regards to the unallocated payment of $21.

Action: Iain and June to do the accounts.

Action: Iain to resend the Village Planning survey to the committee so they can fill it in as a test.

Action: Iain to do letter of thanks to Pamela for storing the old station building for many years.

Action: He Ara Group to investigate the status of the Scout Hall on the Heritage list.

Brian informed the Committee that fundraising options for 2020 are being discussed on Thursday.

The Muri Station building has been reroofed.

Paul FitzGerald and Ashley Blair had a meeting with PCC last week about renaming the bottom part of Raroa Reserve, to stop the confusion about having three different entrances to the Reserve. As per their conversation, the Parks Team has agreed to undertake the following:

  1. We will replace missing or damaged signage on the Raroa Escarpment, at the entrance to Raroa Reserve on Raroa Place, and at Wairaka Reserve Playground.
  2. We’ll work through the Reserves Act process to rename the Waimapihi section of Raroa Reserve and change it to a separate reserve as part of our review of the Porirua City Reserves Management Plan (currently scheduled for 2023).
  3. In the meantime, we will arrange for signage to be installed at the entrance to Waimapihi. The signage will be installed at a location, and will be of a design, that is agreeable to the Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association.

PCC Update

Nathan Waddle has been in his new role at Porirua Council for one month and has his first committee meeting tomorrow. The Mayor has set out her plans for the coming years, which includes protecting the Harbour, cutting services, and community engagement.

GWRC Update

Jenny Brash explained that GWRC’s priorities for the coming period include: train replacements; bus priority routes; and coastal erosion works at Queen Elizabeth Park. The Chair of the Council is Darren Ponter.


WordPress contacted Jonathan: the Residents Association needs to pay $6/month for spam filtering on the website, because they believe that our website is a commercial site, due to selling calendars through it.

Action: Jon to pay with his credit card in the first instance, and then ask for reimbursement at a later meeting.

Action: Jon to extend the RA website to include a space for He Ara to upload information.

Reuben Friend at Pataka has offered to tie in their website with He Ara.


As at 1 November 2019:

Main account: $5261.68

Fundraising: $1955.04

PCC paid $4600 for the Community Garden balance.

Action: June/Margaret to set up a new ledger for the Community Garden.

Pauatahanui Parish has cashed its cheque but the Print Room hasn’t cashed theirs yet.

Motion: To pay Iain MacLean $1000 as repayment of a cash advance from December 2018. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Jonathan Harker. None opposed, motion carried.

The 2018 AGM expenses of $48.40 have already been paid to Print Room.

New cheque signatory

The current signatories are June Penhey, Iain MacLean, Pauline Morse and Brian Sullivan. The Committee agreed to retain the existing signatories for the time being.

Fundraising for 2020

The Kindy were going to do the calendar but have now changed their mind, and will do it next year instead. In the meantime, Brian is gathering quotes to print t-shirts and tote bags. Brian and Pauline will discuss designs and quantities to print. They will be selling some at the Kindy Twilight Fair as a trial run, and then intend to print in volume for sales at Christmas on the Field and at the 2020 School Gala. They requested $300 from the Committee as a seed fund.

There was some discussion about the standard costs the RA needs to pay throughout the year.

Action: Jonathan to talk to Bill at PCC about installing lockable bollards on the Muri Station platform to stop vehicle access.

Community Garden

Brian explained that a member of the group has suggested using RoundUp for a couple of years, to stop the grass from choking the delicate plants, while they get established. The group however decided against this. There will be a meeting next month, during which the group intend to do some hand weeding. It was also noted that the group needs a philosophy of purpose.

There was a suggestion that people in the villare are encouraged to adopt trees and become responsible for looking after them. Paul said he would be able to create timber stakes to be placed by the trees, with the person/family name on.

Jon suggested the group consider working with the school shade house.

Action: Jonathan to do some weed whacking around the trees with a strimmer.

Action: Mel to speak to the school next year about encouraging children to adopt trees.

Action: Jonathan to do posts on the RA website for the community garden group, He Ara and other village groups as required.

Other business

June noted that the engine braking sign has been knocked over.

Action: Paul to speak to NZTA about getting a new sign installed.

Paul went to a meeting with Bill from PCC and John from Te Araroa about the new drinking fountain. This will be placed across the footpath from the playground, and might be installed before Christmas. The water supply will be brought down from Sea Vista Drive.

Meeting ended: 9.00pm
Next meeting: 10 December 2019