Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate
Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, David Olsen,
Nikky Winchester, Dale Williams (PCC)
Community: Roger
Apologies: Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, Jenny
Brash (GWRC)
Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul
FitzGerald, seconded Brian Sullivan, none opposed, carried.
Matters arising
The land the daffodils grow on has been mowed by PCC.
Brian and Paul wrote to Katie Brown at PCC about the renaming of Raroa Reserve and are waiting for a response.
Action: Jon to create a demonstration QR code on one of the plants in the community garden, pointing people to the RA website where they will find more information about what the plant is, when it flowers/fruits etc.
Action: Iain to take the letter in to the bank and ask them about the process of getting online banking.
Action: Iain to talk to Chris at the school again (later in the year) about the steps and boardwalk at the edge of the field near the dairy.
Action: Iain to email Steve again to express concern about the alignment of the crash barrier.
As at 1 June 2019:
Main account: $105.56
Fundraising: $3454.12
There were some late calendar sales.
Action: Brian to put a complaint in to BNZ about their poor handling of the process of adding June to the bank account.
Received 4 June email from Tracey Steel at PCC re the Civic Awards ceremony which is taking place on 17 June at Pataka.
Subdivision on Muri Road
Pauline wrote to PCC expressing concerns about the impact of the subdivision on Muri Road. PCC have a roading workshop in July at which they will discuss a number of roads in the city which need work. Muri Road is the highest priority in the Northern Ward. David did some traffic movement counting over a week. He found that approx. 120 cars a day moved along the road, but on Queen’s Birthday it went up to 350.
Action: Paul to draft a letter on behalf of PBRA to support Pauline’s email to PCC and advocating for immediate improvement to Muri Road.
Update on hall discussions with School Board
A meeting was held recently and a draft policy has been written. The new School Board has just been elected. It is hoped that the old Board will approve the policy before the new Board take over. They have meeting scheduled for this Thursday.
Plimmerton Farm development – PCC actions
PCC is applying to the Minister of Environment for permission to use a streamlined planning process for this development, so that the resource consent application can be considered by PCC and the Minister under the rules of the new District Plan which is not yet officially in place.
PCC update
Community garden
A capital budget of $7,000 is available to further support establishment of the community food forest garden this financial year – including the purchase and installation of a secure tool shed (storage container) and purchase of additional plants. We’re pleased to report that the locations for the old station building and the mini cube container have now been agreed with neighbours’ support (as per the site plan below). We’ll let you know when Royale Wolf have confirmed a timeframe for delivery of the two structures to site.
He Are Pukerua heritage project (next stage)
This project ($14,500) comprises the next stage of the He Ara Pukerua (Heritage Trail) project – including additional research for, and the printing of information boards identifying areas of historic, cultural and natural significance for Pukerua Bay, and installation of a combination of (existing) large format signs and bollards.
Traffic Management Plans have now been approved for installation of the bollards and this work is scheduled to commence within the next week.
Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives
Operational funding of $2,750 (in the form of a grant) is available to support Pukerua Bay Community Hub initiatives (working in partnership with Porirua City) to address social isolation and improve connectedness in the community. While your team has been exploring survey development options, we understand you’d now like to put this initiative on-hold until the 2019/20 financial year. Your request for funding to now be made available in 2019/20 is being considered as part of the Village Planning project request process (noted below).
Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension
A capital budget of $5,000 (which will supplement the $40,000 carried forward from 2017/18) has been approved for surfacing of the Ara Harakeke shared pathway between the Pukerua Bay shops and Wairaka Road (SH1). With the slip/footpath alongside SH1 having now been completed, we’re exploring a range of pathway options including the resilience of each option and associated costings. We hope to be able to discuss the options with you (as well as the constraints and risks associated with each option) in the next week or two.
We’ve recently sought approval to carry-forward the $45,000 project budget to allow sufficient time to further assess the options and engage with the local community in due course.
Muri Reserve way-finding signage – Te Araroa Trail
This project includes installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station (which has already been incorporated into the large MetLink sign). We recently met with the Te Araroa Trail Trust and agreed that the focus should now be on improving signage from the station to the main track. While we still don’t have KiwiRail approval for the remaining signs we remain hopeful that they’ll be able to be installed by 30 June.
Village Planning project requests for the 2019/2020 financial year
Thank you for submitting your village’s preliminary project requests for 2019/20 – and for coming in to discuss them with operational staff. Project requests are currently being assessed and will be considered for approval by the Council’s City Delivery Committee in early July.
Village Planning
Kate has been working on the survey document.
Action: Kate to share with the committee for comments.
Other business
Iain met with Richard Noakes (GWRC), Megan Rickerby and Bill Inge (both from PCC) to discuss the future of the Muri Station building. GWRC will write a letter to formally hand over ownership to PBRA on behalf of the community. GWRC are intending to repaint it, put new perspex into the windows and put a door on it before it becomes our responsibility.
The Heritage Group are hoping to have the next set of signs installed in a few months.
Kate received 2 phone calls from Fulton Hogan about the gardens. They have sprayed off the plants and are going to put in different plants.
St Mark’s is being deconsecrated and the parish is intending to sell the building and sell the land to a housing developer.
This Thursday 7-8pm Mayor Mike will be at the RSA to chat with residents.
Meeting ended: 21.12 pm
Next meeting: 9 July 2019