May 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes


Tuesday 8 May 2018

Present: Iain MacLean, Jonathan Harker, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Kate Dreaver, Paul FitzGerald, David Olsen, Dale Williams (PCC). Community: Mel Galletly, Janine McDermott.

Apologies: Pauline Morse, Guy Marriage, Beccy Davis, Jenny Brash (GWRC).

Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul, seconded Brian, carried.

Matters Arising

Quarry: Fulton Hogan have decided not to proceed with the quarry.

Long term plan: Submissions done.

Beach erosion: We have submitted that beach erosion should be addressed in the long term plan.




$2386.08 fundraising account

Paid $500 to the school from the calendar sales.


Tam Peters: regarding contacting the Kererū Trust, NZTA, and PCC about signs for motorists to slow down to avoid collecting dead kererū.

Trevor Watkin: ex-resident, to put up a notice on the website about his new novel.

Porirua City Council update

Ara Harakeke footpath from shops to Wairaka Road: PCC have taken over from NZTA. Geotechnical investigation by ENGEO done two weeks ago, full drawings done in the next few weeks. PCC hope to start the repair work in early spring. It needs to be able to take the footpath extension width of the shared pathway project, and is being accommodated through the ENGEO design process using the plans previously developed by Stantec in preparation of this project.

Te Araroa Trail/Muri Reserve way-finding signage: (2016/17 year project) Current plans include installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station, and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station. The final sign design is now completed in draft by Pukerua Bay designer Jane Comben and PCC would like to get feedback from us and the Te Araroa Trail Trust before printing and installing the signs. PCC have scheduled a walk-over with Gary Simpson for next week.

Muri Road safety improvements: lights now prioritised; email from Bill Inge to say that Downer will be at Muri Road from Monday 14 May, to be reviewed by PCC on site Thursday 17 May, and is chasing North Power to connect the new street lights now that the paperwork has been completed.

Heritage trail: An ‘uncovering’ ceremony for the heritage bollards is scheduled for Saturday 19 May, and will include a community litter pick along the walkway. Kenepuru Engineers are currently manufacturing the stainless steel inserts for the large signs, as well as the skinks for all the signs. This and the four bollard signs will complete the current-year budget this project.

Engine braking sign: The Council’s Roading team have requested further details from the group regarding the direction of the trucks using engine braking (is it northbound or southbound trucks, or a combination of both?)

Engine braking by-law: Dale: no change since last year. A city-wide review of all speed limits and by-laws will take place after Transmission Gully opens in 2020, and due to the lengthy process involved there is no appetite within council to do any by-laws before then, since anything started now would coincide with that date anyway and require review.

Community garden: PCC has received the updated site plan and plant lists, and will report back to the group once costing is completed.

SH1 pedestrian refuge by shops: Steve James was doing it, now with Mark Owen, who has confirmed that NZTA still wish to construct this pedestrian refuge opposite the public toilets before the end of June, if the costing is lower than the previous quotation. Unfortunately he has not yet updated PCC about the exact project schedule.

Te Awarua O Porirua Whaitua Committee: is keen to talk with local residents’ associations and community groups about what they’ve been up to and how you can get involved. The Whaitua Committee consists of a broad range of community representatives including farmers, householders, iwi, Councillors (both Local and Regional), business owners, scientists, recreationalists and environmentalists. The purpose of the committee has been to facilitate community and stakeholder engagement in the development of a Whaitua Implementation Programme (WIP). The WIP is a non-statutory report to GWRC which will contain recommendations for specific plan provisions and work programmes for the integrated management of land and water resources within the whaitua boundary. The Whaitua Committee was formed partly in response to the government’s new freshwater management regime for New Zealand (set out in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management). This includes minimum standards for freshwater that regional councils must seek to achieve, so the overall water quality in a region is maintained or improved.

District Plan Review & engagement: Housing, suburban sprawl, harbour protection and public transport were hot topics raised by residents in the Make Your Mark campaign. PCC aim to notify a proposed District Plan in 2019 and have an operative plan in late 2020, subject to the outcome of hearings.

Community Garden

Garden folks have got together with permaculture expert Gary Williams and revised the garden plan, and have identified trees and plants to buy before June.

He Ara Pukerua walk

A community walk-and-talk opening for the new signposts is planned for 19 May, with the mayor attending, and the CEO of QE2 trust, botanist. Should be good fun. Bring the kids!

Garden on Wairaka Road

Much gnashing of teeth. Council shaved it at ground level, and we cannot legally weed it ourselves without a temporary traffic management plan rigmarole and cost.

Community Hall

Working bee went very well, 25-30 people of all ages helped to remove half a zillion staples from the walls, and great to see a community turn-out.

No engine braking sign

NZTA have acknowledged that they approve the location of the sign, and PCC need to approve the sign. Also would like an indication of need from the community.

Action: design a survey for online of around 3-4 questions, to do online first. Follow up with mail drop depending on uptake.

Other business

Beach erosion: asked Barbara to find out about a regional planning angle.

Action: Iain to prod Barbara.

PCC planning workshop: Brian found it immensely positive.

Mobile coffee kiosk: presented by Mel: Kāpiti Coffee Company could be persuaded, and there is potentially a spot next to Reds. Streetwise are an expensive franchise. Another possibility is a converted ambulance for $20,000. Would need someone to take it on. Suggest contact with Beccy at the Hub. Also to bear in mind there has been objection from NZTA and PCC in the past about carts in the car park, due to potential safety concerns and disruption to SH1 traffic flow at peak times.

History: June entertained us all reading out some choice snippets of history from a newsletter of the Plimmerton RA in a box of stuff from 1975!

Meeting closed: 8.55 pm

Next meeting: 12 June 2018