Tuesday 8 November 2016
Present: Iain McLean, Brian Sullivan, June Penhey, Jonathan Harker, Paul FitzGerald, Kate Dreaver, Dale Williams (PCC).
Community: Josh Wrightson, Olly Gittins, Peter Roach.
Apologies: Nick Vincent, Beccy Davis, Pauline Morse, Bill Inge (PCC), Beverly Wakem (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC).
Appointment of Officers
Appoint four positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Motion: Appoint Iain as Chair. Moved Paul, seconded Jonathan. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint Brian as Deputy Chair. Moved Iain, seconded Paul seconded. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint Jonathan as Secretary. Moved Iain, seconded Brian. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Appoint June as Treasurer. Moved Iain, seconded Kate. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.
Approval of previous minutes
See: October 2016 minutes.
Minutes amended for a grammar mistake and Mark Owen missing from the crash reduction study section. Moved June, seconded Kate.
Matters arising from previous minutes
See: October 2016 minutes.
Beach Smash: application to council, will be sending off after Steve has reviewed it. PCC may ask for a bond for use of the reserve, which has not happened before.
Pest-Free Pukerua Bay: meeting at the School Hall on Saturday 12 November, 10 am.
St. Mark’s Café: survey is going well. Kris Dando from Kapi Mana News interviewing Nikky.
Crash reduction: Mark to send online docs, so we can set up a survey for their information.
Te Araroa Walkway: in-person walker survey postponed for now.
Financial Report
Balance: $3010.62
Expenses submitted for the AGM, printing flyers and documents, $115.90
Motion: by Jonathan to reimburse Iain above expenses. Seconded Paul, none opposed, carried.
Received an inquiry from the website contact us page about the skate park (see below).
Skate park submission
Josh Wrightson, Olly Gittins: doing a project at school about the history of the skate park, and want to talk to some of the folks who organised it. In 2009 PCC and the RA helped locals to refurbish it. Brian suggests the skate park as a stop on the Heritage Trail project. New ideas were also suggested for the skate park, extending the ramps and adding a drinking fountain and public toilets. Kate suggests involving the school and including these ideas in the village plan update.
Action: RA to email a list of involved folks to Josh.
Issues arising from the AGM
Crash reduction study: the suggestion of moving the proposed pedestrian refuge nearer to the northern shop car park entrance. This additionally blocks south-bound traffic from using the car park northern entrance, and does not remove the turning bay into Teihana Road. Dale suggests to test layout feasibility using temporary sandbag structures. Online survey needs to happen quickly.
Action: RA to arrange an online survey and gather responses for the crash reduction study.
Review of Village Plan
Kate Dreaver: village plan is due for a review, last reviewed in 2011. Survey approach to be reviewed. PCC in the past has paid to have written responses analysed and codified, which is fairly arduous. Canvas for new ideas first, then add to a new survey of current items and new items.
Action: Kate to arrange a meeting for the survey strategy.
Heritage Trails
Another meeting tomorrow morning. Prices from Bill Inge for the signage, funded out of the VP budget. Progress with the GWRC folks around permission to erect signs at the station.
Upcoming meetings – Pest-free Pukerua Bay, school future
Pest-free Pukerua Bay meeting at the school hall on Saturday 12 November, 10 am.
School future provisioning meeting at the school hall, Thursday 10 November, 7 pm. To discuss the proposed “decapitation” (capping at Year 6) of Pukerua Bay School, meaning Year 7 and 8 students would need to go to another intermediate school.
Community food forest garden access agreement
Bill Inge (PCC) negotiating a separate access agreement with KiwiRail for the community garden by Muri Station, separate from the walkway arrangements. We are happy to see where this leads.
Porirua City Council update
First post-elections PCC meeting will be 30 November. Dale chairing the CEO’s performance committee. Goal is to make the council more enabling for local communities.
Community Garden Access: We are continuing to seek a response from KiwiRail to our proposal that we separate the access issues along the platform to initially focus on just your access to the garden so you can get started. We will then look at resolving the wider platform access issues at a later stage.
Muri Food Forest: Bill Inge and Robyn Steel are preparing a simplified version of the Council’s draft lease agreement for you to use this land, which will be sent to you to review and ultimately sign.
Green and Gold Heritage Trail: Bill Inge is pricing up the cost of your favoured sign for the next meeting of the sub-group working on this project.
Te Araroa way-finding signage: A project to survey walkers about what signage is needed and where will be done after Christmas.
Footpath Ara Harakeke Extension from shops to Wairaka Road: This project is alive but on hold pending NZTA’s crash reduction study and safety improvement proposals as per the presentation to your committee tonight.
Muri Road safety work: Downer, the Council’s Roading Contractor, is due to return to do another cut-back of vegetation along the road to follow on from the street light reveal. We have now received Downer’s Muri Road lighting improvement proposals, which we will share with you once we also have Downer’s suggested road safety and access proposals. We expect to receive them in the next couple of weeks.
Other Business
Suggestion from Peter Roach to extend the footpath on western side of Muri Road onto Gray Street by another 10-15 metres, so that people crossing from SH1 can cross safely, closer to the intersection so that traffic is slower with more visibility.
Action: Iain to approach Pauline to include it in the Muri Road safety work.
Meeting finished: 9.25 pm.
Next meeting: Tuesday 13 December 2016.