June 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 14 June 2016, 7:30pm

Present: Committee members: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Paul FitzGerald, Brian Sullivan, June Penhey, Jonathan Harker; Bill Inge (PCC), Bronwyn Kropp (PCC).
Apologies: Justine McDermott (PCC), Tim Sheppard (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Dagmar Pesendorfer.

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Brian, seconded Paul.

Matters arising from previous minutes


Financial Report

Balance: $3214.55



PCC Council Update

Annual Plan hearings: Council has had deliberations since the plan hearings. It now goes to PCC Finance to calculate the rates, before they are formally set by Council at the end of June.

Muri Road safety: Several submissions supporting a formal walkway beside the road. Council has asked PCC Roading for a report.

Pedestrian crossing outside school: this is being investigated as a minor safety improvement.

Speeding issues on SH1: we need to keep asking for the speed measurement at the southern entrance to Pukerua Bay, which was discussed previously with NZTA.

Action: Iain to follow up.

Muri Road safety improvements

Escalated to PCC Roading for more consultation, meanwhile the proposed plan has been put on hold. Installation of new street lights is not considered suitable as a Village Planning project.

Action: Bronwyn to follow up with PCC roading and clarify our position.

Te Araroa track issues

No toilets on or near any of the suggested walkways to the track, except for the suggestion to cross SH1 to the shops. Parking is too dense at the end of Muri Road. Website and signage differ about routes to the train station (via SH1 or via Muri Reserve).

Action: Iain to follow up with Gary Simpson.

Community Garden

The PCC lease to operate the community garden on the Muri Reserve land will be signed up at the end of this month! Accessway construction is pending the Kiwirail agreement, and a possible reprieve to extend funding to complete the accessway granted to 30 September 2016.

SH1 safety

Safety barrier from shops to the overbridge. NZTA require a consultation with the nearby houses in Te Kura about entrance off SH1 being blocked by barrier. This had been done in late 2014, but needs to be repeated as some residents have moved since then.

Safety Rail suggested for the garden at Wairaka Road/SH1 corner. MWH to come up with a solution to make the garden safe to maintain.

PCC Annual Plan submission

Pukerua Bay School road crossing — ask PCC to talk with the school board to get this to happen.

Other business

Kapiti Biodiversity Project, attempting to extend the rat trapping.

Meeting finished: 8.55 pm

Next meeting: Tuesday 12 July 2016