September 2008 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 9 September 2008, 7.30 pm

Present: Jack Fry (chair), Tim Bright, Graham McLaughlin, June Penhey, Gill England, Robyn Moore, Kate Dreaver, Stu Farrant, Tim Sheppard, Ian Barlow, Euon Murrell, Trevor Farmer, manager of the Emergency Management Office
Apologies: Pat Hanley, Dagmar Pesendorfer.

Minutes: no minutes (dinner meeting), but see “Report from the Chair” below

Matters Arising (including matters since last meeting):

  • Skateboard bowl tenders and funding applications – progressing nicely to imminent selection of contractor.
  • Meeting with Fisheries – strong progress and clear action identified. Sub-committee will confer with Graeme Hastilow of Ngati Toa and begin the process of applying for an extension to the Rahui as per intermediate action agreed with Fisheries’ Randall Bess. Consideration must also be given to which of the options presented at the meeting delivers the best longer term outcome for all, so relevant action can be undertaken.
  • Residents’ Association application for funding from PCC – Councillors have agreed to take the matter up with PCC.
  • NAP – Telephone discussion with Roy Hitchcock of Transit – Ian Barlow is continuing to manage this as best as he can. The Residents’ Association will keep a close eye on progress and endeavour to present our NAP in person to the Transit board ASAP. Suggestion that the Chair write to PCC CEO Roger Blakeley asking him to write to CEO Jeff Dangerfield of Transit on our behalf. We need clarity due to the confusing and conflicting information we have received from a number of representatives of the previous and current incarnations of the Land Transit Agency. Note the Residents’ Association has an audio record that appears to confirm our understandings.

Financial Report: as tabled

Correspondence: as tabled

Marine Protection

Next steps, see above and the Chair’s report. Stu will talk to Tim Bright to agree other steps, such as carrying out a second marine survey that may show positive increases in marine life to support the proposed extension.

Village Planning

  • Skateboard bowl: see above
  • A motion was passed to apply for funding the skate park from philanthropic trusts. Moved by Graham McLauchlan, Kate Dreaver seconded.
  • Planning for south area of Ocean Parade: Stu to meet with Tim and other sub-committee members regarding Ocean Parade and Marine Protection matters. No negative feedback on the Ocean Parade landscape plan as displayed. Te Ati Awa endorsed the plan to restore a more natural landscape and the idea of including historical contexts. Apparently the stream teamed with whitebait 40 years ago! Te Ati Awa offered to provide coordinates of (beach) pa sites at a future meeting (Robyn to follow up).
  • Marine planning sub-committee so far: Kate, Gill, Tim, (Pat?) and Stu and Robyn.
  • Suggestion from PCC for sub-committee to liaise with Keith Calder, Harbour Coordinator for Porirua.
  • Sub-committee to confer with Ngati Toa and community as per Stu’s proposal regarding worthwhile vegetation restoration projects for Nga Uruora in Pukerua Bay.

Civil Defence: Thanks to Trevor Farmer for introducing Readynet, the emergency preparedness network.

  • National figures for preparedness in event of a natural disaster – 75% not ready.
  • Readynet is proposed as a cost efficient way to improve this.
  • Porirua City requires a good spread of survival supplies and ways to know where they are, what plans are in place, and who the points of contact are.
  • Web-based Readynet is a system of contacting people and sharing information in emergencies.
  • Readynet can provide an early warning system in the event of all sorts of emergencies – by text and email to users.
  • Jack Fry has agreed to coordinate for Pukerua Bay.
  • to register.

Other Business

  • Notice board: Jack has had some trouble in terms of where the notice board will go. The board has been constructed (thank you Jack!), but as yet it is not quite clear that it can go by the dairy.
  • Web site: Put up minutes and the NAP report if possible before next meeting.
  • Telecom towers: Does the Rawhiti Road cell phone tower proposed require resource consent? – Ian to look into this and get back to us if yes.

Meeting ended 9.00 pm

Report from the Chair