Tuesday, 8 July 2008, 7.30 pm
Present: Graham McLaughlin, Pat Hanley (Chair), June Penhey, Gill England, Robyn Moore, Kate Dreaver, Dene Wade, Stu Farrant (new member), Tim Sheppard, Ian Barlow, Euon Murrell
Apologies: Tim Bright, Dagmar Pesendorfer
Minutes: accepted; Graham, Kate
Matters Arising: The general consensus was that there be no membership fees charged but we may ask for donations. We will apply for council funding. Pat to write to PCC requesting $500.00.
Financial Report: We are to pay $4,456.07 for the Waimapihi Stream project – solar panels and related work. These funds were received by way of a grant from the Mana Trust. Approved.
Correspondence: PCC Annual Plan and related documents. Discussion document re. policy on trees and planting. Robyn reported on this matter. PCC proposes to develop a plan for managing trees and vegetation on council-owned land and in new subdivisions. A report is due in October with public submissions to follow. The committee strongly endorsed this initiative by the council as it reflects the submission made by the Residents’ Association on the PCC Annual Plan.
Transit New Zealand: Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan
The Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan (NAP) has now been submitted to Land Transport NZ. We have asked that we be advised of next steps by the end of the month as we are unclear as to what happens now. The NAP report is to go on the web site with a copy in the letter and a notice in the next newsletter alerting people as to where they can find a copy to read (Ian to email copy of NAP to Dagmar so she can put it on the web site).
Marine Protection
Nothing to report; we are still trying to get a meeting with Fisheries officials and Ngati Toa.
Village Planning
- Skateboard bowl: Plan is now finalised and ready to go out to tender; companies interested – a 2 week turn-around for the tenders. Upgrade of lighting along the adjacent footpath will be done with the costs paid by the Council, not from Village Plan funds. One macrocarpa tree is to be removed as it is a danger to nearby properties. Ian reported that a successful arbor day was held, resulting in a lot of new planting in the area near the skateboard bowl. Neighbours have been approached regarding fencing and that is all in hand, again the cost being met by the Council or part by Council and part by the pertinent property owner.
- Planning for south area of Ocean Parade: The Plan is now on display in the book shop and is also on the web site. We hope we may get an article in Kapi Mana. Kate will be the contact on this project. We still need a costing to include in our Village Plan budget for 2008/09. Kate to contact Linda Kerkmeester for a costing.
Civil Defence: Nothing to report.
Other Business
- Transition towns: It was thought that a public meeting to discuss this idea would be a good idea. Pat to contact local speaker. Could be combined with a presentation on Sustainable Transport – Paul Minnett with whom Robyn has been in contact.
- Pamela Meekings-Stewart has asked to meet with the Residents’ Association to discuss her plans for eco dwelling on her property. This was agreed.
- Waimapihi Stream project: Some temporary work has been done on one of the foot bridges and further work will be carried out by PCC to insure safety.
- Notice Board at Dairy: Anne Johnston has prepared several options for a banner for the notice board and this could also serve as a letter head for the Residents’ Association.
The next meeting is scheduled for 12 August and is to be informal, shared meal with Sue Driver invited to attend to thank her for all the work she did on the NAP.
Meeting ended 9.00 pm.