February 2025 Residents Association meeting minutes
Minutes Tuesday 11 February 2025
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd
Attending: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Judith Frost-Evans, Jane Comben, Jonathan Harker.
Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Ross Leggett, Iain MacLean.
Community members: Pamela Nunn
Last month’s minutes a true and accurate representation
Moved Judith / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried.
Note: Judith was away in Nov but there in Dec minutes.
Council updates
PCC – None
GWRC – None
Matters arising
Bus Shelter – Paul has had no contact Thomas Nash. Signage at Muri Road giving direction to bus stops essential. Involving Te Araroa Trust, GWRC and Metlink (Including App).
Action Items
Treaty Principles Bill Submission – we’ve submitted, offeref to speak but not called so far
Freedom Camping Submission – prepared but not submitted in time due to illness. Emailed to see if we can under the circumstances.
Financial report as at 8 February 2025
BNZ $11,330.72
$ 7.34 Interest
$ 20.10 He Ara Tee
$ 175.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 462.35 CGFF Pelorus Trust
$ 108.00 CGFF Summer Festival
$ 50.00 Korero Advert
$ CGFF Rongoa
$ 471.59 CGFF Kiwi Rail
$ 206.80 CGFF Running costs and Crankie
$ 227.70 CGFF Crankie printing
$ 155.25 He Ara Website
Invoices – Issued
$ 1410.00 Korero
Invoices – Paid
$ 50.00 Korero
Account balances as at 8 February 2025
Res Assn 000 $ 459.15
He Ara 001 $ 237.67
CGFF 002 $ 2535.21
Kōrero 066 $ 1300.27
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 6623.69
CGFF $1000.00 Donation
CGFF $ 500.00 Payment
He Ara $5000.00 Donation
Residents $ 123.69 Interest
NOTE: As at 29 January Gay has five TT to sell.
Motion: Pay for the “Story of the Garden” Crankie printing costs $227.70 incl.
Moved Jane / seconded Judith, All in favour. Carried.
• Draft from CGFF to be emailed to Margaret
• Action no budget
• He Ara
• Kōrero
o Consider Koha for Anne Johnston for all her work
o Accountability report for the Pelorus Trust required
Moved Margaret / seconded Paul. All in favour. Carried
20 December 2024: Whetū Bennett – celebratory event
January 30, 2025: Megan Krishnan – Placemaking and community meet up for local Res Assoc
February 6, 2025: Whetū Bennett, and follow up email. Screening of Tina, Thursday, 27 February, 5:00pm at Lighthouse Cinema Pāuatahanui. Suggest we share with Climate Action People – such as Megan and Matt.RSVP is by Friday. (All tickets now allocated)
January 25, 2025: Judith Frost-Evans. Various concerns brought up. See General Business in these minutes.
Project Updates
Community Garden Food Forest
Successful Summer Celebration

- $111 from plant sales
- Launched the “Story of the Garden” crankie
- 60 people attended including VIPs and Mayor
Budget – prepared for the RA with help from Yvonne
(Costs over $200 need a RA motion)
Motion for RA: Pay for the “Story of the Garden” Crankie printing costs $227.70 incl.
Tea towel account
$4264 costs (printing)
$6250 sales
$1986 Profit
Rongoa progress
- Driftwood collected for use on the slope. More required.
- Planting planned for April/May
- Plan to prepare holes for planting
- Notice will be given when Taku Parai is available to bless that particular part of our garden.
Planning for the fundraising Calendar and Garden Trail underway
- Palmers have promised $500 sponsorship towards printing
- Printing quotes received
- 10 Garden hosts for the trail being arranged
Crankie of Garden story outing to Porirua Childrens’ Library Storytelling Festival
Gay and Judith told the story aimed at involving children in gardening. It was very well received and posted on Facebook by the library.
Application Hutt Mana charitable trust underway
- Concept plan from Dave and Jen purely for the purpose of getting quotes
- Motion required in the RA minutes for funding application
CGFF Funding Application
- Motion – Pukerua Bay Community Garden and Food Forest has the approval of the RA to apply for funding from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for a total of $2113 for:
– Funding Aon Insurance public liability $713 due July 2025.
– Water collection and distribution system $400
– Composting storage and management $1000
Applications open on 1 March 2025.
Moved Judith, Seconded Jane. All in favour. Carried
He Ara Report

- A Short History of Muri Station, Pukerua Bay on He Ara Facebook along with displayed copy at the Community Garden Summer Celebration generated positive interest and feedback.
- We shared photographs and stories of the Gray family with Alan Gray and Lindsay Olsen, both descendants of Charles and Elizabeth Gray.
- Additional photos added to Lindsay Gray DFC and Charles Gray stories on He Ara website.
- Additional material being prepared for Lindsy Gray DFC story.
- Regular He Ara meetings recommence on Thursday 13 February
- Next Kōrero, He Ara would like a full page for an Anzac theme
No report
Climate Action Rōpū
Regular Crop Swaps
- This year it is still to be held at the RSA every third Saturday of the month from 3-4pm.
- December swap included Te Tiriti Bill submission help
- Ella has smartly suggested that the March event take place at the School Gala* where we can host crop swapping and recycling collection under a Hub gazebo. *To be approved by School Fundraising Trust
- We have been giving back to the community by donating any excess to the community garden. Gay has been the contact here.
Thoughts about a name change to “Pukerua Bay Climate Café” to align with Plimmerton crowd to be discussed.
- No upcoming expenses planned as yet.
- $70 cash held by Kate
General Business
Jonathon suggest we rearrange the website home page navigation. To elevate the key groups and demote Village Planning. He will also archive pages and information that is no longer relevant. Margaret has requested access to minutes from 2005/6. The last minute cannot be sourced.b. Dog Control rules for our beach
(Judith email 25 January)
I propose we approach PCC for new clear public notices regarding dog control.
Given that a staff member from Parks will be attending our meeting, this might be a good time.
The purpose of these notices will be to protect Korora and other wildlife and also to give peace of mind to humans who don’t wish to swim with dogs or have dogs roaming..
I will include more background below…
Korora Protection
For both dog rules and our vulnerable Korora I would like to see a sign on Pukerua Beach Road at the place where there are lines painted for cars to stop to allow uphill vehicles through.
This would be seen by visitors who at present can drive down and park somewhere out of sight of any signs.
The sign could state;
‘Welcome to our Special beach which has rare and vulnerable species in need of all of our care’
Please see restriction by laws for dog and vehicle control at the bottom of this road.
Or whatever the sign experts recommend.
Citizen Action
Could we print a small summary of the rules for handing out to people with dogs? These could be 6 or 8 to a page and printed at Stationary Warehouse very cheaply. I speak with some dog owners but at other times I feel intimidated – see below for an example.
Action – Paul has discussed signage previously with Andrew Gray, PCC. Paul will email the full story and our suggestions to Ross Leggett, to follow up with Council.
Muri Rd Kahikatea trees
(Judith email 25 January)
Mindful of the SNA’s that are adjacent to Muri Road, to be monitored with future development
Rubbish Bin removed from Beach corner of Brendan Beach
(Judith email 25 January)
They took one out, replaced with new bin and then removed.
Paul, to add to list for Ross.
Haunui Road Speed restriction
(Judith email 25 January)
I have previously emailed regarding the 30km sign on Haunui Road which was removed.
Pamela understands that the sign was put up by a resident so not gazetted. Pamela is in conversation with the Council concerning the dangers to people and animals. It seems the council is looking into the conduct of drivers on Beach and Haunui Roads and related safety factors. She will keep us informed.
Community and Placemaking
(email from Megan Krishnan)
This ties in with our work on the hui after the end of Village Planning.
Paul is happy to respond to email, go and we’ll recommend March dates.
Communication with PBRA members.
A courtesy email update to people who are signed up members, who attended the last two AGMs (as per new incorporated rules where people need to opt in). Possibly a quarterly newsletter.
Request Kōrero half a page advert for Residents’ Association. Judith to find out the dates so we can discuss at the next meeting
St Mark’s.
There is an upcoming parish meeting about the future of the building.
Action: CG Budget to Margaret – Judith and Jane
Action: Contact Megan and Matt (3 tickets) from Whetu – Jane (done)
Action: Paul to contact Ross Leggett about beach signage, Freedom Camping Submission, Community and Placemaking.
Meeting ended 9.06pm
February 2025 Residents Association meeting minutes Read More »